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The Share Players

The Share Players
Podcasts et tests de jeux vidéo concoctés avec am…
Émissions et tests de jeu vidéo : comme pour le porno, c’est plus excitant quand c’est fait par des amateurs. Suivez nous sur YouTube avant tout : https://www.youtube.com/c/theshareplayers
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The Share Players

The Share Players
L'émission hebdomadaire dédiée à l'actualité des jeux vidéo
Podcasts et tests de jeux vidéo concoctés avec amour pour et par des joueurs passionnants et passionnés. Déjà optimisés en 60fps HDR pour ta TV 4K. Abonnez-vous, ça nous ferait super plaisir ! D'abord et surtout présents sur YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/theshareplayers
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Nicko Vibe

Nicko Vibe
Bring the Music & Share the Love !!!
Né à Martigues (Fr), Nickovibe commence à mixer à l'âge de 14 ans, bercé par les mélodies électroniques 80/90. En 2006, il créé l'émission Traxx4fun, diffusée en live sur le web, où il partage avec ses auditeurs des heures de mix. Très vite remarqué par les Labels, il accède aux toutes dernières nouveautés et promo qui font le succès de cette émission. En 2009, il joue dans les clubs les plus connus du sud tels que Le Studio 88, le Keynight, le Sugar, Cosy, BigBen et il partage ainsi les platines avec Ludoloza, John Revox, Laurent Schark... Fin 2011, c’est en studio qu’il fait ses premières armes de Compositeur/ Remixeur, avec pour commencer des Mashup et Bootlegs qui seront distribué par Traxx4fun Music (Dominium Recordings) à travers le monde et qui connaitrons un réel succès auprès des deejays internationaux (Classé 10 semaines consécutives dans le Top 40 National House Chart au Canada). Par la suite, en 2012 il signe son premier Remix officiel de Jeremy Despres - It’s Over chez Joys Production. 2013 marque le début du sponsoring de la marque de la boisson énergisante Illégal Energy et il se produit au Showbiz, l’Icône, le 1900 , les clubs londoniens lui ouvrent aussi leurs portes : Hoxton Square B&K (Londres Uk), Palm Beach (Londres Uk)… et il devient résident sur de nombreuses radios FM et web Radios telles que : Dynamite Radio, Emergence FM, Air Gay Radio, Radio Axe Sud… L’aventure continue en 2014 à l’étranger à nouveau au Hoxton Square (Londres Uk) où il participe à la première Fête de la musique Française à Londres avec Laurent Schark (UK) qui fut retransmise sur près de 300 Radios à travers le monde (1,7 Million d’auditeurs) puis aux platines du prestigieux club The EGG (Londres Uk). Fin 2014 c’est au club Rezidance (Ijevsk RU) qu’il part conquérir les clubbers Russes avec Laurent Schark, pour un show Dj Set + Live Keytar dans un univers de Festival. Ses sets plutôt vitaminés se composent en grande partie de morceaux qui s’éloignent du standard commercial,et mêlent mélodies et montées puissantes aux couleurs Electro / Progressive. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nicko.vibe Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/Nicko_Vibe Google+: http://gplus.to/NickoVibe Instagram: http://instagram.com/nickovibe
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Everybody has secret weirdness, Pete Holmes gets comedians to share theirs.
Everybody has secret weirdness, Pete Holmes gets comedians to share theirs.
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The Vinyl Guide - Artist Interviews for Record Collectors and Music Nerds

Nate Goyer, Record Collector, Music Fan, Vinyl Maniac
Nate is a record collector, music lover and vinyl maniac. Join him on his journey to discuss, share and review all things related to vinyl records. We feature stories about and interviews with musicians, artists and people of knowledge in the area of vinyl records. Additionally we share information on desirable pressings of records, how to tell a $5 pressing from a $500 pressing and care and maintenance for your cratedigging hobby. Subscribe and share with your record-nerd friends. Cheers!
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Channel sharing information and news from many interesting fields about life, society, sports, ...
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Eight tracks, a book and a luxury: what would you take to a desert island? Guests share the soundtrack of their lives.
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Hong Kong Gor

Mathieu Lubrun and Wing-Ho Lin
English speaking podcast about Hong Kong Cinema.
Hong Kong Gor is a podcast by two movies nerds who love Hong Kong cinema and aim to share their love for martial arts and gun fights.
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We sit down and talk with celebrity guitar players, musicians and industry insiders, who share their backstory, as well as what makes them tick. If you love guitar, music, personal development & meaningful life lessons, then stick around… you’re in the right place.
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THE CLOCKWORK CABARET is a weekly radio show hosted by that darling DJ duo, Emmett Davenport and Lady Attercop. They’re old. They’re not hip. They’re your weird aunties. But, they’ve got a wide assortment of cocktails, music, weird history & geekery that they’d like to share with you. New episodes air on Mad Wasp Radio on Sundays @ 12pm GMT! Listen at www.madwaspradio.com or via TuneIn radio app!
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Maltin on Movies

Leonard Maltin & Jessie Maltin
Legendary film critic Leonard Maltin and his daughter Jessie are the ultimate movie fans. They love talking about movies, especially with people who share their enthusiasm—from living legends like Mel Brooks, Carl Reiner, and Quincy Jones to such contemporary artists as Amy Adams, Viggo Mortensen, Laura Dern, and Bryan Cranston. You’ll meet all kinds of interesting people and hear their recommendations of unsung movies you ought to know...
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Yes Music Podcast

Kevin Mulryne
Two fan's exploration of the world's greatest progressive rock band
A free, weekly show about the world's greatest progressive rock band, Yes. If you don't yet know the music, enjoy sharing your host's reflections as an introduction to the fascinating story of the band. If you are already a Yes fan, listen and join in the conversation at www.yesmusicpodcast.com So subscribe today for free and start exploring Yes Music every week!
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Ringer Food

The Ringer
Join Juliet Litman and David Jacoby every week for ‘Food News,’ in which they will sample various snacks, share personal tales about food, and round up the latest in food news from around the world. And come hang with Joe House and his culinary comrades on ‘House of Carbs’ to devour the latest additions to the food universe’s menu with a slate of tasty episodes throughout the year.
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Green IO

Green IO with Gaël Duez explores how to reduce the environmental impact of our digital world. Twice a month, on a Tuesdays guests from across the globe share insights, tools, and alternative approaches, enabling all responsible technologists, within the Tech sector and beyond, to build a greener digital world, one byte at a time.
Green IO with Gaël Duez explores how to reduce the environmental impact of our digital world. Twice a month, on a Tuesdays guests from across the globe share insights, tools, and alternative approaches, enabling all responsible technologists, within the Tech sector and beyond, to build a greener digital world, one byte at a time.
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The Legacy Music Hour Video Game Music Podcast

Brent Weinbach and Rob F. Switch
A podcast featuring the best video game music ever made.
The Legacy Music Hour podcast was created by Brent Weinbach and Rob F. for the purpose of sharing and talking about video game music from specifically the 8-bit and 16-bit eras. No remixes, no covers, no video game inspired music -just pure, original music from the NES, SNES, Genesis, and more.
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