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“The Lost Prince” is about Marco Loristan, his father, and his friend, a street urchin named The Rat. Marco's father, Stefan, is a Samavian patriot working to overthrow the cruel dictatorship in the kingdom of Samavia. Marco and his father, Stefan, come to London where Marco strikes up a friendship with a crippled street urchin known as The Rat. Marco’s father, realizing that two boys are less likely to be noticed, entrusts them with a secret mission to travel across Europe giving the secret sign: 'The Lamp is lighted.' This brings about a revolution which succeeds in overthrowing the old regime and re-establishing the rightful king. The book ends in a climatic scene as Marco realizes his father is the descendant of Ivor Fedorovitch and thus the rightful king of Samavia. (Summary from Wikipedia)
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The Jazz Treasury Podcast is devoted to exhibiting the best of jazz history in the format of an auditory tour of America’s richest indigenous music. Bi-weekly a different aspect of jazz will be presented. It may be a portrait of a musician such as Duke Ellington or John Coltrane. It could be a specific instrument like the bass or trumpet. We may visit a jazz city like Chicago or New Orleans. Other exhibits will focus on genera such as bebop or swing. Your curator and tour guide, Rich Sylvester, has over 40 years of jazz background to share. So, whether you’ve just begun to explore the art of jazz or consider yourself a connoisseur, tune into The Jazz Treasury. The Jazz Treasury podcast is always open!
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Radio Prakafra

Radio Prakafra
Radio Prakafra est un podcast Montréalais animé p…
Radio Prakafra est un podcast Montréalais animé par Bruno & Jonathan et nous traitons de tout les sujets. Chaque sessions est sous une thématiques différentes, des fois singulière, parfois récurantes. À la base, nous sommes 2 mais nous reçevons des invités et des chroniqueurs spécialisés qui sont, eux aussi, récurants. Le contenu est très vaste et contient, entre-autres, des expériences de vie, de la culture, des expérimentations, des pointes d'humour (Bien sûr) etc. Le contenant...La musique. Chaque sessions ce fait dans une enveloppe musicale/Audio, qui à, ou pas, rapport à notre thématiques. La musique dynamise énormément le propos. Il y a de tout les styles (Toute Câlisse) (Pour plus d'infos, voir: note sur la musique) Bref, nous espèrons que vous trouviez votre fun et que vous en sortirez grandi. Pra!! --------------------------------------------------------------- Note sur la musique: Bruno et Moi (Jonathan), partageons la même appréciation pour la bonne musique mais je suis moi-même musicien donc je comprends très bien ce que sais les droits d'auteurs. Le but n'ai pas d'exploiter l'oeuvre d'une tierce partie à des fins monétaires ou de dénaturer les pièces musicale proposées. Comme on disait auparavant, on veut faire connaître le plus de musique possible, dans toute ça variété et donner un style très précis au podcast et au sessions qui y sont rattachées. Pour chaque session, nous joindreons tout les crédits des tounes qui ne sont pas les nôtres en précisant le nom de la pièce, ainsi que l'artiste(s) et le label et/ou propriétaire(s) de l'oeuvre(s). En conclusion, premièrement, on espère faire découvrir de nouvelle musique aux auditeurs. Deuxièmement, on essaye juste d'avoir un style de podcast moderne et "original". Merci pour votre jugement et compréhension. Radio Prakafra Prakafra Radio is a Montreal-based Podcast hosted by Bruno & Jonathan and we're talking about almost anything. There are different topics for each sessions, Sometime only for one podcast and some subjects can pop-up in more then one show. Basically, we are just the two of us, however, we always welcome guests. Some who are specialist, whom come back from time to time. We talk about all kinds of stuff such as, life experiences, culture, experimentations, always with dark humor(Duh). The package...Music. Each sessions is done within music/Audio, that is, or not related to the topics. The "propos" is highly dynamized by the music. There is all kinds of music styles (Everything gawddamit) (For more infos, read: Note on music) That being said, we hope that you enjoy and have some fun with us and that maybe you will learn something. Pra!! --------------------------------------------------------------- Note on music: Bruno and I (Jonathan), share the same appreciation for good music but I am myself a musician and I know very well the importance of copyrights. The goal is not to exploit third party's art for monetary gain or to change the very nature of the piece of music proposed. Like we've already said, we want the listeners to discover as much music as possible, in all It's variety and we want to give a unique style to our podcast and the sessions attached to It. For each sessions, we will join all the credits of the tunes that aren't ours, precising the name of It, the artist(s) and the label and/or the owner(s) of the musical piece. Finally, first, we hope that the listeners find some new music to listen to. Second, we just try to have a modern and "original" style of podcast. Thank you for your judgment and comprehension. Prakafra radio
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