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Deep State Radio

The DSR Network
Twice a week, this podcast will take you on a smart, direct, sometimes scary, sometimes profane, sometimes hilarious tour of the inner workings of American power and of the impact of our leaders and their policies on our standing in the world. Hosted by noted author and commentator David Rothkopf and featuring regulars Rosa Brooks of Georgetown Law School, Kori Schake of Stanford University and David Sanger of the New York Times, the program will be the lively, smart dinner table conversation on the big issues of the day that you wish you were having...without the calories. Sometimes special guests will join the conversation and always the emphasis will be on providing the unvarnished perspectives others shy away from. Deep State Radio is the insider perspective on American national security and foreign policy that you can't find anywhere else. If you are enjoying this podcast, please consider becoming a member by visiting thedsrnetwork.com.
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Ear Hustle

Ear Hustle & Radiotopia
Ear Hustle brings you the daily realities of life inside prison, shared by those living it, and stories from the outside, post-incarceration.
Ear Hustle is prison slang for eavesdropping, and that’s what listening to the show feels like: a raw, often funny, and always surprising peek into the reality of life inside prison. Hosts Nigel Poor and Earlonne Woods co-created the show that launched in 2017 while Earlonne was incarcerated at San Quentin State Prison, where Nigel was a volunteer teaching photography. Since Earlonne’s release in 2018, the show has expanded to include stories from prisons across the state, including the California Institution for Women, as well as stories about getting out of prison and starting over, post-incarceration. From finding romance, to grappling with a life sentence, to trying to parent via 15-minute phone calls, Ear Hustle stories deliver what This American Life host Ira Glass calls a “"very real” and “untragic” take on prison life. Ear Hustle is a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX, a network of independent listener-supported podcasts. Discover audio with vision at radiotopia.fm and learn more about Ear Hustle at earhustlesq.com.
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Ne manquez aucune actualité CSE
Restez informé à tout moment de l'actualité juridique du Comité Social et Economique le CSE. Que vous soyez représentant au CSE, délégué du personnel, délégué syndical, membre du comité d'entreprise ou mebre du CHSCT, ces audio peuvent vous être utiles. L'équipe Juritravail en partenariat avec les juristes et avocats réalisent pour vous des webconférences sur différentes thématiques qui touchent la vie quotidienne d'un membre du CSE. De la mise en place du CSE à ses champs d'application (harcèlement, médiation, droit d'alerte, DUER, égalité homme/femme ...) Notre équipe vous apporte toutes les réponses à vos questions.
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La mise en place d'un statut d'éco-délégué.e fut l'une des propositions finales de la première édition de la Convention Citoyenne Etudiante (CEE), et la première à avoir été validée par la présidence de l'Université Paris-Est Créteil.
Etre éco-délégué.e, c'est devenir un.e ambassadeur.ice, un.e co-pilote de projets environnementaux menés au sein de l'UPEC afin de l'accompagner dans sa transition. Le podcast "La Voix des éco-délégué.es" vous propose de découvrir, à travers une série d'épisodes, leur rôle et leurs projets, tous portés par l'ambition de faire de leur université un lieu toujours plus responsable et engagé.
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The CWTA podcast is a paradise of wordplay (Pessi…
The CWTA podcast is a paradise of wordplay (Pessimist Prime) and forced portmanteaus (Bumbleteeth) for two siblings that live in different states but still want to talk about the things they like. Joe and Kristen are currently covering generation 1 of the Transformers cartoon. New episode every other Wednesday!
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American Anthology

Michael W. Harding
Exploring America's Small Towns and Back Roads
American Anthology follows host and professional tour guide Michael Harding on a multi-year journey around the United States. Travelling slow, Mike hopes to spend at least a month in each state to seek out the most interesting and intriguing stories and share them with you here. Fascinating, thought provoking and sometimes hilarious stories await around every corner. Each episode will take you deep into that state’s history and culture and look at them through a modern lens. Mixed in with these tales from our past, you’ll hear great music from today’s local bands. Sit back, put your feet up on the dash, and come along for the ride.
Louisiana's Link To Live Music
The Tour Bus Music Show is a bi-weekly podcast that features interviews and music from some of the best and most popular bands performing in the southern United States. Our show focuses on Louisiana bands but also covers bands that tour through out the south as well.
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A podcasting favourite of the late 10's, Australia's most straight talking pop music bloggers, the Project U team, are back together for a weekly podcast. In the Pop Corner - Nic Kelly, Grace Garde & Nathan come together once a week to sort the excellence from the trash, play games and set straight the state of pop. Get on board bitches.
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The only tejano podcast from Chicago, IL
Since 2013 Noches Pesadas is the only Tejano radio show podcast out of Chicago, IL. Having started in 2013 the founder (tv/radio and digital media veteran Carlos Mendez) thought if great bands like La Sombra, Grupo Oasis and more came from Chicago why is a show not produced here? He took his money and began the show on local radio station WCEV 1450AM. Months later the show moved to WRLL Radio Formula 1450AM where it stayed until January 2016. Carlos hosted, sold to sponsors and produced the show. During this time he also began distributing the program as a podcast and through the tune in app. Til this day it is still broadcast through both of those digital mediums where it averages tons of downloads from places all over the United States. If you want the show broadcast at your local station please call them and demand it. Let us know what you think at carlosradioarte@yahoo.com or instagram carlosmendezradio or twitter @djrocktonik or FB:http://facebook.com/djrocktonik
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Texas Music Spotlight

Podcast featuring musicians from the great state …
Podcast featuring musicians from the great state of Texas. We bridge the gap between the listener and musician by bringing exclusive interviews and a behind the scenes look at the musicians we know and love. Our podcast is also a great way to find your next favorite band! texasmusicspotlight.com
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Edible Radio

Edible Radio podcasts are produced in association with Edible Communities, Inc., a network of over 70 Edible Magazines in the Unites States and Canada. Featuring conversations with leading writers, thinkers, and eaters from the S.O.L.E. food movement, Edible Radio podcasts are recognized for stories on sustainable, organic, local and ethical food issues.
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Professor Denis Knoepfler Chair of Epigraphy and History of the Ancient Greek Cities Professor Denis Knoepfler is a distinguished scholar in the field of Greek inscriptions and ancient Greek history. The Professor's lectures and seminaries are devoted particularly to Hellenistic history, institutions and cults of Athens, Euboia, Boiotian cities and Federal States. The research fields of his assistants are the history and the inscriptions of Mylasa, Labraunda and Sinuri (Damien Aubriet) and of Megara and Megarian colonies (Adrian Robu). Les enseignements sont diffusés avec le soutien de la Fondation Bettencourt Schueller
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La chaire de Microbiologie et Maladies Infectieuses dont Philippe Sansonetti est le titulaire a pour objectif de présenter les grands problèmes et les principaux défis posés par les maladies infectieuses dans un monde globalisé et de procurer aux auditeurs une capacité de lecture et d'analyse de ces problématiques complexes. L'approche prise est essentiellement fondamentale. Elle vise en particulier à présenter l'état de la recherche en cours dans des domaines divers mais complémentaire comme la microbiologie fondamentale, les mécanismes moléculaires et cellulaires des processus infectieux, les réponses immunitaires de l'hôte et leur manipulation par les microbes, le développement d'approches nouvelles, thérapeutiques et vaccinales, promettant un meilleur contrôle des maladies infectieuses. Ceci représente le coeur de l'enseignement qui s'enrichit, grâce à des séminaires d'experts, de présentations sur des sujets très spécifiques, y compris dans des domaines adjacents comme l'épidémiologie et la santé publique. The Chair of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases held by Philippe Sansonetti is aimed at introducing the major issues and challenges related to infectious diseases in a global world, and to offer keys to students to better analyse and understand this complex topic. The approach taken is deliberately basic. It aims to present the current status of research in diverse but complementary domains such as basic microbiology, the molecular and cellular mechanisms of infections, host immune responses and their manipulation by microbes, the development of novel therapeutic and prophylactic approaches, particularly vaccines, to better control the threat. This is the core of the teaching which is strengthened by seminars given by experts on very specific topics, including in adjacent areas such as epidemiology and public health. Les enseignements sont diffusés avec le soutien de la Fondation Bettencourt Schueller
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Une parodie mp3 du jeu "The Legend of Zelda : The Minish Cap" réalisé par Richoult de la TeamJavras.
La porte vers le monde des Mashin ne s’ouvre que tous les 100 ans. Lors de la fête qui précède l'ouverture de la porte, Vaatil lance un sort à la princesse Irma qui la transforme en statue de pierre. Durant ces événements, Pink, l'ami d'enfance de la princesse est présent et décide de tout faire pour sauver Irma. Plus tard, Pink rencontrera Exel un Bonnet-vert qui décidera d'aider Pink dans sa quête.
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L'internationalisation du droit, thème central de la chaire d'études juridiques, n'est pas une catégorie comme le droit interne ou le droit international, mais un mouvement qui les transforment l'un et l'autre, l'un par l'autre, en créant une tension entre le relatif et l'universel. Devant l'échec de l'universalisme, qu'il s'agisse du marché, des droits de l'homme, de l'environnement ou du droit pénal, la tentation est de revenir à la conception traditionnelle du droit identifié à l'État. Mais face à la globalisation des flux (flux financiers et flux d'information), des risques (écologiques, sanitaires ou biotechnologiques) et des crimes (de la corruption au terrorisme), la réponse ne peut se limiter au droit national. D'où la recherche des conditions d'une internationalisation pluraliste qui ne renonce pas à la diversité des systèmes mais apprend à les ordonner autour de principes communs. The internationalization of law, the central topic of the Chair of Legal Studies, is not a category like domestic or international law, but a movement that transforms one by the other, or one into the other, and creates tension between relativism and universalism. Considering universalism's failure (in the areas of the market, human rights, environmental law and criminal law), it would seem reasonable to prefer the traditional conception of law identified with the state. But domestic law cannot by itself cope with the globalization of flows (of money and information), risks (ecological, sanitary and biotechnological), or crimes (from corruption to terrorism). This is why the Chair's research into how to realize pluralist internationalization focuses on accepting diversity and finding ways to organize the various systems around common principles. Les enseignements sont diffusés avec le soutien de la Fondation Bettencourt Schueller
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