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Tous les jours de la semaine à 8h15 et 18h15 c'est le Talk-Show de Crooner Radio au cœur de l’actualité de vos artistes et personnalités préférées.
 De Thomas Dutronc à Chantal Ladesou, en passant par Harry Connick Jr ou encore Diana Krall, ils passent tous par le micro de Crooner and Friends, le rendez-vous, Talk Show, de Jean-Baptiste TUZET, à 8h15h et 18h15. L’esprit de « Crooner and Friend’s » quand nos invités prestigieux se déclarent comme amis véritable de notre station. Chanteurs, acteurs, humoristes, hommes et femmes aimant nos artistes programmés, la passion pour cet art de vivre musical nous vaut des amitiés. Ces merveilleux témoignages de passion et de fidélité nous valent également la participation des artistes anglophones, de Georges Benson à Diana Krall en passant par Harry Connick Jr ou Jamie Cullum.  Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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If There Is Hell Below... Arkive

If There Is Hell Below
Two Best Friends Playing Their Favourite New Songs
Rob Morgan and Callum Eckersley present weekly new music podcast If There Is Hell Bellow... 'Two Best Friends Playing Their Favourite New Songs'. Established in 2010 ya boys have been bringing their own brand of badinage and deeply dug new music picks to the world of podcasting. ITHB is now exclusive to Spotify, so check out future episodes over on Spotify and on anchor.fm/ithbpodcast This feed will remain open, for a limited time, as an Arkive for you to delve back over the last few years of ITHB. 'On the Ark with…' is a brand new podcast from the boys who gave you the If There Is Hell Below. In each episode Rob and Callum invite one of their favourite artists onto their mythical ark; a huge vessel prepped for the end of the world and with your hosts as Co-Captains they welcome their new ship mates. Over drinks they ask the people who make the music what songs and albums have made them the musician, artist and person they are.
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