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The Vinyl Guide - Artist Interviews for Record Collectors and Music Nerds

Nate Goyer, Record Collector, Music Fan, Vinyl Maniac
Nate is a record collector, music lover and vinyl maniac. Join him on his journey to discuss, share and review all things related to vinyl records. We feature stories about and interviews with musicians, artists and people of knowledge in the area of vinyl records. Additionally we share information on desirable pressings of records, how to tell a $5 pressing from a $500 pressing and care and maintenance for your cratedigging hobby. Subscribe and share with your record-nerd friends. Cheers!
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Sound Opinions

WBEZ Chicago
A Production of WBEZ Chicago
Take two nationally respected rock critics, the latest music news, personal commentary, and exclusive interviews and performances, add a huge pile of records old and new, and the result is Sound Opinions, where people who love music can come together.
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Sound Opinions

Sound Opinions
Take two nationally respected rock critics, the latest music news, personal commentary, and exclusive interviews and performances, add a huge pile of records old and new, and the result is Sound Opinions, where people who love music can come together.
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Talking Bollocks

Howard H Smith
Heavy Metal Podcast hosted by Howard H Smith of Acid Reign
Talking Bollocks is the fortnightly podcast hosted by Acid Reign frontman and stand up comedian Howard H Smith. You get new music, opinions, revealing interviews and lots of laughs.
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WSM Radio's Coffee, Country & Cody

WSM Radio / Opry Entertainment Group
650 AM WSM made its mark on country music history on October 5, 1925. It was on that day that the station hit the airwaves, and continues to broadcast the best in classic country music to this day. 650 AM WSM has been the radio home for the Grand Ole Opry for over 82 years. You'll find some of their most popular programming available as podcasts. Includes interviews with country music stars and more. © WSM Radio
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Sing Out! Radio Magazine

Sing Out! Radio Magazine
A weekly folk music program
The Sing Out! Radio Magazine is a weekly, hour-long “magazine format” program, hosted by Tom Druckenmiller, featuring interviews in addition to “live” and recorded music. The program is currently being aired in over 25 markets nationwide!
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Eddie Trunk, the most well-known name in hard rock and metal music, brings his insight, commentary, reviews, discussion, and in-depth interviews to the podcast world! Join Eddie and his famous friends in rock and entertainment every week for a rollicking good time.
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Eddie Trunk, the most well-known name in hard rock and metal music, brings his insight, commentary, reviews, discussion, and in-depth interviews to the podcast world! Join Eddie and his famous friends in rock and entertainment every week for a rollicking good time.
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Eddie Trunk, the most well-known name in hard rock and metal music, brings his insight, commentary, reviews, discussion, and in-depth interviews to the podcast world! Join Eddie and his famous friends in rock and entertainment every week for a rollicking good time.
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Making music has never been easier, but building a music career today is altogether different. Finding the right audience for your music takes an entrepreneurial mindset, a lot of hard work, and a willingness to experiment. The DIY Musician Podcast features interviews with artists of all styles and backgrounds who’ve found a unique but authentic pathway to success, as well as in-depth discussions with music publicists, promoters, lawyers, publishers, talent buyers, and more. This podcast is geared towards independent musicians who want to build a sustainable music career without giving up (too much) financial or creative control. Hosts Kevin and Chris work with hundreds of thousands of artists at CD Baby, and are actively releasing and promoting their own music too; they're part of the same community they’re helping to educate and encourage with each new episode.
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Dave Robinson
Podcast & website that has interviews, reviews & chat on movies/TV/music/games/live events. www.60MW.co.uk
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The Oasis Podcast

The Oasis Podcast
Oasis Podcast is the only podcast/ radio show dedicated to the most influential band of the 1990s, Oasis. We delve into the history of the group as well as discussing many other areas of music and pop culture through in depth interviews with people who experienced the phenomenon that was the rise of Oasis at the time. We discuss the impact on pop culture back then, plus their legacy today. With high production values we edit the shows together with archive material from the time, including rare tracks, live performances, interviews and more.
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Brought to you by BluesMoose.nl. Bluesmoose radio
Dutch Blues radio show. Live recordings , interviews and good blues music since 2004 http://www.bluesmoose.nl https://www.youtube.com/user/Bluesmooseradio https://twitter.com/BluesMoose https://www.facebook.com/bluesmooseradio/ https://itunes.apple.com/nl/podcast/blues-music-blues-moose-radio/id350828303?mt=2 https://www.mixcloud.com/bluesmooseradio also on local FM at omroep Berg en Dal, GL8,
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Cobras & Fire is a comedy / rock talk show with absurd discussions about music, news, and life. Join your irreverent hosts Bakko and Loose Cannon as we make fun of what we love. We feature a mix of classic artists and bands on the rise. Rock's not dead. It's hiding. And you found it. In addition to our regular show, our interview episodes include members of Judas Priest, KISS, Anthrax, Motley Crue, and more. Our sidecast “Whatever, Nevermind” counts down the 25 Greatest Grunge albums according to Rolling Stone. Episodes feature a special guest host from the Podcast Community and interviews with the artists, producers, and record label execs involved with the albums.
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conversation sur la voix par Clémentine Coppolani
Bienvenue sur la Clé De La Voix, le podcast pour trouver sa voix / voie. Depuis 3 ans et  une centaine d'épisodes, Clémentine Coppolani invite les chanteurs.euses de tous esthétismes musicaux confondus.  Du jazz à la pop, du lyrique à la musique du monde, nous parlons de la voix, des émotions, du corps, de la musicalité, du trac, de la créativité, de l’état d’esprit, de la scène…  Ainsi que des métiers en lien avec la voix : scientifiques, professeurs de chant, hypnothérapeute, préparateurs mentaux, kinés des musiciens, coachs, orthophonistes, phoniatre, chercheurs sur la voix, psychomotricien des chanteurs, ethnomusicologues, sophrologues... pour échanger des conseils et des expériences de façon holistique.  Thomas Dutronc, Anne Sila, Flavia Coelho, LEJ, Sab santé, Stacey Kent, Sabine Devieilhe et bien d'autres se sont livrés sur le rapport intime à la voix dans le podcast; A écouter un vendredi sur deux, sur toutes les plateformes de podcast et sur Youtube. La Clé de la Voix est un podcast natif créé par Clémentine Coppolani, coach vocale depuis 2008, chanteuse et plus récemment sophrologue, praticienne en breathwork. Nommé podcast de l'année aux Social Music Awards (les trophées de la création musicale dans l'industrie musicale) classé 1er sur Apple catégorie podcast interview musicale. Echangeons sur les réseaux @clémentinecoppolani Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/clementinecoppolani/) Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVwRFgtLJVvjYttuP4FDfKQ) Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/clementine.coppolani/) TikTok (https://www.tiktok.com/@clementinecoppolani?lang=fr)  Site La Clé De La Voix (https://www.lacledelavoix.com/) Si "La Clé de la Voix" vous enchante : Abonnez vous et Notez-le 5 étoiles et un petit commentaire (https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/la-cl%C3%A9-de-la-voix/id1540556873) sur Apple Podcast, Spotify ou Youtube ! Votre soutien m'aide à toucher davantage de personnes et à avoir accès aux artistes que vous me suggérez d'interviewer ! Si vous souhaitez maximiser vos chances de les entendre au micro de "La Clé de la Voix". Pour vous remercier chaque mois, je sélectionnerai parmi les commentaires l’un ou l’une d’entre vous pour recevoir mon kit de souffle ou une séance avec moi. Et bien sûr, n’hésitez pas à faire connaître La Clé De La Voix en le partageant avec toutes les personnes qui aspirent elles aussi à développer leurs voix  !  Si vous voulez apparaître sur le podcast en tant qu'intervenant, si vous pensez que votre manière d'enseigner et/ou d'utiliser la voix n'a pas encore été abordée, et que vous aimeriez  vous aussi, prendre la parole sur le podcast La Clé de la Voix ou pour annoncer vos stages, cours, parution, communiquer sur votre activité en lien avec la voix ou sur votre actualité musicale, ✉️  lacledelavoixcollab@gmail.com ou en MP sur les réseaux. Vous voulez en savoir plus sur la voix et ses secrets ? Alors ne manquez pas de vous abonner à ma newsletter (https://gmail.us14.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=7a1383516d5348d974a50244a&id=4fb60254b4)! En vous inscrivant, vous recevrez 1 fois par mois des informations exclusives, des invitations et des offres spéciales sur tout ce qui concerne la voix.  Pour réserver un coaching vocal, un bilan, un breathwork, une séance de sophrologie ou de préparation mentale envoyez- moi une voice sur les réseaux, j’adore découvrir vos voix ou bien écrivez moi ✉️ lacledelavoix@gmail.com  Musique du podcast: Jingle The Voice Messengers, création sonore piano Farid Boukhalfa. Graphisme Alex Singer     Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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