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TOP SECRET Personal Attention, SpyCast Listeners Known to be the podcast real spies listen to -(STOP)- eavesdrop on conversations with high level sources from around the world -(STOP)- spychiefs molehunters defectors covert operators analysts cyberwarriors and researchers debriefed by SPY Historian Hammond -(STOP) stories secrets tradecraft and technology discussed -(STOP)- HUMINT SIGINT OSINT IMINT GEOINT and more -(STOP)- rumored to be professional education internal communication and public information -(STOP)- entire back catalog available online for free -(STOP)- please investigate this claim with all possible haste -(STOP)- SPY Historian Hammond said to have a Scottish accent -(STOP)- is this a countermeasure or a hearts-and-minds campaign? (END TELEGRAM)
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ou comment certains barons de la drogue ont influencé la culture hip-hop américaine
Les années 80. Le hip hop commence à voir le jour. La cocaïne, elle, est déjà partout. Et bientôt, le crack va faire une entrée fracassante dans la vie des ghettos. Cette consommation sans précédent va permettre à quelques dealers de devenir les nouveaux rois de la rue et de représenter d’autres modèles pour leur communauté. The Undersiders va vous raconter le destin de 8 d’entre eux. Des histoires vraies, crues. Des histoires de millionnaires de la drogue qui ont eut un jour un impact direct sur l’évolution du Hip-Hop. Dr Dre, Tupac, Jay-Z, Lil Wayne et bien d’autres… Toutes ces icônes de la pop culture auraient-elles eu la même carrière si certaines trajectoires ne s’étaient pas croisées ? Sans juger, ni glorifier, The Undersiders vous plonge dans les dessous agités du Hip Hop et de son ascension en tant que culture mondiale
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The podcast that leaves no stone unturned !
An english-speaking french journalist and writer, specializing in the history of Normandy and Great Britain, shares his discoveries, reports and thoughts in a lively and friendly conversation that takes you along the fascinating paths of the past. From little-known figures found in the archives to the splendours of architecture and art, the Historic Normandy Show will open up new perspectives to all history and heritage enthusiasts. With a French accent.
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In this season of Unfictional, Stories of Transformation, and the ways in which the world — and all of us — have fundamentally changed since the pandemic began. One man watched his children suddenly turn into grown-ups, while another upended every part of his life. Someone else had to learn to live with hardship and found their true identity along the way, all while living in two worlds. Meanwhile, a subculture ascends, one reporter explores Olvera Street, and another finds an old notebook filled with memories from his time in a cabin. It’s UnFictional, hosted by Bob Carlson.
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