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Where real entrepreneurs pitch to real investors—for real money.
Where real entrepreneurs pitch to real investors—for real money. The Pitch takes you behind closed doors and into the world of startups: how people sell their ideas, what makes investors tick, and how these initial conversations can bloom into business deals—or die on the vine. Hosted by Josh Muccio.All eight seasons are available for free on Spotify.
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Radio Judaica
L'émission de spécialistes en immobilier de Radio Judaica.
L'émission qui traite de sujets d'immobilier et de tous ses aspects connus, et moins connus. Vous connaissez toutes et tous un membre de votre famille, un ami ou l'ami d'un ami qui touche de près ou de loin à l'immobilier… C'est bien connu, le belge a une brique dans le ventre.
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Podcast en français sur James Bond 007
Chaque semaine, @LaurentDoucet et @LeFrenchAccent analysent un film de la saga James Bond rien que pour vos oreilles.
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L'avenir de la Grande-Bretagne dans l'UE suivi et analysé par Alex Seale
Le 23 juin 2016, 51,89% des britanniques ont choisi, par référendum, de quitter l'Union Européenne. Le 29 mars 2019, à la suite de longs mois de négociations, nous entrerons dans la dernière phase du divorce entre Bruxelles et Londres. Correspondant à Londres, britannique dans le sang, mais européen dans l'âme, Alexander Seale rebondit sur les récents évènements liés au Brexit.
Mots-clefs : brexit,stories,alexander seale,grande bretagne,UE,Union Européenne
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Dj Deal - Party Shaker Podcast
Welcome to the Dj Deal aka The Party Shaker's Podcast ! Find here a 1H mix every month, delicious cocktail between electronic and urban music, a mixture of news and classics, that you can listen everywhere ! To follow all the latest news and tour dates, go visit his website : www.djdeal.fr -- Bienvenue sur le podcast de Dj Deal ! Retrouvez chaque mois une heure de show éclectique et accessible, délicieux cocktail entre les musiques électroniques et les sonorités black music, mélange de nouveautés et de classics, à écouter partout ! Pour suivre toute son actualité et son agenda, allez visiter son site internet : www.djdeal.fr
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Gilles Veinstein is a professor at the Collège de France in Paris and a directeur d'études at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales His researches deal with political practices and ideology, economy and society in the early Ottoman Empire, until the end of the 18h c., with a special emphasis on the analyses of the Ottoman archivistic material. He has edited Mehmed Effendi. Le paradis des infidels (Paris: Maspéro, coll. « La Découverte », 1981). Along with numerous other works he is the author of L'Empire ottoman et les pays roumains 1544-1545 (with M. Berindei) (Paris and Cambridge MA: EHESS and Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, 1987), État et société dans l'Empire ottoman. La terre, la guerre, les communautés, (London: Variorum, 1994), Le serail ébranlé (with Nicolas Vatin) (Paris: Fayard, 2003), L' Europe et l'Islam. Quinze siècles d'histoire (with Henry Laurens and John Tolan) (Paris: Odile Jacobs, 2009. A volume is now under press collecting a selection of his articles under the title Autoportrait du sultan ottoman en conquérant. ). He is the editor of the journal Turcica.
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J. Scheid has dedicated both, his thèse de IIIe cycle (1975) and his doctorat d'Etat to the exploitation of epigraphic and archaeological evidence on public priesthood and official religion in Imperial Rome, namely to the Arval brethren, whose considerable political and religious relevance had so far been ignored: He has shed light on the social background that their priests were recruited from and has supervised the excavation and examination of the sanctuary that the fraternity administered and used. John Scheid has based his subsequent studies on the Arval brethren's annual protocols, so as to reconstruct and interprete the rituals that the fraternity had established. From these he has derived a model, that he has proven to be applicable to all public religious acts in the antique city of Rome. In identifying these acts as essential parts of public life, he has established them as valid sources for analysing the institutions of the Roman Empire in its entity. His research presently has three directions : He continuously works on the institutions in Imperial Rome in general and is preparing a new edition of the Res Gestae Divi Augusti. A second branch of his studies is dedicated to the religious practice of the Romans: he supervises the excavation and analysis of cult sites in Rome and Tunisia (La Magliana and Jebel Oust) and manages the project Inventory of the cult sites of antique Italy' in collaboration with Olivier de Cazanove. An additional project deals with the archaeology of rituals: in this area, J. Scheid's main interest lies on the concrete traces of religious practices, as they manifest themselves in death ritual. Together with Jacopo Ortalli, he has initiated the foundation of an international team of experts on necropole excavations, which is currently carrying out the exemplary excavation of a completely untouched necropole in Classe (Ravenna). In a third research area, John Scheid examins Greek and Roman mythology in a comparative research method, in cooperation with Jesper Svendro.
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