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The Oasis Podcast

The Oasis Podcast
Oasis Podcast is the only ongoing podcast/ radio show dedicated to the most influential band of the 1990s, Oasis. We delve into the history of the group as well as discussing many other areas of music and pop culture through in depth interviews with people who experienced the phenomenon that was the rise of Oasis at the time. We discuss the impact on pop culture back then, plus their legacy today. With high production values we edit the shows together with archive material from the time, including rare tracks, live performances, interviews and more.
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The Best Mix Of Yesterday & Today. Hand selected, eclectic music from legends and up-and-coming artists.
Tune in every friday at 1 PM PST sharp and begin enjoying rich and original content provided by K-SUN66 THE HITS 'Classics hits and more' through their All For One show. Artists you'll hear: The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, The Band, The Byrds, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, John Lennon, Tom Petty, Billy Joel, Elton John, James Taylor, Jackson Browne, Van Morrison, David Bowie, CCR, CSN, Neil Young, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Allman Brothers Band, Tedeschi Trucks Band, Gov't Mule, Bob Seger, Steve Miller Band, The Doors, Bruce Springsteen, Led Zeppelin, Robert Plant, Genesis, Yes, Kansas, Styx, Journey, Steely Dan, The Doobies, Fleetwood Mac, Linda Ronstadt, Warren Zevon, Eagles, Glenn Frey, Don Henley, Randy Meisner, Timothy B. Schmit, Poco, Chris Hillman, J.D. Souther, Richie Furay, Joe Cocker, Pink Floyd, David Gilmour, Roger Waters, Jethro Tull, John Mayer, Oasis, Liam and Noel Gallagher, Ryad Kerbouz, Jonathan Wilson, Counting Crows, Venice, Jason Isbell, Lukas Nelson, Ray LaMontagne...
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The only tejano podcast from Chicago, IL
Since 2013 Noches Pesadas is the only Tejano radio show podcast out of Chicago, IL. Having started in 2013 the founder (tv/radio and digital media veteran Carlos Mendez) thought if great bands like La Sombra, Grupo Oasis and more came from Chicago why is a show not produced here? He took his money and began the show on local radio station WCEV 1450AM. Months later the show moved to WRLL Radio Formula 1450AM where it stayed until January 2016. Carlos hosted, sold to sponsors and produced the show. During this time he also began distributing the program as a podcast and through the tune in app. Til this day it is still broadcast through both of those digital mediums where it averages tons of downloads from places all over the United States. If you want the show broadcast at your local station please call them and demand it. Let us know what you think at carlosradioarte@yahoo.com or instagram carlosmendezradio or twitter @djrocktonik or FB:http://facebook.com/djrocktonik
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Easy Ed's Variety Hour

Easy Ed's Variety Hour
Easy Ed's Variety Hour radio show features rockabilly, old r&b, 50s rock 'n' roll, and vintage country music. The best of old and new bands!
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Easy Listening
Taking you to far-away places and bringing them home to you.
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"Let The Music Speak"
Troostradio - een initiatief van Zuylen Uitvaartverzorging Breda, verzorgt online naast een radiostation ook een podcast, waar je 24/7 kunt luisteren naar troostende, verzachtende muziek. Radiostation: https://zuylen.nl/troostradioPodcast: https://tinyurl.com/38htys2pFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/troostradio.nl/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/troostradio/Overzicht: https://linktr.ee/frits365
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Black-Eyed N Blues

OnTheHORN.com Music Director Brian T. Lee showcases music from blues, jazz and funk artists making the rounds in Connecticut. Brian’s easy going attitude and love of music has turned his show into one of the most downloaded podcasts on the Internet.
with Brian Lee & Brian Parker Blackeyed & Blues host, Brian “T-Bone” Lee showcases music from blues, roots and funk in a 90 minutes weekly podcast. T-Bone’s love of music and easygoing commentary has made his show one of the most downloaded podcasts on the Internet.
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Caution: it rapidly grows on you!
My picks on the new releases (Tech, Deep, Techno, Minimal, Electronica, Indie, etc.). I don't listen to the radio nor check the music charts, so what you hear reflects my tastes, my personality . In addition to my regular podcasts I will post on a regular basis Chill House Mixes. I hope you will enjoy!
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Deathpunk talk for Bad Mongos.
Turbojugend Radio is a podcast that gets you up-to-date on all the news and gossip surrounding Turbojugend and its worldwide activities. From the rear end of Europe in Cologne, Germany, Tschebesta, Turbojugend Søngerknaben Wien, broadcasts this on-demand radio show on a monthly basis in a audio-magazine that covers various regular segments such as in depth discussions on more or less important topics that penetrate not only our minds. Apart from that, Tschebesta talks to Jugend members from all countries and continents, to widen our individual denim horizons and help spreading the news about the very best TJ activities around the globe.
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Friday evenings,9-11pm on Radio Caroline Flashback
County Down born Derek Taylor had his first taste of broadcasting on BFBS in Aden in 1966, where his father was serving in the British Army, hosting the weekly Get With It Club! Back in England he worked as a night club DJ before entering drama college and then university. Graduating in 1979, he joined the BBC World Service, working on The Weekly Echo. From there his broadcasting career took him to BBC Radio Suffolk, where he presented a weekly arts show. But he fell out badly with the programme organiser over the anti-war song "Gallipoli". Apparently the song was too long and therefore too costly for the BBC to play. He was told he would never work for the BBC again, and hasn't. Derek next joined a group applying for a local radio license in Folkestone/Dover Kent, producing and presenting the news and the drive-time show. From there he moved to Thanet Radio and presented a country music show. In 1992 Derek discovered the British Archive of Country Music where he has worked ever since as an Archivist. The Archive has nearly a million country music recordings scanning the whole history of country music and its roots. It's this collection that forms the basis for his Archive Roots Americana Show on Radio Caroline. Derek Taylor has also written ten western novels, all still in print. He can't think why, other than the fact that he loves cowboy music!
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Free & Easy

Ouest Track Radio
une heure et des poussières de garage rock avec Wyld Cliff
Bonsoir , c 'est " FREE & EASY " tous les dimanches à 20h 00 , une émission garage ROCK avec Wyld Cliff !
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La chaire Histoire et cultures de l'Asie centrale préislamique n'est pas la première chaire du Collège de France qui ait comporté l'Asie centrale dans son intitulé : il y avait eu auparavant celles de Paul Pelliot et de Louis Hambis, mais à la différence de celles-ci l'Asie centrale n'est plus présentée principalement du point de vue de l'expansion chinoise ; le fait qu'elle « parle » désormais par elle-même (par son archéologie, par son art, par ses langues et littératures anciennes dont la redécouverte tout au long du XXe siècle a été spectaculaire) est pleinement pris en compte. L'horizon géographique envisagé dans l'enseignement est principalement l'Asie centrale (ou « Asie moyenne ») dans sa définition ex-soviétique : les cinq républiques maintenant indépendantes, auxquelles d'ajoute l'Afghanistan. La période traitée va de la conquête achéménide (VIe s. av. n.è.) aux premiers siècles de l'islamisation. Même ayant souvent affirmé une puissante originalité culturelle, un carrefour tel que l'Asie centrale ne peut évidemment être traité sans prise en compte des grands empires qui ont interagi avec lui : l'Iran, le premier empire turc, la Chine, et aussi l'Inde à laquelle ma fonction actuelle de directeur de l'Institut d'études indiennes et de la collection de l'Institut de civilisation indienne et centrasiatique m'amène à prêter une attention particulière.
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Le podcast qui décrypte les dynamiques géopolitiques à l'œuvre dans l'Indopacifique.
L’indopacifique est le concept géopolitique du moment. Omniprésent dans les milieux stratégiques comme dans la sphère médiatique, mobilisé par de nombreux pays, rejeté par d’autres ; c’est le nouveau cadre pour penser la rivalité sino-américaine au 21e siècle. Dans GeoAsia, Mathieu Turpin analyse avec des chercheurs, diplomates et militaires spécialistes de la région, les rivalités de pouvoir dans la région. GeoAsia, c'est le podcast qui décrypte les dynamiques géopolitiques à l'œuvre dans l'Indopacifique. Twitter : @geoasiapodcast Instagram : @geoasiapodcast e-mail : contact@geoasia.fr
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Disciplinas Alternativas

Cucharita de Postre
Disciplina casi Ciencia
Podcast sobre aquellas disciplinas diferentes, poco comunes y casi ciencia para la cultura popular. Estas serían: lo Insólito, lo Enigmático, Esoterismo, Futurología, lo Místico, Mitología, Neo-antropología, Parapsicología, las Profecías, Sanación, Percepciones, y muchos artículos más…
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Dans un cinéma ou avec un micro
Ce podcast est terminé, je le laisse vivre seul grâce a podcloud et archive.org
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