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Welcome to the Chasing Tone Podcast! Join Brian Wampler, Blake Wyland, Richard Oliver, and other guests as they talk about guitars, guitar pedals, amps, and other guitar gear, answer questions, and discuss all things guitar related as well as how to get the most out of your gear to get the best guitar tone. There will be a healthy dose of off-topic nonsense as well as a look at all things happening in the world of guitar, music, our work at Wampler Pedals, and the music industry in general. If you suffer from G.A.S. or just simply like to listen to gear podcasts, you'll love Chasing Tone.
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Podcast Damocles

Podcast Damoclès
Bonjour, et bienvenue sur la page de Damoclès, le…
Bonjour, et bienvenue sur la page de Damoclès, le podcast consacré aux enjeux de défense et de relations internationales au sens large. Au menu : prospective, technologies, industries, conflits, géopolitique, sécurité... Autant de sujets complexes et sérieux que nous tenterons de vous présenter. Vulgariser sans être vulgaires ; simplifier sans être simplistes ; être pertinents sans être barbants, questionner sans décréter : telles sont nos ambitions. Les chroniqueurs : Cécile : Docteur en Sciences de la vie, spécialisée en Neurosciences et maladies infectieuses, qui s'intéresse aux questions de relations internationales et de défense entre deux expériences. Nicolas : Docteur en Neurobiologie, également spécialisé en maladies infectieuses et relations internationales, intéressé par les questions NRBC et tout sujet à l'interface entre la Défense et les nouvelles technologies. Waël : Diplômé de l'Institut Supérieur de l'Armement et de la Défense, créateur du Blog Du Tungstène dans la Tête, passionné par les enjeux de défense et de relations internationales, en particulier liés à l'industrie de défense. Yann : Administrateur du site Air-Défense.net et de son compte Twitter.
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Welcome to "Fashion Personality And Beautiful Young," a podcast channel hosted by Jeffrey Scott Dehart, CEO of the renowned fashion company Pediclothing. Join us as we explore the latest fashion trends and discuss fashion-related topics, from the fashion industry's impact on the environment to the intersection of fashion and culture. Our channel aims to promote individuality and self-expression through fashion, as we believe that fashion is not just about following trends but also about expressing one's unique personality and style. more About Pediclothing: Website: https://pediclothing.com/
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Welcome to Trending Beautiful Fashion, a podcast channel created by Robert E Brown, CEO of the famous fashion company Seonpytee. In this channel, we will explore the latest fashion trends and discuss topics related to fashion, including sustainability, diversity, and inclusivity in the industry. We'll also take a closer look at the creative process behind fashion design and the challenges that come with running a fashion business. About Seonpytee: Website: https://seonpytee.com/ https://www.pinterest.com/seonpytee/
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