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Le podcast de Kate est destiné à tous les curieux qui veulent passer un moment ludique. Je vous accompagne entre loisirs et découvertes sur une variété de sujets, des astuces pratiques pour la vie quotidienne aux réflexions sur les jeux de société, aux conseils pour animer des ateliers, de la magie, des histoires, des anecdotes. Un podcast sans prétention et divertissant. #famille #lifestyle #loisirs #découvertes
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Simon et Simone

Simon et Simone
Le podcast qui te parle de musique en toute détente
Simon (aka The Toxic Avenger) et Simone (aka Simone elle est bonne) vous proposent de découvrir Discorama : un talk bimensuel qui parle de musique en toute détente. Si vous allez chercher de vieux épisodes, vous trouverez aussi des "Missteps", qui sont des romans audio !  Pour soutenir la création et nous acheter des flûtes : https://fr.tipeee.com/simonetsimone Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Worst Foot Forward

Hosted by Ben Van der Velde and Barry McStay
An encyclopaedia of heroic failure Join Ben Van der Velde, Barry McStay and their guests as they brandish their wooden spoons of destiny and celebrate the losers, heroic failures and spectacular mis-steps that pockmark human endeavour. If you ever want to feel better about your progress in life, take a listen and enjoy a lovely schadenfreude bubble bath. Music by Max Perryment (www.maxperryment.co.uk) Donate to us via Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/WorstFootForward
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Questions for kindergarten is a podcast for children in kindergarten. The short content is made for young children and is offered by certified teachers.
Questions for kindergarten is a podcast for children in kindergarten. The short content is made for young children and is offered by certified teachers. The principle is simple: one question and its answer on each program. The questions are always based upon the programs and are adapted to the children’s level. The questions are always in relation to each field of what a kindergarten learns at school: speaking skills, vocabulary, phonology, mathematics, discovering the world… Whether it is in the car on your way to school, on a holiday trip, while eating or before going to bed, this podcast “Questions for kindergarten” is the young children and family’s best friend to learn new things or revise what you have already learnt. And it’s always fun! We hope you will enjoy sharing these warm moments with your families.
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Your Transformation Station

Gregory Favazza: Veteran, The Mosaic Mind
Welcome to "Your Transformation Station", where we embark on a journey of growth and discovery together. I'm your host, Gregory Favazza, aka "The Mosaic Mind", an army veteran and organizational leadership expert with a passion for learning and connecting the dots. Join me as we explore the intricacies of personal and professional development, uncovering hidden insights, and piecing together the mosaic of transformation. Let's dive deep, embrace curiosity, and transform ourselves one episode at a time.
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Kombat Rock!

Tino Bob and Co
On vous parle du Rock en général et on établit le classement suprême des groupes/artistes du meilleur au pire.
KombatRock c'est l'émission qui vous parle du Rock qu'on aime ou qu'on déteste. Nous retraçons l'histoire de ce genre musical à travers le parcours des différents groupes et artistes. Nos avis sont purement subjectifs avec un brin de mauvaise fois et nous avons même la prétention d'établir LE classement SUPRÊME du Rock ! Présenté par Antoine (Tino) accompagné de ses comparses Quentin (Deadloss le Hip-hop man progressif), François (Shogun le doyen Hardos) et Nathanaël (Nath le rastaquouère Catcheur). Une équipe éclectique pour vous divertir, et peut être même que vous apprendrez des choses! Bonne écoute !
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Dj Deal - Party Shaker Podcast
Welcome to the Dj Deal aka The Party Shaker's Podcast ! Find here a 1H mix every month, delicious cocktail between electronic and urban music, a mixture of news and classics, that you can listen everywhere ! To follow all the latest news and tour dates, go visit his website : www.djdeal.fr -- Bienvenue sur le podcast de Dj Deal ! Retrouvez chaque mois une heure de show éclectique et accessible, délicieux cocktail entre les musiques électroniques et les sonorités black music, mélange de nouveautés et de classics, à écouter partout ! Pour suivre toute son actualité et son agenda, allez visiter son site internet : www.djdeal.fr

Start Cooking

Kathy Maister
Are you a busy person who just never got around to learning the basics of cooking? We built startcooking.com just for you. You'll learn how to make quick and tasty meals, plus learn the basic cooking skills you'll need. Get ready to start cooking!
Are you a busy person who just never got around to learning the basics of cooking? We built startcooking.com just for you. You'll learn how to make quick and tasty meals, plus learn the basic cooking skills you'll need. Get ready to start cooking!
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Biz Women Rock

Katie Krimitsos
Katie Krimitsos is a mother, wife and high achieving woman entrepreneur who is on a mission to support the journeys of female entrepreneurs who want to grow purposeful, productive and profitable businesses. She's a Mastermind Leader, Coach and Business Growth Strategist, and live and online education provider for ambitious women entrepreneurs who want to see results! The Biz Women Rock podcast features interviews with successful business women, live coaching calls, and practical strategies for purposeful growth. We are in this together!
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Start Cooking

Kathy Maister
Start Cooking videos
Are you a busy person who just never got around to learning the basics of cooking? We built startcooking.com just for you. You'll learn how to make quick and tasty meals, plus learn the basic cooking skills you'll need. Get ready to start cooking! Many more episodes are available through our Start Cooking video feed, go to startcooking.com for details.
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Toku Podcast

Holly & Kate
A podcast thing from Holly & Kate about video gam…
A podcast thing from Holly & Kate about video games, TV, film, books and all things delicious, as well as more general stuff like X-Files fan fiction, ducks and our ~imagination~ Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Si King and Dave Myers, aka The Hairy Bikers, present The Hairy Rock Show on Planet Rock! Classic Rock and cooking collide in this seven-part series hosted by two of the UK's most popular cookery book writers. Each week, the loveable hairy pair treat listeners to features like The Nosh Pit, where they create special recipes on the radio inspired by classic rock songs to get those taste-buds and eardrums tingling simultaneously (think Led Zeppelin’s Custard Pie, or Poundcake by Van Halen). You can even see the recipes on planetrock.com (http://planetrock.com/) every Sunday so you can have a go yourself! Si and Dave also invite you to get in touch with your cookery issues in their Sunday Roast Amnesty. Tell the lads about your problem and they will do their best to fix it! From rubbish roasts to soggy sprouts, whatever the cooking trauma, you'll have the chance to get first hand advice from the experts. Check out the podcast now for the best bits of the show! Get involved at http://www.planetrock.com/thehairyrockshow
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échappées libres

"Et toi, tu fais quoi dans la vie ? Je veux dire... Dans ton temps libre ?"
Que faites-vous de votre temps libre ? Des passionnés, amateurs de loisirs divers, nous parlent avec passion car leur vie a changé depuis qu'ils ont trouvé leur passion. Leur avis est d'autant plus intéressant qu'il n'est subordonné à rien, il n'est ni tronqué ni intéressé. Il n'y a aucun enjeu financier, aucune préoccupation de réussite sociale ou d'efficacité pragmatique dans leur propos. Ces personnes sont des passionnés, qui ont trouvé le loisir qui leur fait du bien, un hobby qu'ils ont pleinement choisi, une activité purement autotélique.
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Le rock souvent en long, parfois en large, mais toujours en travers
The Butcher Experience c'est une heure d'infos, anecdotes mais surtout de musique consacré à des artistes, groupes, labels ou genres de musique. C'est diffusé depuis 2016 sur la radio nantaise JET FM.
tous les 14 résultats