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Hosted by Laurence Maslon, BROADWAY TO MAIN STREET is a weekly radio program devoted to the greatest songs of the American Musical Theater. Originating from WPPB 88.3FM on Long Island's East End, each weekly episode celebrates the shows, stars, songwriters, and cultural phenomena that makes Broadway a legendary place. Music taken from classic original cast albums, film, cabaret, rare recordings, and unique interpretations, with commentary, guest appearances, and news from Broadway.
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Drunken Lullabies

Dustin Wikoff
This is the Drunken Lullabies feed. It contains all episodes of Drunken Lullabies, a craft beer and music podcast. It also features the spin off Drunk at the Movies, a film commentary podcast, My Personal Mixtape where musicians select their 10 favorite songs from their careers and we discuss them. Plus MashUp Mondays and the newest series Radio Rewind, where we look at the Billboard Top 10 from 10, 20 ,30, & 40 years ago each week.
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l'autre francais

Podcast l'autre français
Learn French in a funny way, based on a newspaper…
Learn French in a funny way, based on a newspaper article, including familiar expressions and slang. Films and songs links included to get a better approach of french culture
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On Set Coffee

Wiliam Gras
Podcast qui parle de cinéma entre aphisionados du 7ème art
On Set Coffee s'apparente au premier abord, à une émission de cinéma qui aura ,pour singularité, d'être beaucoup plus léger sans pour autant s'éloigner des codes du podcast audio. Soyez témoin d'une conversation, d'un débat, d'un "café-philo" entre passionnés de cinéma, mais avant tout entre amis qui aiment converser et partager leur culture et leurs connaissances. Chaque émission traite d'un sujet plus ou moins large pour varier entre un sous-genre de cinéma, un style de films ou encore une série et tout ce qui peut se rattacher de près ou de loin au dit sujet traité. En bref, parler tout simplement du cinéma dans sa globalité sans prétendre d'être expert en la matière.
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