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Le podcast de ceux qui veulent se remettre en question
Je vis d'internet depuis 2006. Entrepreneur dans l'âme, retrouvez moi en Podcast pour parler de mes aventures de chef d'entreprise et de développement personnel.
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Chanteur durable

Théophile ARDY
Concert de proximité, scènes partagées, rencontres vivantes, productions en circuit-court... avec chanteur durable, je vous invite à découvrir les pionniers d’un nouveau territoire de chanson.
Il y a 3 ans, alors que j'arpentais les jardins des particuliers pour livrer la chanson à domicile, un couple d'amis s'étant récemment lancé dans la permaculture me dit : "Tu es un chanteur durable". Je suis Théophile ARDY de la compagnie Des histoires en musique. Concert de proximité, scènes partagées, rencontres vivantes, productions en court-circuit... avec chanteur durable je vous invite à découvrir les pionniers d’un nouveau territoire de chanson.
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One of the most delightful and enduring classics of children's literature, The Secret Garden by Victorian author Frances Hodgson Burnett has remained a firm favorite with children the world over ever since it made its first appearance...
One of the most delightful and enduring classics of children's literature, The Secret Garden by Victorian author Frances Hodgson Burnett has remained a firm favorite with children the world over ever since it made its first appearance. Initially published as a serial story in 1910 in The American Magazine, it was brought out in novel form in 1911. The plot centers round Mary Lennox, a young English girl who returns to England from India, having suffered the immense trauma by losing both her parents in a cholera epidemic. However, her memories of her parents are not pleasant, as they were a selfish, neglectful and pleasure-seeking couple. Mary is given to the care of her uncle Archibald Craven, whom she has never met. She travels to his home, Misselthwaite Manor located in the gloomy Yorkshire, a vast change from the sunny and warm climate she was used to. When she arrives, she is a rude, stubborn and given to stormy temper tantrums. However, her nature undergoes a gradual transformation when she learns of the tragedies that have befallen her strict and disciplinarian uncle whom she earlier feared and despised. Once when he's away from home, Mary discovers a charming walled garden which is always kept locked. The mystery deepens when she hears sounds of sobbing from somewhere within her uncle's vast mansion. The kindly servants ignore her queries or pretend they haven't heard, spiking Mary's curiosity. The Secret Garden appeals to both young and old alike. It has wonderful elements of mystery, spirituality, charming characters and an authentic rendering of childhood emotions and experiences. Commonsense, truth and kindness, compassion and a belief in the essential goodness of human beings lie at the heart of this unforgettable story. It is the best known of Frances Hodgson Burnett's works, though most of us have definitely heard of, if not read, her other novel Little Lord Fauntleroy. The book has been adapted extensively on stage, film and television and translated into all the world's major languages. In 1991, a Japanese anime version was launched for television in Japan. It remains a popular and beloved story of a child's journey into maturity, and a must-read for every child, parent, teacher and anyone who would enjoy this fascinating glimpse of childhood.
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The Turnaround with Jesse Thorn

Maximum Fun and Columbia Journalism Review
The Turnaround is a new series about our greatest living interviewers, hosted by Jesse Thorn and produced by Maximum Fun and The Columbia Journalism Review. Featuring conversations with prominent interviewers about their careers and their craft, the show is a perfect resource for a new generation of storytellers and journalists. You'll hear Jesse speak with Larry King, Terry Gross, Werner Herzog, Audie Cornish, and so many more!
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Nos lieux en'Chantés

Des histoires en musique
Une causerie mariant temoignages, chansons et patrimoine.
A deux pas de Lyon, le pays Mornantais, un plateau, des coteaux, un pays dans le pays… Je suis Romain LATELTIN enfant du pays. Et moi je suis Théophile ARDY enfant fraichement adopté. Nous avons une mission : explorer le pays Mornantais, sa culture, son patrimoine, ses visages, ses paysages pour trouver ce qui relie ses 30 000 âmes… Nous allons causer avec les gardiens des histoires et légendes / ayant traversé le territoire et les années Nous allons sillonner le pays pour capter sa vibration et tenter d’écrire des chansons qui raconte son histoire en musique. Notre cap ? Le festival itinérant « Nos lieux enchantés » qui invitera des artistes à chanter leurs propres chansons et celle du lieu, décor de leur spectacle. Pour vivre notre pays Mornantais avec nos 5 sens Pour explorer ses couplets, traverser ses ponts et entonner ses refrains en chœur, Pour en... chanter nos lieux !
tous les 5 résultats