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WRESTLE RADIO AUSTRALIA is the only podcast network dedicated to Australia's independent wrestling industry: WRA - Josh Armour, Todd Eastman & Co chat with Australia's favourite wrestling personalities. DRAWING HEAT - For Beej and The Dude, it's not just wrestling... it's life! Featuring extensive EPW Perth coverage, interviews, & more. HEELING OUT with Mohamad Ali Vaez - The audio handbook for those in the wrestling business. AXECAST - Hang out with Josh 'The Axe' Shooter for a behind-the-scenes look at wrestling on the road.
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Talk Is Jericho

Chris Jericho
He’s a multiple world champion pro wrestler, lead singer of Fozzy, and a New York Times best-selling author. Listen in as Chris Jericho interviews some of the biggest names in wrestling, entertainment, comedy, and the paranormal. Don’t miss his unique, engaging, weekly take on all things pop culture.
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Tights and Fights is the podcast that covers pro-wrestling with the sincerity and hilarity that it deserves. Every week, hosts Hal Lublin, Danielle Radford and Lindsey Kelk make sense of the chaos that is the world of sports-entertainment. Whether it's the latest headlines, a cultural analysis of an old angle or a debate about which wrestler has the best merch, Tights and Fights will examine every corner of the squared-circle for your enjoyment.
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Radulich in Broadcasting has a great reputation for providing tremendous podcast content in the Entertainment world. Now, they bring their myriad of podcasts to the W2M Network. Prepare for great things about Movies, Music, Comics, and TV Shows.
Radulich in Broadcasting has a great reputation for providing tremendous podcast content in the Entertainment world. Now, they bring their myriad of shows to the W2M Network. Prepare for great things from Movie and Metal Music Reviews to Comic Book talk and more. Mark Radulich has been an internet personality since 2004 with his Progressive Conservatism blog. He then took that blog to the airwaves and created a podcast for it. It then changed to PC Live. After that, he brought out the 411mania Ground and Pound Radio as well. Finally, Mark would partner up with another 411mania alum, Sean Comer, to create the movie franchise review podcast Long Road to Ruin and then Robert Cooper to create the metal album review podcast, The Metal Hammer of Doom. Robert Winfree took over the MMA show and then added his own podcast, Everybody Loves a Bad Guy. That’s when the Radulich in Broadcasting Network was born. Joining Winfree in having their own podcasts were super fan’s Jesse Starcher (Source Material) and Jayson Teasley (From the Cheap Seats). The RIB has also partnered with The Casual Heroes for wrestling shows and the occasional movie related podcast. Finally Winfree and Radulich added a weekly movie review show to the ever growing lists of podcasts on the Network. Don't forget to give that Radulich in Broadcasting Network Facebook page a like to stay up on top of all the great podcasts that they have to offer. You can find them at your convenience on blogtalkradio.com, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, or iTunes! Just search "radulich" to subscribe to the network
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Eastern Lariat

MLW Radio Network
Crave a podcast that goes in-depth on the hotbed that is the Japanese pro wrestling scene? If so, the Eastern Lariat podcast from the MLW Radio Network is for you! Hosted by STRIGGA of Purolove.com and Cagematch.net and Dylan Fox of MLW's Lucha Talk and Cagematch.net, this bi-weekly podcast series explores the Japanese pro wrestling landscape with analysis, reviews and news on New Japan Pro Wrestling and beyond. Be introduced to new companies and their style of wrestling, insight on their business, wrestlers, rivalries, tours, big shows and much, much more.
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Team Catch'up!
Le podcast qui transpire le catch
🎙️ Chaque semaine, l’équipe du podcast Catch'up! résume et analyse les shows catch de la WWE : Raw, Smackdown, NXT, WrestleMania, Money In The Bank, SummerSlam, Survivor Series, Royal Rumble et tous les grands événements de l'année. 💬 Rejoignez la communauté sur Discord : https://discord.gg/8j8b2xR 👑 Défiez les auditeurs au concours de pronos : https://www.kicktipp.fr/catchup 🔔 Abonnez-vous pour ne manquer aucun épisode : https://smartlink.ausha.co/catchup Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
Mots-clefs : ...ppv,épisode raw,épisode smackdown,wrestling,sport
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Votre podcast sur le monde de la lutte
Out Of The Ring Podcast est un projet collectif, consacré au monde de la lutte (catch) tout particulièrement et des sports de combat en général. Avec votre équipe d'animateur, profitez de nombreux débats et divers review des derniers shows et PPV. Retrouvez chaque épisode publication différée sur la chaîne Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS_4d1H1zunop4xQAdXfe-Q Bonne écoute à toutes et à tous !
Mots-clefs : out,the,ring,catch,wrestling,podcast,débrief,débat,résultats,analyse,wwe,raw,smackdown,sport,combat,divertissement,storyline,work,wcw,ecw,nxt,njpw,kayfabe,205,live,ppv,show,face,heel,tweener,match,france,vaucluse,paca,émission,radio,aew,tna,roh
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Wrestle's Radio

Amateur ou fan de catch américain et plus particulièrement de la WWE et la TNA ?! Le forum Wrestles.fr et ses membres de Wrestle's Radio vous propose donc un podcast mensuel débattant de toute l'actualité des deux principales fédérations. Retrouvez dès maintenant notre nouvelle formule avec les parties Sunday Night Wrestles (WWE) et Impact Wrestles (TNA) !
tous les 8 résultats