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All The Best

FBi Radio
New Australian Storytelling
All The Best is for new Australian storytelling. Hear from a Melbourne-based cannibal, how the Australian Wallabies used theatre workshops to improve their game, anxiety attacks in a Tantric sex class, and what the shopping centre Santa Claus is really thinking, all on All The Best. We're a weekly radio show and podcast produced at FBi Radio in Sydney in association with SYN and Triple R in Melbourne, and broadcast nationally via the Community Radio Network. We’ve been telling stories in a variety of forms since 2011, picking a theme each week and using short form documentary, personal narrative, interviews, and spoken word to bring you the best from across Australia.
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modèle phare

Le podcast des héros et mentors de la vie quotidienne.
Podcast de témoignage où l'invité•e nous narre l'histoire d’un être marquant dans sa construction personnelle. Le concept de modèle phare est simple : si j'invitai Harry Potter il me parlerait de Sirius Black, Eminem de Dr Dre et Télémaque de Mentor. Ce podcast n'aurait jamais pu voir le jour sans les merveilleuses personnes qui ont contribué à ma cagnotte ulule. Je souhaite donc remercier, du fond du cœur : Josée, Moon, Angie, Maé, Titina, Dino, Sarah, Marine, Estellou, Tellou, Betty, Clément, Loulou et Péli. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Viewing Party

Viewing Party Podcast
It's a Viewing Party!
Your new internet besties Katie and Wesleigh watch movies we feel like watching and chat about them — with themed snacks, obviously. Join us for a living room party involving giggling, booze, and the occasional serious discussion. We do not apologize for the frequent references to Channing Tatum and Lin-Manuel Miranda. (They're awesome. We know. You're welcome.) Grab some snacks and party with us!
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