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The Emmaus Project Podcast

Emmaus Project Podcast
Two Brothers, one podcast and a whole bunch of th…
Two Brothers, one podcast and a whole bunch of theology. If you love theology, interviews and a few laughs here and there, this is the podcast for you. Welcome to the Emmaus Project podcast where we remind you that Jesus loves exposition. Here at the Emmaus Project podcast we are all about exposition. Our favorite preachers are expositors, we ourselves are expositors and we are convinced of the importance and need for exposition. Our name comes from Luke 24:13-33. In this passage, the two disciples were walking home after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. As they were traveling, Jesus approached them and they did not recognize Him. Jesus asked them what they were discussing and the disciple answered things about Jesus the Nazarene. The disciples failed to understand that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God. Jesus then began to explain the Scriptures to them. It is the Emmaus Project podcast’s firm conviction that the world has two fundamental problems, they do not understand the Scriptures and they misunderstand Jesus. It is our goal to explain the Scriptures and encourage our listeners to fall in love with the Word of God. It is our heartfelt desire to have God’s Word as the authority of the church. So join us for this Christ centered, biblical concentrated, and Gospel focused podcast. Caleb Hilbert- Pastor/Teacher at Little Salmon bible Church in Pollock, Idaho Ty Hilbert – Musician/Youth pastor at Grace Bible Church in Gillette, Wyoming Dustin Clay- Podcast Guest
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00h92 - Podcast

Collectif Le Réseau - Anthonin Robineau & Kevin Bantsimba
Musiques & Films Underground
En 2017, Kevin et Anthonin se mettent en tête de faire connaître la série Atlanta. Ils en parlent partout : dans le bus, en soirée, au boulot, dans des bars... En bref, leur question préférée était : Tu connais Atlanta ? La suite, vous la connaissez (on vous le souhaite) : une pluie de récompenses, la série est acclamée par la presse autant que par le public. Ils ont arrêté de prêcher le jour où on leur a demandé : Tu connais Atlanta ? La mission était accomplie ! Aujourd'hui 00h92 est la suite de cette histoire. Kevin et Anthonin se donnent de nouvelles missions tous les 2 mois, vous faire découvrir une nouvelle révélation ! D'ailleurs, tu connais 00h92 ? Un podcast produit par le Collectif Le Réseau. Remerciements : Camille, Shkyd, Rufyo... Et bien évidemment Donald Glover !
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