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Order 66 Podcast

GM Dave and GM Chris
Order 66 is a podcast devoted to the d20 system of role playing games and specifically to Star Wars Saga Edition. We talk classes, races, mechanics and have a few funny bits along the way. We also talk about other systems, such as D&D and miniatures and t
Order 66 is a podcast devoted to the d20 system of role playing games and specifically to Star Wars Saga Edition. We talk classes, races, mechanics and have a few funny bits along the way. We also talk about other systems, such as D&D and miniatures and their role in the d20 system. Tune in and subscribe!
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Saga mp3 originale d'ErikaM de la team Javras.
Emiri Umikami est une jeune lycéenne de 16 ans, orpheline, et qui vit avec sa soeur, Arisu. Son enfance n'a pas été facile; choquée, martyrisée et en difficulté, elle n'a eu qu'un seul soutien : son meilleur ami, Kouseki Tsuyoshi. Un jour, alors qu'elle range son grenier sur ordre de sa sœur, elle met la main sur un livre se nommant "Book of Another Time". Ce qu'elle va alors découvrir va changer sa vie... à tout jamais.
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