Medium b0c682683d8d34dd55b4d6fd13ec06147ca4b08d
Flux : SpyCast
Summary Avi Loeb (Harvard Biography, Wikipedia) joins Andrew (X; LinkedIn) to discuss intelligence in outer space. He is a Professor...
Medium 47eb9237177e9bd39f2dc1bf65bf655f8345c355
...On this week’s Lawfare Podcast, Benjamin Wittes sits down with Professor Gabriella Blum, professor at Harvard Law School, and Dustin Lewis, a senior researcher at Harvard Law Schools’ Program on International...
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Mira Sorvino

Leonard Maltin & Jessie Maltin
...Woody Allen’s Mighty Aphrodite, costar of the enduringly popular Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion, Harvard grad (cum laude), mother of four, and daughter of the celebrated actor and singer Paul...
Medium 47eb9237177e9bd39f2dc1bf65bf655f8345c355
...for protecting its critical infrastructure with Juliette Kayyem, a Professor of International Security at the Harvard Kennedy School. What does it mean to share responsibility and information in this context? How...
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a


BBC Radio 4
Flux : In Our Time
...2010) Aristophanes (ed. Jeffrey Henderson), Birds; Lysistrata; Women at the Thesmophoria (Loeb Classical Library series, Harvard University Press, 2014) Aristophanes (ed. Alan H. Sommerstein), Lysistrata and Other Plays: The Acharnians; The...
Medium 332d34ebf8e846bd2523b17467a2b27cd66168c0
...C'est ce qu'il va nous raconter aujourd'hui. L’invité : Laurent Schwartz Formé à l’université de Harvard et longtemps chercheur à l’École Polytechnique, Laurent Schwartz est cancérologue de l’Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux...
Medium 675869b5a429bee0bd1ad27badabcf6fa3e3d88c
Flux : La Story
Manifestations à Harvard et Columbia, présidents d’université sur la sellette, donateurs en colère, la guerre à Gaza sème...
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a

The Kalevala

BBC Radio 4
Flux : In Our Time
...Elias Lönnrot (trans. Francis Peabody Magoun Jr.), The Kalevala, or Poems of the Kaleva District (Harvard University Press, 1963) Elias Lönnrot (trans. Eino Friberg), The Kalevala: Epic of the Finnish People...
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a
Flux : In Our Time
...of Constantine and Julian, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020) G.W. Bowersock, Julian the Apostate (first published 1978; Harvard University Press, 1997) Susanna Elm, Sons of Hellenism, Fathers of the Church: Emperor Julian, Gregory...
Medium 46b6d5f6621bd1c74ed51b191ce57c8887f28dc3
...A native of New Mexico, he studied history at Yale and received an MBA from Harvard Business School. He has appeared on This American Life, N.P.R., The Newshour with Jim Lehrer,...
Medium 9530afb0bc844b9261745af8d70b735f9c3792cd
Flux : Science Vs
It’s 1849, and a gruesome murder has just happened at Harvard. As body parts turn up, the science of the day is put to the ultimate...
Medium 47eb9237177e9bd39f2dc1bf65bf655f8345c355
...law, national security law, and military law. The co-chairs of this group were Jack Goldsmith, Lawfare Co-Founder and Harvard Law School Professor, and Bob Bauer, Professor of Practice and Distinguished Scholar in Residence at...
Medium f49155cb9e7772c01c8afcd9855b0cd07a5a6a03
...to wealthy elites so they embrace far right governance—is an old story. In today’s episode, Harvard professor Daniel Ziblatt—who studies what happens when conservative elites ally with authoritarian movements—explains why it’s extraordinarily reckless...
Medium a9ca712c3a66de051757ae7538a8fe89f68f4191

The Power of Everyday Rituals to Shape and Enhance Our Lives

contact@artofmanliness.com (The Art of Manliness)
...Ritual Effect: From Habit to Ritual, Harness the Surprising Power of Everyday Actions, psychologist and Harvard Business School professor Michael Norton explores the way our DIY rituals shape, and enhance, our...
Medium 47eb9237177e9bd39f2dc1bf65bf655f8345c355
...the state of crisis response with Juliette Kayyem, a professor of international security at the Harvard Kennedy School—who recently wrote a book on disaster management. Was the bridge adequately protected? How...
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