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Guys We F****d

Corinne Fisher and Krystyna Hutchinson
Hailed as changing the way society thinks about female sexuality, Guys We Fucked continues to pave the way toward a healthier outlook on sex. Hosted by stand-up comedians Corinne Fisher and Krystyna Hutchinson, this critically acclaimed podcast will be your new best friend. Tune in every Friday to hear discussions on the most taboo kinks, interviews with revolutionaries in sexual health, cultural icons, and, occasionally, guys they’ve fucked. Learn more at https://luminary.link/gwf
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Guy Raz interviews the world’s best-known entrepreneurs to learn how they built their iconic brands. In each episode, founders reveal deep, intimate moments of doubt and failure, and share insights on their eventual success. How I Built This is a master-class on innovation, creativity, leadership and how to navigate challenges of all kinds. New episodes release on Mondays and Thursdays. Listen to How I Built This on the Wondery App or wherever you listen to your podcasts. You can listen early and ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting wondery.com/links/how-i-built-this now. Get your How I Built This merch at WonderyShop.com/HowIBuiltThis.
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En 2013, à l'occasion de la sortie de leur quatrième et dernier album studio "Random Access Memories", Thomas Bangalter et Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo étaient venus sur NRJ, sans casque, répondre aux questions d'auditeurs présents dans le studio !
En 2013, à l'occasion de la sortie de leur quatrième et dernier album studio "Random Access Memories", Thomas Bangalter et Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo étaient venus sur NRJ, sans casque, répondre aux questions d'auditeurs présents dans le studio !
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Zero Blog Thirty

Barstool Sports
From bombs, bullets, and bad guys to politics, pop culture and all things problematic: Zero Blog Thirty is the stories you might know told from a slightly different perspective that was forged through war, wit, and wounds.
Zero Blog Thirty is a military podcast presented by Barstool  Sports that's listenable for the most crusty of veterans, the bootest of boots, or people who have never touched a weapon in their life. Through the eyes of enlisted Marines and a West Point trained officer, Zero Blog Thirty is like sitting at the online-bar of the VFW and having a virtual cold one with your buddies. You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/ZeroBlog30
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L’émission qui dit tout haut ce que le monde du foot pense tout bas ! L’« After Foot », émission de foot la plus puissante en France, entame sa 18e saison ! « Génération After », émission composée de chroniqueurs qui ont grandi avec l’After, vous accompagne de 20h00 à 22h00. Avec Nicolas Jamain en chef d’orchestre, entouré de Kevin Diaz, Walid Acherchour, Ricardo Faty, Simon Dutin, Jimmy Braun et Sofiane Zouaoui. Au programme, des débats passionnés, de nombreux invités et de nouvelles chroniques. De 22h00 à minuit, place à la version originelle et historique de l’After autour de Gilbert Brisbois, Daniel Riolo, Stéphane Guy et Florent Gautreau. Les soirs de Ligue des Champions, Jérôme Rothen et Emmanuel Petit viennent renforcer l’équipe. Les soirs de matches, Nicolas Vilas et Houssem Loussaïef sont aux commandes de l’After Live, le nouveau rendez-vous qui réinvente le commentaire de match: au 3216, surs les réseaux sociaux ou le chat Youtube, venez participer. C'est toujours Thibaut Giangrande pilote l’After Foot le samedi soir.
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Le podcast érotique qui réchauffe votre imaginaire
« Le bon goût du mauvais genre » ... C’est ainsi que se présente une maison d’édition de livres « polissons ». Vous savez, ces livres dont personne ne parle, mais qui sont toujours là, quelque part dans un recoin sombre des librairies. Ces livres qu’on tait et qui pourtant comptent parmi leurs auteurs des gens comme Pierre Louyïs, Anaïs Nin, Guy de Maupassant et bien d’autres. Toutes les semaines, j’essaye de vous faire découvrir des auteurs et autrices modernes comme JIP, Stella Tanagra, Octavie Delvaux, Anne Bert et tellement d’autres. Retrouvez toutes mes histoires érotiques en podcast sur charlie-tantra.fr
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Radulich in Broadcasting has a great reputation for providing tremendous podcast content in the Entertainment world. Now, they bring their myriad of podcasts to the W2M Network. Prepare for great things about Movies, Music, Comics, and TV Shows.
Radulich in Broadcasting has a great reputation for providing tremendous podcast content in the Entertainment world. Now, they bring their myriad of shows to the W2M Network. Prepare for great things from Movie and Metal Music Reviews to Comic Book talk and more. Mark Radulich has been an internet personality since 2004 with his Progressive Conservatism blog. He then took that blog to the airwaves and created a podcast for it. It then changed to PC Live. After that, he brought out the 411mania Ground and Pound Radio as well. Finally, Mark would partner up with another 411mania alum, Sean Comer, to create the movie franchise review podcast Long Road to Ruin and then Robert Cooper to create the metal album review podcast, The Metal Hammer of Doom. Robert Winfree took over the MMA show and then added his own podcast, Everybody Loves a Bad Guy. That’s when the Radulich in Broadcasting Network was born. Joining Winfree in having their own podcasts were super fan’s Jesse Starcher (Source Material) and Jayson Teasley (From the Cheap Seats). The RIB has also partnered with The Casual Heroes for wrestling shows and the occasional movie related podcast. Finally Winfree and Radulich added a weekly movie review show to the ever growing lists of podcasts on the Network. Don't forget to give that Radulich in Broadcasting Network Facebook page a like to stay up on top of all the great podcasts that they have to offer. You can find them at your convenience on blogtalkradio.com, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, or iTunes! Just search "radulich" to subscribe to the network
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ErotiX, le podcast de tes histoires gay ASMR
Salut, je suis Viking Normand, et bienvenue dans l'univers d'ÉrotiX, le podcast gay qui va éveiller tous tes sens. Un univers dédié à la sensualité et au plaisir. Laisse-toi enivrer par chaque mot, chaque soupir... Installe-toi confortablement, mets-tes écouter, et Prépare-toi à une expérience sensorielle intense. Bonne écoute 😊 Si tu as des suggestions, écris moi erotixpodcast@gmail.com.
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42 with Razzle Dangerously

Razzle Dangerously
'Today We Learned' is a podcast of knowledge! Don't let the name confuse you, it's technically a weekly podcast.  Razzle and Dan labor down in the knowledge mines of the Internet to bring you the latest, greatest and sometimes weirdest facts and trivia the world has to offer. Join the guys and a special guest every Monday as they take you on a tour de force of fun-filled factoids in less time than it takes to do your laundry. Who knows? You might just learn something.
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The podcast dedicated to travelers, backpackers and explorers with thousands of stories.
The worst experiences can make the best stories ! Hey guys, my name is Tony and welcome to LETS TALK VENTURE ! LETS TALK VENTURE is a podcast dedicated to travelers, backpackers and explorers from all over the world, to share funny stories of adventures around the globe. Every week, let's lsten together to some tales of traveling, culture differencies, language learning tips, food, pop culture, politics and whatever is interesting to explore !
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Un podcast pour redécouvrir les femmes oubliées de l'histoire du cinéma.
Qui sont les femmes marquantes qui ont traversé l’histoire du cinéma ? On connaît Agnès Varda, Mary Pickford, Chantal Akerman, ou encore Alice Guy, révélée au grand public depuis peu. Seraient-elles la partie émergée de l’iceberg ? Car elles ne sont sûrement pas les seules femmes cinéastes à faire partie de notre patrimoine cinématographique. Et oui, avant Jane Campion et Céline Sciamma, elles ont été nombreuses les réalisatrices, scénaristes, directrices photo, productrices, scriptes, monteuses, costumières qui ont lutté pour se faire une place dans le 7ème art. Présenté par Esther Brejon, Silence ! Elles tournent est un podcast Revus & Corrigés, coproduit par le Mouvement Up, pour redécouvrir ces femmes oubliées de l’histoire du cinéma.
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émission de radio sur le monde d'aujourd'hui vu par deux homos
SLP -salutlespedes est une émission de radio qui explore le monde d'aujourd'hui (société, politique, écologie, économie, art ...) au travers du regard décalé de deux homos. Notre but est de donner des pistes de réflexion, d'essayer de vous emmener au delà de la pensée mainstream. C'est une hebdomadaire de 30 minutes diffusée sur Radio Pays d'Hérault (https://www.rphfm.org/) et Radio Campus Montpellier (http://www.radiocampusmontpellier.fr/).
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Rock n Blues Today

Simone Bargelli
Blues Radio Show
HELLO GUYS!.. “Rock ‘n’ Blues Today” is one of the oldest blues radio programs in Italy. It’s been on-air since March 1989 on the Umbrian local radio station called RadioRCC. Every Tuesday and Friday (with its 180 minutes) the show gives its listeners the opportunity to find out the most recent releases in the independent blues music scene from delta blues to jump blues, from swing to soul, a little bit of jazz and rockabilly, too. In January 2006 “Rock ‘n’ Blues Today” has become a reporting station for the radio chart of Living Blues magazine. ….Simone Bargelli approaches his radio show with a serious love, respect and knowledge of the tradition of blues music. For blues lovers in Italy and everywhere, blues radio is in good hands with “Rock n Blues Today”. “Rock n Blues Today” is a creative force in blues-radio journalism, Bravo!.. TAD ROBINSON
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Visual Studio Talk Show

Mario Cardinal et Guy Barrette
Un podcast en français sur l'architecture et le développement logiciel. Suivez les entrevues de Mario Cardinal et Guy Barrette avec les experts de la programmation Microsoft .NET.
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