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Pod of Thunder

Pod of Thunder
Since 2013, this trio of KISS fans representing multiple generations analyzed every song from the band’s catalog. Now, they’re taking on songs by any band from any rock music genre, submitted by the show’s listeners.
Andy Jones, Nick Jones and Chris Lathrop command you to kneel before whatever you use to listen to rock music podcasts and soak up the banter! Since 2013, this trio of KISS fans representing multiple generations analyzed every song from the band’s catalog, selected randomly from their 1974 debut through their most recent release, Monster. Now, they’re taking on songs by any band from any rock music genre, submitted by the show’s listeners. So hear their words and take heed as they slowly rob you of your virgin soul! Who knows – Pod of Thunder might just become your favorite rock and roll podcast (if it hasn’t already)!
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In the world of music podcasting, there are basically two categories - podcasts by fans, and podcasts by famed musicians that have reached the pinnacle of success. Somewhere in the middle of that is the Talk Toomey podcast. Hosted by Joshua Toomey, who previously was a member of national recording artists Primer 55, Talk Toomey avoids the pitfalls of fandom and the backslapping glad handing that comes from successful bands shamelessly talking to each other. Instead, you get focused, powerful and real looks into “the inner circle” of being a hard rock/heavy metal band, complete with questions most are too afraid to ask because their experience doesn’t meet or exceed the level needed to ask and relate. Talk Toomey has been regularly hailed as a top show since the onset, being highlighted on sites like Blabbermouth, Brave Words, etc. Talk Toomey is released for music fans free every Thursday!
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Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men

Jay Edidin & Miles Stokes
Because it's about time someone did
Daunted by complex continuity? Can’t tell a mutate from a warpie? We are here for you. We have trained for this responsibility for decades. We have the backissues, the calluses, and a really detailed map of the Summers family tree. We’ve been explaining the X-Men informally for years–to our friends and family, to the Internet, and, occasionally, to patient strangers on the street. Now, we’re making it official, with Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men: a weekly podcast dedicated to unpacking the weird, wonderful world of our favorite superhero soap opera for newcomers and die-hard fans alike.
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Decibel Geek Podcast

DBG Productions
Weekly Hard Rock and Classic Metal Talk & Music
Decibel Geek is a weekly podcast that features discussion of all things Hard Rock & Heavy Metal from the 1960's through today. The show is hosted by Chris Czynszak & AAron Camaro, lifelong fans of the genre. Each week, Chris & AAron discuss new releases, classic albums, and everything in between. They also interview musicians, industry insiders, and other experts on the subject. Decibel Geek is a must-listen for any fan of Hard Rock & Heavy Metal. The show is informative, entertaining, and always insightful. Chris & Aaron and their guests are passionate about the genre, and it shows in their discussions. If you're looking for a podcast that will keep you up-to-date on the latest news and trends in Hard Rock & Heavy Metal, then Decibel Geek is the show for you. Here are some of the things you can expect on Decibel Geek: - Discussion of new releases, classic albums, and everything in between - Interviews with musicians, industry insiders, and other experts on the subject - Informative, entertaining, and insightful discussions - A passion for the genre from the hosts and guests If you're a fan of Hard Rock & Heavy Metal, then you need to subscribe to Decibel Geek. The show is available on all major podcast platforms. So what are you waiting for? Start listening today!
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(dans les) Vestiaires by A-player !

(dans les) Vestiaires by A-player !
... donner la parole aux athlètes en quête de partenaires !
Découvrez (dans les) Vestiaires by A Player, le podcast incontournable créé par Ermanno pour donner la parole aux athlètes en quête de partenaires. Ce podcast, vous plonge dans les coulisses de la vie de sportifs extraordinaires. Engagés et déterminés, ces athlètes se battent jour après jour pour propulser leur pays sur le devant de la scène sportive internationale. À travers nos interviews captivantes, vivez leurs défis, leurs ambitions et soutenez leur quête pour trouver des partenaires. Rejoignez-nous (dans les) Vestiaires, là où les histoires de sport se dévoilent et où l’écho des réussites de demain commence à résonner. Rejoignez-nous sur Apple podcast (http://apple.vestiaires.org/), Google podcast (https://google.vestiaires.org/) ou toutes les plus grandes plateformes (http://vestiaires.info/podcast/) ! Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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A podcast for fans of music composed by J.S. Bach.
Discover outstanding recordings of Bach's music and some of the interesting details in Bach's works. Each episode is dedicate to one work by J.S. Bach.
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Blood Sweat and Metal's Podcast

Blood Sweat and Metal
Give it a listen!
We are a Metal show for the fans by the fans. We try to cover all forms of Metal in our show.
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Émission sur la saga Suikoden
Suikocast c'est l'émission sur la saga Suikoden. Entre fans ou autour d'interviews exclusives, on parle de ce fabuleux RPG de Konami avec amour pour vous dire pourquoi il est culte...Et avec l'espoir secret de le voir revenir un jour si la communauté est suffisamment grande ! Rejoignez-nous dans ce projet fou et devenez une étoile du destin ! Suikocast is the show dedicated to the Suikoden series. Exclusive interviews, and analysis by and for the fans of the best RPG ever made. Is fate unchangeable ? Maybe it isn't if we have a stronger community with this show and all the fans around the world . So we can make a sequel happen. We are not the first here at Suikoden but we still want to believe that our series will get a decent conclusion !
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The Weeknd Merch offering fans a chance to own a piece of his style and persona, inspired by his music and aesthetic, has become a staple in The Weeknd Fansite. #Abel #TheWeeknd #TheWeekndmerch #Leapice Read more: https://leapice.com/the-weeknd-merch/
The Weeknd Merch offering fans a chance to own a piece of his style and persona, inspired by his music and aesthetic, has become a staple in The Weeknd Fansite. #Abel #TheWeeknd #TheWeekndmerch #Leapice Read more: https://leapice.com/the-weeknd-merch/
tous les 9 résultats