Medium c65d62bb33c5001a71c8766f3263b9b2ba3f32b7


Jon Le Targat
Le premier podcast français sur Doctor Who
Le Gallicast est LE podcast français sur Doctor Who. Lancé en mai 2010, le Gallicast était le premier podcast amateur français sur Doctor Who. D'abord présenté par Joël et Jonathan, l'équipe c'est agrandie au fil des années, avec Michel, Thomas, Marie, Dusty, Benjamin et bien d'autres. Longtemps indisponible, l'intégralité des épisodes sont de retour progressivement sur les différentes plateformes de diffusion actuels. Découvrez ou redécouvrez plus de 160 épisodes sur notre série favorite, Doctor Who.
Mots-clefs : doctor who ,gallifrance,torchwood,the sarah...
Medium 9ef9ccfe465770ad562454b6fd4c58006a8ad346

La Cabine Bleue

Aristote et sa bande
Podcast belge dédié à Doctor Who
Hello! La Cabine Bleue est le premier et unique podcast entièrement dédié à l'univers de Doctor Who. Chaque semaine l'équipe de chroniqueurs passe en revue (et en profondeur) un épisode de la célèbre série de science fiction! Allons-y!
Mots-clefs : science-fiction, Doctor Who ,Série,Fiction,Chronique,Belgique
Medium 0d9bb56d7a01802718cc9e55a80be90647b17b6f
Cette fan-fiction se situe entre la fin de la saison 9 et la saison 10 de Doctor Who. Le docteur vient de voir pour la dernière fois de sa vie River Song, sa femme ; il vient aussi d'effacer à jamais de sa mémoire les souvenirs de sa compagne de la s...
Cette fan-fiction se situe entre la fin de la saison 9 et la saison 10 de Doctor Who. Le docteur vient de voir pour la dernière fois de sa vie River Song, sa femme ; il vient aussi d'effacer à jamais de sa mémoire les souvenirs de sa compagne de la saison 9, Clara Oswald, il ne serait même pas capable de la reconnaître malgré ce qu'il dit.
Mots-clefs : Totypice,Saga mp3,Typo, Doctor Who ,Docteur Who,Hybride,Série...
Medium dcadee1e31beac5d97c296391b396342958095eb
Frances Hodgson Burnett’s book "A Little Princess" begins as seven year old Sara Crewe is dropped off at a boarding school by her rich father. She has grown up in India and has lived a very pampered life...
Frances Hodgson Burnett’s book "A Little Princess" begins as seven year old Sara Crewe is dropped off at a boarding school by her rich father. She has grown up in India and has lived a very pampered life. Even though she is rich, she is very friendly to everyone and the students all love her. Unfortunately, the woman in charge of the school does not like Sara and when her father dies on a business trip, the head mistress is angry that she will not get the money she is owed for Sara’s care. She makes her live in the attic with the maid and to do chores to earn her keep at the school. Sara is mistreated, but still remains kind to others and helps anyone she can. One day, Sara finds some money and buys some food from a bakery. When the baker sees her give away most of the food to a beggar girl, he believes Sara is a princess and invites the little beggar girl to live with his family. Sara continues to teach the smaller children and withstands the abuse from the adults around her. When a strange man moves into the house next door, Sara becomes friends with his servant. He is impressed with how kind she is and is angered about her treatment at the school. He secretly sends her food to help her in some small way. Eventually, Sara discovers something very important about the man who is helping her. A Little Princess is an amazing book that proves again that dreams can come true. It also shows that even when life is not going the way you would like it, you should still treat others the way you want to be treated. The end of the story is very satisfying, but readers will want to know more about this special little girl.
Medium 2131a38cdd2c9298b4ba765ffcc924fd3587da13
A podcast covering all of British science fiction including but not limited to Doctor Who, Blake's 7, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures, UFO, Thunderbirds, Space: 1999, War of the Worlds, The Tripods, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, etc. ENHANCED
From the creators of Doctor Who: Podshock, a podcast covering all of British science fiction including but not limited to Doctor Who, Blake's 7, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures, UFO, Thunderbirds, Space: 1999, War of the Worlds, The Tripods, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and more. Hosted by Louis Trapani and friends. ENHANCED Podcast (AAC). A production of Art Trap Productions. See other podcasts at arttrap.com.
Medium c97fcb6a0e948c55abe3b80423e438f51fc5513d
Mattic presents The Ghost In The Machine Music Hour
Mattic aka Doctor Outer A American Master Of Ceremony/Sound Editor Who Lives And Works On Music In France Brings You A Musical Experience From His Vast Music Collection Life is like music for its own sake. We are living in an eternal now, and when we listen to music we are not listening to the past, we are not listening to the future, we are listening to an expanded present. Welcome to my universe in sound. Enjoy
Medium 11393faa38be22e83f03583ad9688c76b3c9c57e

Spock on a Blue Box

Sn Parod et Thomas
Spock on a Blue Box, une émission qui décortique 2 shows télé similairement différents, Star Trek et Doctor who.
Voyageons à travers le temps et l'espace, cette frontière de l'infini, en compagnie de Thomas et Sn Parod pour décortiquer à chaque émission un épisode de 2 séries, Star Trek et Doctor Who, et voir leurs ressemblances et leur différence au fil du voyage. A chaque émission, un nouveau thème !
Mots-clefs : doctor who ,star trek,series,tv,show...
Medium d611599410d0c6dd51b3ad9781e9c929b65c2506
Votre rendez-vous sur Doctor Who !
La rédaction de WHONIVERSE.fr vous donne rendez vous sur Itunes pour retrouver ses podcasts. Vous y retrouverez toute l'actualité de Doctor Who, mais également des bilans et des reviews !
Mots-clefs : actualité,Actus audio,bilans, Doctor Who ,geek,podcast,reviews,series tv,WHONIVERSE.fr,Whoniverse.fr...
tous les 8 résultats