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Do Go On

Do Go On Media
A fact based comedy podcast. Each week Melbourne comedians Matt Stewart, Jess Perkins and Dave Warneke take it in turns to research a topic and report back to the class.
A fact based comedy podcast. Each week Melbourne comedians Matt Stewart, Jess Perkins and Dave Warneke take it in turns to research a topic and report back to the class. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Génération Do It Yourself

Matthieu Stefani | Orso Media
Nous sommes la moyenne des personnes que nous fréquentons : GDIY est le podcast qui décortique le succès des personnes qui ont fait le grand saut. Que ce soient des entrepreneurs, des sportifs ou encore des artistes, je vous propose, sous forme d'interviews sans filtre, de rentrer dans leur histoire, dans leur quotidien. Mon objectif est de comprendre leur mode de pensée, leur organisation ou encore leurs outils, et de vous proposer un véritable MBA des échecs et des succès de ces invités.
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Reading Glasses

Brea Grant and Mallory O'Meara
Want to learn how to make the most of your reading life? Join Brea Grant and Mallory O’Meara every week as they discuss tips and tricks for reading better! Listeners will learn how to vanquish their To-Be-Read piles, get pointers on organizing their bookshelves and hear reviews on the newest reading gadgets. Brea and Mallory also offer advice on bookish problems. How do you climb out of a reading slump? How do you support authors while still getting books on the cheap? Where do you hide the bodies of the people who won’t stop talking while you’re trying to read? Mallory and Brea engage in a weekly discussion geared towards all kinds of book lovers -- no matter what you read or how you read it.
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Rouxde Cooking School Podcast

Learn about food and cooking with John Houser III & Rebecca Madariaga
A food history and cooking comedy podcast (pronou…
A food history and cooking comedy podcast (pronounced "rude"). John and Jeni present one culinary item per show while giving it's history and trivia. We also do biweekly food news episodes. It's funny, instructional and always rouxde.
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Savor digs into how people live and how they eat – and why. Hosts Anney Reese and Lauren Vogelbaum interview the culinary creators and consumers of the world, exploring the science, history, and culture of food and drink, all with a key question in mind: Why do we like what we like, and how can we find more of those things?
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Science Vs

Spotify Studios
The show that pits facts against everything else, hosted by Wendy Zukerman, from Spotify Studios.
There are a lot of fads, blogs and strong opinions, but then there’s SCIENCE. Science Vs is the show from Gimlet that finds out what’s fact, what’s not, and what’s somewhere in between. We do the hard work of sifting through all the science so you don't have to and cover everything from 5G and Pandemics, to Vaping and Fasting Diets.
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Free advice from three of the world's most qualified, most related experts: Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy. For one-half to three-quarters of an hour every Monday, we tell people how to live their lives, because we're obviously doing such a great job of it so far.
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Piano Puzzler

American Public Media
Every week on Performance Today™, Bruce Adolphe re-writes a familiar tune in the style of a classical composer. We get one of our listeners on the phone, and our caller listens to Bruce play his Piano Puzzler™. They then try to do two things: name the hidden tune, and name the composer whose style Bruce is mimicking. From American Public Media.
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The best in Progressive music
The Seventh House. Music that is decidedly different. It is the best in progressive music, from all genres. Rock, pop, jazz, soul, rhythm and blues are all represented here. It is the best music you do not hear on radio. Live broadcasts are heard Monday evenings. 8:00p-10:30p eastern (US). The House of Prog. http://houseofprog.com/
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789Club - Tai789club

Tai789club.it.com |Trang chủ hợp pháp của 789Club - Cổng game đổi thưởng thu hút nhiều người chơi nhất hiện nay. Hỗ trợ tải app trên nhiều thiết bị khác nhau như iOS/Android/PC. Thông tin liên hệ: + Địa chỉ: Đường Phạm Văn Đồng, Khu Đô thị Vĩnh Hòa, Nha Trang, tỉnh Khánh Hòa, Việt Nam + Website: https://swisstoucheslaluna.com/ + Email: info@swisstoucheslaluna.com + Phone: 0242226789 + Hastag: #789club #link789club #gamebai789club #swisstoucheslaluna #789clubapk https://soundcloud.com/swisstoucheslaluna https://www.scoop.it/u/swisstoucheslaluna https://swisstoucheslalunaa.blogspot.com
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Lenglet-Co and You
François Lenglet et Martial You vous donnent les clés pour déchiffrer l'économie. Actualité financière et économique, marché de l’emploi (salaires, législation, chômage), questions budgétaires (PIB, dette, dépenses publiques), sans oublier les sujets sur la protection sociale (retraites, assurance-maladie, sécurité sociale), RTL vous aide à saisir tous les enjeux. Éditos, éclairages, décryptages… Du lundi au vendredi, François Lenglet et Martial You se penchent sur les perspectives économiques à court, moyen et long terme. Les journalistes présentent les évolutions et les mutations économiques en France, en Europe et dans le reste monde. Chaque samedi, retrouvez le « Hors-série Lenglet-Co », présenté par François Lenglet et Sylvain Zimmermann. Immobilier, histoire des réformes, rivalité Chine-États-Unis… Ce podcast revient en longueur sur les phénomènes profonds et souvent durables qui bousculent notre société. Un rendez-vous pour prendre de la hauteur sur des sujets essentiels et souvent complexes. Le dimanche, découvrez « Mon métier, ma passion » d’Armelle Levy, une série de portraits de travailleurs aux métiers insolites ou de professionnels qui partagent leurs passions.
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Rejoignez nous autour de nos émissions (barbecues) thématiques #BarbecueFOOT #BarbecueRUGBY #BarbecueF1 #BarbecueVÉLO #BarbecueBASKET
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Flashback Requests (Barry James)

Flashback Request Show (Barry James)
Tuesday Evenings, 9 pm - 12 midnight on Caroline Flashback
Barry first found music when he borrowed his sister's record collection when he was about eight and was hooked. When Caroline started it was a new beginning, and he listened to all the stations, but Caroline was his favourite by far. Later he became a singer in a band, then started doing discos when he was 18. He joined Caroline in 1977, touring the country with the Caroline Roadshow for 10 years, having great fun. Barry helped with tender trips and worked on the Ross Revenge in '84 and '85. He has done many RSL's with the station, and is very proud to be part of THE LEGEND. Barry has worked at Hastings Rock, XLfm in Ely, and Tulip Radio in Spalding. Barry is married to a very understanding wife, Bud, has 3 children and 5 lovely grandchildren. He says he will work for Caroline for as long as they want him – or can put up with him! LA. Barry now presents his own show on Friday mornings on the main channel, and rotates presentation duties for Flashback Requests on Tuesday evenings with Clive Garrard and Dave Foster. Send your requests during the show to: requests@carolineflashback.co.uk.
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When a Vinyl Addict Meets his Dealer
Are you addicted to collecting records? Do you have black wax coursing through your veins? Has your vinyl dependance gotten out of control? Amassing 45s has become an obsession? This podcast will help you get you through until your next fix. Do our hosts Ben Shulman and Patrick Foisy offer a cure? No they don't. In fact, they are afflicted by the same sweet disease. Get ready for a fresh new podcast to hit your data stream. When analog clashes into the digital world! Addicted To The Needle - The podcast where a vinyl addict meets his dealer.
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Talk The Ska

Talk The Ska Radio Podcast
Ska radio podcast started in September of 2017. I…
Ska radio podcast started in September of 2017. I've loved ska my entire adult life. I just want to do my part by showing ska is very much alive all around the world, introducing new bands to people in the process.
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