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Drunken Lullabies

Dustin Wikoff
This is the Drunken Lullabies feed. It contains all episodes of Drunken Lullabies, a craft beer and music podcast. It also features the spin off Drunk at the Movies, a film commentary podcast, My Personal Mixtape where musicians select their 10 favorite songs from their careers and we discuss them. Plus MashUp Mondays and the newest series Radio Rewind, where we look at the Billboard Top 10 from 10, 20 ,30, & 40 years ago each week.
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Retour vers le Turfu
Le Podcast Cinéma de référence
Bienvenue dans Rewind, Le Podcast cinéma traversant différentes époques à la recherche du film le plus culte de tous les temps. Comédie, horreur, science fiction, action, drame, tout y passe Host Luc LE GONIDEC / Contact pro : rvturfu@gmail.com / Produit par Retour vers le Turfu
Mots-clefs : retour,vers,le,turfu,rvlt,podcast,popculture,jeux vidéo,cinéma,série TV,musique,rewind
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The I A Session
Bonjour, je suis Maryam Lafargue directrice et formatrice à the Inspire Academy. C'est une jeune entreprise ayant pour but d'enseigner des langues et de donner des cours de coaching. Ce second aspect est celui qui m'anime. Effectivement au travers de ces cours je les aide à entreprendre toute sorte de projet et à faire en sorte de rendre leurs rêves réalité comme j'ai pu le faire avec le mien. Je vais donc essayer au travers de ces podcasts de vous transmettre mon vécu et mon expérience.

Rewind and Play

revue sagasphérique
Une fois par semaine, critiques et revues sur la sagasphère.
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The Emmaus Project Podcast

Emmaus Project Podcast
Two Brothers, one podcast and a whole bunch of th…
Two Brothers, one podcast and a whole bunch of theology. If you love theology, interviews and a few laughs here and there, this is the podcast for you. Welcome to the Emmaus Project podcast where we remind you that Jesus loves exposition. Here at the Emmaus Project podcast we are all about exposition. Our favorite preachers are expositors, we ourselves are expositors and we are convinced of the importance and need for exposition. Our name comes from Luke 24:13-33. In this passage, the two disciples were walking home after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. As they were traveling, Jesus approached them and they did not recognize Him. Jesus asked them what they were discussing and the disciple answered things about Jesus the Nazarene. The disciples failed to understand that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God. Jesus then began to explain the Scriptures to them. It is the Emmaus Project podcast’s firm conviction that the world has two fundamental problems, they do not understand the Scriptures and they misunderstand Jesus. It is our goal to explain the Scriptures and encourage our listeners to fall in love with the Word of God. It is our heartfelt desire to have God’s Word as the authority of the church. So join us for this Christ centered, biblical concentrated, and Gospel focused podcast. Caleb Hilbert- Pastor/Teacher at Little Salmon bible Church in Pollock, Idaho Ty Hilbert – Musician/Youth pastor at Grace Bible Church in Gillette, Wyoming Dustin Clay- Podcast Guest
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Sasuke Uchiha made many mistakes throughout Naruto. In his search for revenge, he opted to do anything that would give him more power. Sasuke walked down the road of darkness and became a villain in many ways. Despite that, by the end of Naruto Sasuke was ready to atone for all of his wrongdoings and was willing to sacrifice his life for the sake of the Leaf Village. One way he atoned was refusing the medical process that could restore his arm. He decided to let his physical loss remain as a reminder of his failures. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Retour sur les classiques du cinéma
Clin d'œil à l'inscription des vidéos clubs des années 80 et au film de Michel Gondry, Be Kind Rewind est un podcast qui revient sur les classiques du cinéma en évoquant leurs tournages mais aussi les années de leurs sorties à travers le contexte socio-culturel, la pop culture de l'époque, les produits dérivés et les éventuelles suites et / ou remakes.
tous les 7 résultats