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A weekly podcast reviewing one or two new release titles every episode with an occasional free-for-all segment at the end we call Potpourri. Proudly presented by ObsessiveViewer.com. A full archive of The Obsessive Viewer Podcast (as well as written reviews) can be found at ObsessiveViewer.com.
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Podcast host Matt Hurt (Obsessive Viewer Podcasts) loves science fiction. Yet, he has never seen The Twilight Zone. Anthology is his attempt to rectify that and broaden his sci-fi horizons. Join him as each week, Matt shares his first impressions, analysis, and overall thoughts on episodes of Rod Serling’s iconic series in chronological order. He also pairs each review with a non-spoiler review of an episode of Science Fiction Theatre, a sci-fi anthology series hosted by Truman Bradley from 1955. In bonus episode series, Matt covers each episode of modern sci-fi anthology series such as Black Mirror, Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams, Hulu’s Dimension 404, and (of course) CBS All-Access’ modern revival of The Twilight Zone produced and hosted by Jordan Peele. Proudly presented by ObsessiveViewer.com.
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The Sporkful

Dan Pashman and Stitcher
We obsess about food to learn more about people. The Sporkful isn't for foodies, it's for eaters. Hosted by Dan Pashman, who's also the inventor of the new pasta shape cascatelli. James Beard and Webby Award winner for Best Food Podcast. A Stitcher Production.
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Turned Out A Punk

Turned Out A Punk
Damian Abraham has been many things... the singer of a critically acclaimed band, a failed VJ and food network host, one of the minds behind TV's "The Wrestlers", parent of 3... and undeniably, a punk music obsessive. Each week, he sits down and chats with an interesting person from various walks of life to find out how their world was influenced and changed by the discovery of a novelty genre that supposedly died out in 1978... PUNK!
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WFMU presents contemporary experimental, psychedelic, noise, obscure music.
A comprehensive exploration of contemporary experimental, psychedelic, noise & other obscure music. Hosted by Andy Ortmann (curator of the Nihilist Records label and member of longtime noise project Panicsville) presenting his obsessive perspective on the new difficult music. Peripheral and relating genres, including ethereal, electronic & extreme metal should also be expected in this weekly program. Sit back and relax into the hallucination amplification of The Eternal Now.
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Get obsessed with us. Five days a week, Pop Culture Happy Hour serves you recommendations and commentary on the buzziest movies, TV, music, books, videogames and more. Join arts journalists Linda Holmes, Glen Weldon, Stephen Thompson, and Aisha Harris - plus a rotating cast of guest pop culture aficionados. The Happy Hour team leaves room at the table for exploring a range of reactions and opinions on every bit of the pop universe. From lowbrow to highbrow to the stuff in between, they take it all with a shot of cheer. Make your happy hour even happier with Pop Culture Happy Hour Plus! Your subscription supports the podcast and unlocks a sponsor-free feed. Learn more at plus.npr.org/happyhour
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When a Vinyl Addict Meets his Dealer
Are you addicted to collecting records? Do you have black wax coursing through your veins? Has your vinyl dependance gotten out of control? Amassing 45s has become an obsession? This podcast will help you get you through until your next fix. Do our hosts Ben Shulman and Patrick Foisy offer a cure? No they don't. In fact, they are afflicted by the same sweet disease. Get ready for a fresh new podcast to hit your data stream. When analog clashes into the digital world! Addicted To The Needle - The podcast where a vinyl addict meets his dealer.
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Le premier podcast francophone et indépendant qui démystifie la philanthropie
Quand tu entends le mot philanthropie tu sors les boules à mites ? Tu ouvres le dico ? Tu te dis que c’est un truc de riche ? Tu ne sais pas par quel bout prendre « l’amour de l’humanité » ? Tu as tort et tu es sans doute une personne philanthrope qui s’ignore. Nous avons tous déjà fait l’expérience de la générosité envers autrui ou de la part d'autrui. Dans ce podcast, je te propose de découvrir la philanthropie autrement, hors des sentiers battus et des chemins élitistes, avec un regard rafraîchissant et pédagogique. Tu feras la connaissance de porteurs de projet associatif ou caritatif, de dirigeants d’ONG ou de fondations, de personnes et personnalités engagées. Tu te nourriras des réflexions de chercheurs, d’acteurs de changement ou essayistes qui questionnent le sujet de manière accessible. En écoutant Filantropio, tu comprendras que le spectre de la philanthropie est aussi large que le compte bancaire de Bill Gates et que t’as pas besoin d’aligner 10 zéros sur un chèque pour faire le bien autour de toi. Dans chaque épisode, j’explore et démystifie une facette de la générosité à l’échelle de la francophonie. Le don de soi est un sujet d’avenir dans une société à la croisée des chemins. Au cours des dernières décennies, nos sociétés ont surtout développé une obsession pour le lien à soi, porté aux nues par l’ère du développement personnel et du capitalisme. Depuis peu, on reconnaît l’importance de cultiver également le lien à la nature et le lien aux autres sous la forme d’un triptyque inséparable. T’as pas envie d’être aussi bancal qu’un tabouret à 2 pattes ? Alors viens tisser ce lien altruiste et rejoins-nous dans cette quête de sens, d'engagement et de solidarité. Et si t’es un pro du fundraising, de la collecte de fonds ou de l’ESS, accorde-toi une halte sur les ondes de Filantropio pour te sortir la tête du guidon et faire le plein d’inspiration. À la production et animation : Charlène Petit : experte de la philanthropie depuis 2015, créatrice de la newsletter mensuelle Vitamine G, passionnée de fundraising digital et entrepreneure au service des marques caritatives.  Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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The Bachelor super fan Arden Myrin along with Bachelor-obsessed celebrity guests discuss the latest The Bachelor episode: tears, fantasy suites, and making sweet, sweet, love on the GREATEST COMEDY FRANCHISE OF ALL TIME- The Bachelor, Bachelorette, and Bachelor in Paradise. FANTASY! VICTORY! SUCCESS!! AMERICA!!! BONE ZONE!!!
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Calgary: A Sprawling Obsession

Delaplaine Productions
A discussion around urban sprawl in Calgary and its effect on biodiversity and people
The rapid pace of Calgary’s expansion since the 50s raised questions from academics and concerned citizens, who described it as a perfect example of urban sprawl and deemed it unsustainable from the human, economic and environmental point of view. This podcast is a series in 3 episodes that aims at exploring this question, through interviews with experts to discuss the threats associated to this phenomenon from three different points of view: the threats towards Calgary inhabitants, the threats towards biodiversity and the threats towards the cultural heritage of Indigenous people. This podcast was created as part of the Canadian Wilderness Stewardship Program run by CPAWS.
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Entrez dans le monde de celles et ceux qui font la bande-dessinée !
Sous la jaquette est un podcast qui met en avant le processus créatif de celles et ceux qui font la bande-dessinée. Méthodes de travail, outils préférés, obsessions... chaque auteur/autrice a son univers. Bienvenue sous la jaquette !
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Podcasts – Seriesfolie

Podcasts – Seriesfolie
La série, art philosophique où cohabitent esprit de système des classiques et intuition post-moderne de l'insaisissable
Emission hebdomadaire consacrée aux séries télévisées
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Shabby Road Record Show Podcast

Ryan McKay and AD Adams
Two music obsessed friends meet up in a dilapidated studio known as Shabby Road to discuss 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, classic rock, hard rock, heavy metal, underground, proto punk
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Salut le turfu

Usbek et Rica
L'actualité du futur, le futur dans l'actualité
La rédaction d'Usbek et Rica (https://usbeketrica.com/), le magazine qui explore le futur, revient sur les grands faits d’actualité en vous proposant un décryptage des actualités qui ont marqué la semaine, le mois ou l'année ! Chaque mois, on vous propose nos recommandations culturelles : les derniers sorties de films, romans, BD, séries, pièces de théâtre, expositions qui font le plus écho à notre obsession : le futur.  On vous prévient : si vous n'écoutez pas ce podcast, votre moi du futur viendra sans doute vous le reprocher à bord de sa machine à voyager dans le temps. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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The Rock is a lot of things. 2016's highest paid …
The Rock is a lot of things. 2016's highest paid actor. People Magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive". Fanny pack fashion icon. Future president? And now, he's the subject of a brand new podcast! Join Jordan and Charlie on their quest to find out why Dwayne Johnson is the most electrifying man in entertainment. They'll break down every one of his IMDB offerings in near-obsessive detail until they get to the bottom of it. Special episodes are planned to examine his Saturday Night Live appearances, guest starring roles on TV shows and more!
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