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Grand Canal

France Inter
Grand Canal
Chaque soir, Eva Bester propose un nouveau rendez-vous dédié aux mondes de la culture et des idées. Une heure d’entretien avec des artistes, des philosophes, des scientifiques, pour comprendre leur oeuvre, leur parcours et leur réflexion Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
Medium 5bd74b59307c130d899e032c7a9d68b16adfee32


il ne peut en rester qu'un!
Nous comparons l'original et son remake/reboot dans la bonne humeur ce qui n'empêche pas une rigueur digne des meilleurs horlogers suisses.
Medium a69360529bedca4e60fd1aa7f233f610b1d43eb8
J. Scheid has dedicated both, his thèse de IIIe cycle (1975) and his doctorat d'Etat to the exploitation of epigraphic and archaeological evidence on public priesthood and official religion in Imperial Rome, namely to the Arval brethren, whose considerable political and religious relevance had so far been ignored: He has shed light on the social background that their priests were recruited from and has supervised the excavation and examination of the sanctuary that the fraternity administered and used. John Scheid has based his subsequent studies on the Arval brethren's annual protocols, so as to reconstruct and interprete the rituals that the fraternity had established. From these he has derived a model, that he has proven to be applicable to all public religious acts in the antique city of Rome. In identifying these acts as essential parts of public life, he has established them as valid sources for analysing the institutions of the Roman Empire in its entity. His research presently has three directions : He continuously works on the institutions in Imperial Rome in general and is preparing a new edition of the Res Gestae Divi Augusti. A second branch of his studies is dedicated to the religious practice of the Romans: he supervises the excavation and analysis of cult sites in Rome and Tunisia (La Magliana and Jebel Oust) and manages the project Inventory of the cult sites of antique Italy' in collaboration with Olivier de Cazanove. An additional project deals with the archaeology of rituals: in this area, J. Scheid's main interest lies on the concrete traces of religious practices, as they manifest themselves in death ritual. Together with Jacopo Ortalli, he has initiated the foundation of an international team of experts on necropole excavations, which is currently carrying out the exemplary excavation of a completely untouched necropole in Classe (Ravenna). In a third research area, John Scheid examins Greek and Roman mythology in a comparative research method, in cooperation with Jesper Svendro.
Medium 3c23a1931c2fac9c8b73ece7652e75b145a2c790

Actu Nutrition

Marie-Christine LAROUDIE
Pour mincir et rester en forme !
Pour mincir et rester en forme !
Medium 9ee3e415bcb7d0c695af5cd49b4195ef2057fce2

Audio Drama for Pessimists

Jester's Baffies Productions
It's another day closer to the grave, so pull up a stool and grab yourself a half-empty pint of bitter audio drama with a disappointing finish. Actually, there's no real point. Everyone always dies at the end. Go and listen to something else instead. One of those "entrepreneur" shows or something...
tous les 5 résultats