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Questions for kindergarten is a podcast for children in kindergarten. The short content is made for young children and is offered by certified teachers.
Questions for kindergarten is a podcast for children in kindergarten. The short content is made for young children and is offered by certified teachers. The principle is simple: one question and its answer on each program. The questions are always based upon the programs and are adapted to the children’s level. The questions are always in relation to each field of what a kindergarten learns at school: speaking skills, vocabulary, phonology, mathematics, discovering the world… Whether it is in the car on your way to school, on a holiday trip, while eating or before going to bed, this podcast “Questions for kindergarten” is the young children and family’s best friend to learn new things or revise what you have already learnt. And it’s always fun! We hope you will enjoy sharing these warm moments with your families.
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Making music has never been easier, but building a music career today is altogether different. Finding the right audience for your music takes an entrepreneurial mindset, a lot of hard work, and a willingness to experiment. The DIY Musician Podcast features interviews with artists of all styles and backgrounds who’ve found a unique but authentic pathway to success, as well as in-depth discussions with music publicists, promoters, lawyers, publishers, talent buyers, and more. This podcast is geared towards independent musicians who want to build a sustainable music career without giving up (too much) financial or creative control. Hosts Kevin and Chris work with hundreds of thousands of artists at CD Baby, and are actively releasing and promoting their own music too; they're part of the same community they’re helping to educate and encourage with each new episode.
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Playing the very best in unsigned and new music this is The Fresh Unsigned Radio Show. I play bands from the UK and around the world. I also feature band videos. I'm always on the look out for new bands and singer songwriters to take part on the show. If you would like to have a track play listed for FREE drop me an Mp3 with info or Press Pack to deanjamesfreshunsigned@hotmail.co.uk Please ensure you own all copyright to your music and are happy with me playing on the show. I'm looking for indie, rock, pop punk, ska, gothic, psychedelic and acoustic bands/singer songwriters. Record labels are welcome to submit bands check out the links page for full list.Fresh Unsigned also goes out via Oystermouth Radio www.oystermouthradio.com For more info check out www.freshunsigned.webs.com or you can follow Fresh Unsigned on www.twitter.com/freshunsigned Enjoy the show.
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Réécoutez les émissions et productions spéciales RIO LOCO 2022 de Radio FMR et Radio Campus
Les équipes talentueuses FMR 89.1 et de radio Campus sont de retour sur la prairie des filtres à #Toulouse pour 3 émissions en direct mercredi 15 juin, jeudi 16 et vendredi 17 2022 de 11h à 13h. Au programme : la présentation en détail de l'édition 2022 du festival Rio Loco, des rencontres avec les acteurs du festival (programmation musicale, médiation culturelle, arts visuels, valise Rio loco, réseau zone franche...), des interviews d'artistes (général elektrik, lass, zanmari baré....) et le son du Perco (cafés et grooves rares). Rejoignez nous sur les ondes à midi et le soir sur site. Merci à toute l'équipe presse du festival pour leur accueil, au brigadier zongo pour la technique, à Amalia pour l'inspiration et aux charmes pour leur précieuses ombres.
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Récit de vie questionnant les masculités
Comment grandit-on dans notre société en étant un garçon ? Comment déconstruire des normes de genres déviant vers des masculinités toxiques ? En mêlant anecdotes et partages de réflexion, ce podcast s'applique à ouvrir des fenêtres pour déconstruire des modèles qui enferment.
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Radio Nova Podcasts
Le grand mix des radios du monde ! Du Nord au Sud, d’Est en Ouest, Isadora Dartial nous conduit dans une traversée de la FM. Un road trip sous forme de zapping qui donne à entendre ce qui se passe à l’autre bout de la planète.
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