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Drunken Lullabies

Dustin Wikoff
This is the Drunken Lullabies feed. It contains all episodes of Drunken Lullabies, a craft beer and music podcast. It also features the spin off Drunk at the Movies, a film commentary podcast, My Personal Mixtape where musicians select their 10 favorite songs from their careers and we discuss them. Plus MashUp Mondays and the newest series Radio Rewind, where we look at the Billboard Top 10 from 10, 20 ,30, & 40 years ago each week.
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A pop culture time machine! Each episode covers that very week from 30 years ago, 20 years ago and 10 years ago, which means each show is loaded with forgotten movies, timeless TV episodes and songs best left to the past. We'll examine TV, movies, music and video games from the 90s, 2000s, and 2010s. Come remember with us!
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Flashback Requests (Barry James)

Flashback Request Show (Barry James)
Tuesday Evenings, 9 pm - 12 midnight on Caroline Flashback
Barry first found music when he borrowed his sister's record collection when he was about eight and was hooked. When Caroline started it was a new beginning, and he listened to all the stations, but Caroline was his favourite by far. Later he became a singer in a band, then started doing discos when he was 18. He joined Caroline in 1977, touring the country with the Caroline Roadshow for 10 years, having great fun. Barry helped with tender trips and worked on the Ross Revenge in '84 and '85. He has done many RSL's with the station, and is very proud to be part of THE LEGEND. Barry has worked at Hastings Rock, XLfm in Ely, and Tulip Radio in Spalding. Barry is married to a very understanding wife, Bud, has 3 children and 5 lovely grandchildren. He says he will work for Caroline for as long as they want him – or can put up with him! LA. Barry now presents his own show on Friday mornings on the main channel, and rotates presentation duties for Flashback Requests on Tuesday evenings with Clive Garrard and Dave Foster. Send your requests during the show to: requests@carolineflashback.co.uk.
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Finders Keepers Records

Finders Keepers Records
Behold Finders Keepers, a British record label, 4…
Behold Finders Keepers, a British record label, 40 years in the making, introducing fans of psychedelic, jazz, folk, funk, avant-garde and whacked-out movie musak to a lost world of undiscovered vinyl artifacts from the annals of alternative pop history. Catering to record collectors and DJ-producers alike with a huge emphasis on sample friendly soundscapes, rocksteady back-beats and primitive electronic experimentalism. Discerning purveyors of the bizarre and abnormal should expect the Japanese choreography records, space-age Turkish protest songs, Czechoslovakian vampire soundtracks, Welsh rare-beats, bubblegum folk, drugsploitation operatics, banned British crime thrillers and celebrity Gallic Martini adverts... presented on CD, 7" and traditional black plastic discs in authentic packaging. Following in the very same footsteps as the mind boggling "Music To Watch Girls Cry" and "Songs In The Key Of Death" mix CDs for Fat City Records and the original 5-star rated Finders Keepers compilation LP in 2001, Manc-based vinyl-vulture, recording artist and record producer Andy Votel enlists the skills of fellow B-Music DJ and Rare Disc Detective Doug Shipton to form a team of psychedelic librarians and cosmic-pop-quiz-elitists to run their new Twisted Nerve distant sister-label, leaving no progressive pebble unturned or record collection un-rifled. Future compilations and re-issues will feature collaborative curators such as David Holmes, Cherrystones and Bob Stanley and further contributions from mystery A- / B+ pop-celebrity fanatics of outsider music and ultra-rare bakelite discs. Finders Keepers is an 'accidental world music label' with a punk aesthetic and DJ friendly ethos which allows the desperate listener to sit back while we deliver schizoid cultural channel-hopping compilations and rocking-horse-shit & hen's-teeth re-releases to the comfort of your psych-starved living room...
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The Jazz Treasury Podcast is devoted to exhibiting the best of jazz history in the format of an auditory tour of America’s richest indigenous music. Bi-weekly a different aspect of jazz will be presented. It may be a portrait of a musician such as Duke Ellington or John Coltrane. It could be a specific instrument like the bass or trumpet. We may visit a jazz city like Chicago or New Orleans. Other exhibits will focus on genera such as bebop or swing. Your curator and tour guide, Rich Sylvester, has over 40 years of jazz background to share. So, whether you’ve just begun to explore the art of jazz or consider yourself a connoisseur, tune into The Jazz Treasury. The Jazz Treasury podcast is always open!
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Radio Free Brooklyn
Http://radiofreebrooklyn.com On 50 Years Ago This Week, host Jim Melloan counts down the Top 40 from exactly 50 years ago. Jim gives some details about the background of each song as it debuts on the chart, and plays later covers (or earlier originals) of many of the featured hits. Radio Free Brooklyn is a non-commercial community freeform Internet radio station, streaming original content by artists and residents of NYC’s most populous borough 24/7. We live in an age in which the media is too often used as a means to constrain and restrict rather than express. Radio Free Brooklyn is building a communication infrastructure to strengthen the community of artists and residents of NYC’s most populous borough. Our Mission: We chose Internet radio not only because it is the most accessible medium for many, but because radio can be so many things: a subversive apparatus, a political cudgel, a prank, a ritual, a bond. We broadcast not the commercial dross that clogs the terrestrial airwaves, but original programming as diverse as the programmers themselves – stories, sound art, radical ideation, comedy, sex, and experimentation yet unheard. We are a community organization - all are welcome to participate.
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Unbreak My Chart

Unbreak My Chart
The podcast that tapes the Top 10 and talks about it at school the next day, hosted by Fraser McAlpine and Laura Snapes. Email us! unbreakmychartpod@gmail.com Tweet us! csi_popmusic (https://twitter.com/csi_popmusic) + laurasnapes (https://twitter.com/laurasnapes) Nice stuff that smart people have said about UMC: "As pop critics, Snapes and McAlpine have plenty of background information and anecdotes to augment their rundown of the week’s chart. If only all playground debates about music had been so well informed." -- Caroline Crampton, The New Statesman (http://www.newstatesman.com/culture/podcasts/2017/04/how-podcasts-are-reviving-excitement-listening-pop-charts) "While the charts have become both confused and sidelined in recent years, they’re still an invaluable insight into the machinations of the music industry, something this pod proves in gratifyingly informed style." -- The Guardian Guide (https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2017/apr/07/the-10-best-things-to-do-this-week-syd-russell-brand-and-i-am-not-your-negro)
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Chronique sonore de l'audio-naturaliste Fernand DEROUSSEN
Comment partager les sons de la nature en intéressant l'auditeur toujours curieux de savoir ce qu'il se passe . Simplement, en lui racontant une histoire vécue. Je suis Fernand DEROUSSEN et depuis plus de 40 ans je parcours la TERRE en quête du beau chant, de merveilleux chorus, de l'ambiance exceptionnelle pour témoigner de la beauté des sons de la nature sauvage. Je vous propose chaque semaine une chronique de mon travail d'audio-naturaliste au fil de mes rencontres et de mes émotions. How to share the sounds of nature by interesting the listener who is always curious to know what is going on. Simply, by telling him a real life story. My name is Fernand DEROUSSEN and for more than 40 years I have been traveling the EARTH in search of beautiful songs, wonderful choruses, and exceptional atmospheres to witness the beauty of the sounds of wild nature. Each week I offer you a chronicle of my work as an audio-naturalist, based on my encounters and my emotions.
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