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A pop culture time machine! Each episode covers that very week from 30 years ago, 20 years ago and 10 years ago, which means each show is loaded with forgotten movies, timeless TV episodes and songs best left to the past. We'll examine TV, movies, music and video games from the 90s, 2000s, and 2010s. Come remember with us!
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L'entretien de la semaine
Chaque semaine, nous recevons un académicien ou une académicienne pour une conversation autour d'une actualité qui lui tient à cœur.
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Studio Carton C
Pragmastick, c'est le podcast qui réunit des joueurs autour d'un jeu vidéo choisi à l'avance. Chaque mois, nos compères s'attablent et discutent de leur ressenti autour du jeu, et échangent pendant plus ou moins une heure.
Pragmastick, c'est l'histoire de joueurs qui, à force d'écouter différents podcasts francophones et anglais, décident de sauter le pas, de brancher un micro, et de parler dedans. Ils choisissent un sujet qui leur tient à coeur depuis bien longtemps : le jeu vidéo.
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One hundred simple fish sauces. Sixty-five ways to cook mackerel. The Catching of Unshelled Fish. Twenty-seven ways to Cook Frogslegs. Now that should certainly make you reach...
One hundred simple fish sauces. Sixty-five ways to cook mackerel. The Catching of Unshelled Fish. Twenty-seven ways to Cook Frogslegs. Now that should certainly make you reach for your apron and fish knife! How to Cook Fish by Olive Green is a vintage culinary classic, filled with simple, easy to follow recipes rendered in a terse, no nonsense style. There's none of this fiddling with scales, weights and measures. What you get is a mélange of interesting, unusual ways to cook seafood without worrying about lists of ingredients, timings, temperature or any of the conventions followed by traditional cookbooks. If you've read that old Victorian favorite, Lavender and Old Lace (which was later adapted very successfully as Arsenic and Old Lace) by Myrtle Reed, you'd certainly be interested to know that the author had an equally successful career as a writer of popular cook books. Writing under the pseudonym Olive Green, Reed published six very successful books on cooking. However, from 1898 to her suicide in 1911, she continuously published at least one novel every year. The books are romantic and highly emotional in nature, full of unrequited passion, revenge, mystery and supernatural happenings. She also wrote a collection of stories about important women who made a difference to society. In between, she wrote pamphlets, married her Canadian pen-pal, suffered severe and debilitating bouts of insomnia and engaged in charity work. Her cookbooks are characterized by interesting tips on home making and the art of cooking, peppered with literary nuggets and quotations, witty remarks and anecdotes, all of which make How to Cook Fish not just an excellent recipe book but also an interesting and entertaining read. She also provides lists of what fish are in season during particular times of year, thus ensuring that the cook uses only the freshest of ingredients. How to Cook Fish is divided into 45 chapters. The One Hundred Fish Sauces are arranged in alphabetical order, starting with “Admiral Sauce” and ending with “White Sauce.” In between you have recipes for “Brown Tomato Sauce” “Sicilian Sauce” and other such unusual concoctions. Under the chapter One Hundred Miscellaneous Recipes you have items such as Fish a la Brunswick, Chartreuse of Fish, Jellied Fish Salad and many other great variations. This is indeed a great addition to your kitchen library and the clear, simple way in which the recipes are presented would tempt even the least adventurous of cooks to try a hand at one of these delicious sounding creations.
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Canapé Game

Le Canapé Game
Parce qu'on y passe beaucoup trop de temps sur ce canapé, alors autant faire un podcast.
C’est un podcast avec des gens sympas qui veulent parler de leur PASSION, à savoir le jeu vidéo et la culture pop japonaise. Tous les mois ou presque, retrouvez Otak, Nemo, Xéfir, Bébert et Axel ainsi que leurs invités dans une émission où chacun chronique un sujet qui lui tient à coeur, entrecoupés de musique, de quiz et pour finir par le jeu vidéo qu'on vous conseille pour votre propre canapé.
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Join award winning author, speaker, sex educator and media maker Tristan Taormino as she explores the world of sexuality from every angle. Tristan interviews leading authors, educators, artists and icons about sexual pleasure, sexual wellness, identity, relationships, community, and social justice. Get an inside look at alternative sexual practices, communities, and relationships—like LGBTQIA folx, BDSM, polyamory, sex work, and disability—from both leading and underrepresented voices. Tristan also shares her twenty years of experience with honest, sex-positive sex advice for listeners. Excited by sexual pleasure and sexual politics? You’ve come to the right place. This program contains explicit content that may be unsuitable for some listeners.
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Histoires à emporter

Alix Roques-Genez
J'ai créé Histoires à emporter avec l'envie de distractions légères vis-à-vis de la création quotidienne. Lorsque l'on est plongé dans un projet qui nous tient à coeur, il devient lourd à porter, les contraintes se multiplient, et il semble que la majorité de notre énergie passe dans la résolution de problèmes et la correction d'erreurs. C'est dans ces moments-là que j'ai envie de m'offrir une fenêtre dans laquelle il soit possible de rêver, de partir de zéro, avec liberté et légèreté. Dans ce podcast, pas de règles, pas d'attentes, pas de format : on prend un bout d'idée, et on explore.
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Western Wednesday

Radio Memories Network
How many western radio programs can you recall if any? Can you recall two, ten, or fifteen of them. How about twenty titles? Well, there were more than thirty different radio westerns that aired over the years. Some have become an example of radio excellence and others just memories. Each week we will be covering some of the most popular westerns and many that have faded into distance memories. Join me as we relive radio westerns that entertain many a young child with adventure on Western Wednesday.
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Morons Who Try To Talk Good

Morons Who Try To Talk Good
Three girls who have no idea what they are doing
We are three twenty-somethings who have been best friends since middle school. Here to talk to you about current events, pop culture, theatre, board games and basically whatever else we want!
tous les 9 résultats