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This Is Modern Rock is a podcast about Alternativ…
This Is Modern Rock is a podcast about Alternative Rock Music of the 80's & 90's. Each episode takes a look at one month on the Billboard Modern Rock charts, beginning with September 1988. This Is Modern Rock is currently in Season 5 (1992). Hosted by Will Westercauw - thisismodernrock@gmail.com
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Your Pod Source for Music & Culture History, News, Conversations, Reviews, & More
Welcome Music fans! Find the amazing shows from the Pantheon Network in our main feed here: Rock N Roll Archaeology, Growin' Up Rock, Comes A Time, The Metallica Report, History in Five Songs with Martin Popoff, Decibel Geek, Tunes & Tumblers, Mistress Carrie Podcast, The Hook Rocks!, JBTV, Into the Banjoverse, Rock's Backpages, Goldmine, Pamela Des Barres' Pajama Party, Who Cares About the Rock Hall?, You're Not Listening, the C.L.I.M.B., The Career Musician, Cobras & Fire, The Band: A History, No Filler, Shout it Out Loudcast, My Weekly Mixtape, Side Jams, I'm in Love with That Song, See Hear, Ditty TV, Strange Phenomena, The Devil's Music with Pleasant Gehman, Metal Mayhem Roc, Colorado Music Experience, Audio Judo, ImmaLetYouFinish, What Difference Does It Make?, Songfacts, Story Song Podcast, The Age Old Question, There Can Be Only One, VRP Rocks, The Punk Tree, Long May You Young, Music Buzzz, Play That Rock N Roll, Ugly Things, Rock is Lit, Throughline, Banned Biographies, Only Three Lads, Glass Houses - A Billy Joel Podcast, Something for Nothing- A Rush Podcast, Waterproof Records, The Musician's Journey, Rock Camp: The Podcast, Basic!, Into the Void, The G Note Podcast, Kicked in the Teeth- an AC/DC Podcast, Set Lusing Bruce, The Jeremiah Show and more! Find all the great Pantheon Podcasts in their individual feeds wherever you listen to podcasts!
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One of modern modern music’s most enduring genres, progressive rock has flourished since the late sixties when radio switched to FM and music became adventurous and more artistic outside of the comfort zones of Pop. Progressive rock also branched into sub-genres; progressive folk, progressive metal, RIO — rock in opposition, avant-garde & experimental, progressive electronic, Psychedelic space rock, progressive Italiano, post-rock, krautrock, canterbury, jazz fusion, and many others. Unlike a lot of musical styles this is a worldwide experience as progressive rock has been embraced by virtually every country in the world and have bands throughout the last decades that have produced interesting blends of prog rock mixed in with their own country’s folk influences. Prog rock is less of an acquired taste and more a demanding experience that requires full attention and cannot be treated as a commodity. With its virtuosity and imaginative landscapes, the music takes the listener to the higher plane of musical enjoyment. Visit ASD Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CjswAttentionSurplusDisorder/
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Hommage Collatéral

César Bastos | Bonus Tracks
Le podcast sur les génies de la pop culture, les œuvres marquantes de nos jeunes années et les icônes intemporelles.
- Hommage Collatéral -- Les rétrospectives des carrières des génies de la pop culture tels que Neil Gaiman, Alan Moore, ou Lana & Lilly Wachowski. -- PasTropVieux pour ces conneries -- Les œuvres marquantes de nos jeunes années, de Dragon Ball à Metal Gear Solid en passant par Rocky. -- Au Panthéon des Légendes -- Études sur les icônes intemporelles. (Coming soon.)
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Programa de actualidad que semanalmente te informa de todo lo que acontece en el mundo del Hard Rock y Heavy Metal. Novedades discográficas, noticias, agenda de conciertos y clásicos. Una hora de pasión por el Rock!
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Le micro de Michaux podcast biclou de Saint-Brock

Le micro de Michaux podcast biclou de Saint-Brock
Podcast by Le micro de Michaux podcast biclou de …
Podcast by Le micro de Michaux podcast biclou de Saint-Brock
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Sueur et PopCorn

Déborah et Gabriel
Le podcast qui adore les training montage, les tournois et les vieux seinseis aigris
Une fois par mois, je pioche au hasard un film de sport pour le visionner, l'analyser et remplir le bingo des films de sport. Tout ça, accompagner par la reine des passes décisives et du step-in Déborah.
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SHOUT BAMALAMA's one and only goal is to kick yer ass with slop and fury! We got top-shelf trashy, gut-bucket, sewer-dwellin’, screamin’ rock ‘n’ roll—y’know… the good stuff (natch!). We got a poison for every taste — rhythm & blues, punk, rockabilly, country, garage & surf! NOW LET’S GET REAL REAL GONE!!!
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The Rock is a lot of things. 2016's highest paid …
The Rock is a lot of things. 2016's highest paid actor. People Magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive". Fanny pack fashion icon. Future president? And now, he's the subject of a brand new podcast! Join Jordan and Charlie on their quest to find out why Dwayne Johnson is the most electrifying man in entertainment. They'll break down every one of his IMDB offerings in near-obsessive detail until they get to the bottom of it. Special episodes are planned to examine his Saturday Night Live appearances, guest starring roles on TV shows and more!
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"It's such a fine line between stupid and clever" - David St Hubbins
Mon podcast GOING UNDERGROUND a plus de dix ans maintenant, et c'est hélas impossible de stocker toutes les archives en ligne. Alors on va faire comme ça : tu pioches dans la sélection des podcasts dont j'ai pas trop honte qui suit là, t'envoies un mail à podcast.goingunderground@gmail.com , et je t'envoie un wetransfer.Divine Comedy, Public Enemy, PJ Harvey, Kraftwerk, the Fall, Nick Cave, Oasis, Ennio Morricone, Hüsker Dü, Elliott Smith, Devo, the Breeders, David Bowie, Dinosaur Jr, the Strokes, Wire, Meat Puppets, Roky Eriksson, the Beach Boys, Butthole Surfers, Lee Hazlewood, Pink Floyd, Ian MacKaye, Weezer, Mötley Crüe, Morrissey, Mark Lanegan, the Damned, Glenn Danzig, Turbonegro, la scène de Palm Desert, Nirvana, the Melvins, Queen, the Hives, Beastie Boys, Jeordie White, the Kinks, Spinal Tap, Tool, the White Stripes, John Carpenter, Alice Cooper, Fu Manchu, Henry Rollins, Neil Young, the Ramones, Cheap Trick, the Minutemen, the Rocky Horror Picture Show
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WRTL Country
Georges voue une passion pour l’Amérique des grands espaces, du désert de Mojave aux Rockies, des plaines de l’Utah aux bords du Mississippi. Chaque vendredi de minuit à 1 heure, il vous invite à voyager sur les highways en diffusant la musique qui colle si bien avec les paysages traversés. Le son made in Nashville surnommée Music City vous accompagne avec les artistes les plus populaires du genre. La new-country deTaylor Swift et Florida Georgia Line flirte allégrement avec les classics de Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Kris Kristofferson ou Dolly Parton. Ecoutez WRTL-Country, vous êtes en Amérique du Nord !
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Le BookClub

Le replay de l'émission twitch de Madmoizelle
« Le BookClub, c’est l’émission de Madmoizelle qui questionne la société à travers les livres, en compagnie de ceux et celles qui les font. Une fois par mois, la journaliste Aïda Djoupa et la rédactrice en chef de Madmoizelle Marie-Stéphanie Servos reçoivent les experts et expertes, auteurs et autrices les plus pointues pour questionner ensemble des problématiques contemporaines à travers les livres. Comment ces derniers font-ils résonner les voix qu’on entend peu, notamment celles des femmes et des minorités ? Quelles injonctions peuvent-ils aussi parfois véhiculer ? Ici, pas besoin d’avoir lu les livres pour écouter et participer à l’échange. Le BookClub est un rendez-vous inclusif, diversifié, pop, accessible et féministe. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
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