Medium 88b3d3f2dca96339e63724bffd6ba0a78b42274a

South Australian Country Hour

Australian Broadcasting Corporation
...of conduct between supermarkets and their suppliers, and concerns over signs that the South East's groundwater resources are being over-used.
Medium 39f2dec540947e2e8c3760fccc874433cf1bf4e5

Who Is Minding Our Groundwater?

info@heritageradionetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
...State University gives us the details on how we map, model, and distribute our dwindling groundwater supplies. Heritage Radio Network is a listener supported nonprofit podcast network. Support What Doesn't Kill...
Medium 39f2dec540947e2e8c3760fccc874433cf1bf4e5

How the American Diet is Feeding The Groundwater Crisis, redux!

info@heritageradionetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
Medium 66f4e75ad3dd07a59770b9ec697a5275a41c395f


Medium 771b812a588b95ea331b80e56b0f7c493fce7451
Flux : MinuteEarth
...suffering toxic effects Phytoremediation: the treatment of pollutants or waste (as in contaminated soil or groundwater) by the use of green plants that remove, degrade, or stabilize the undesirable substances (such...
Medium 771b812a588b95ea331b80e56b0f7c493fce7451

Why Farming is Broken

Neptune Studios
Flux : MinuteEarth
...of nitrogen and phosphorus. Food Policy, 36, S14-S22. https://goo.gl/8dMuP1 Famiglietti, J. S. 2014. The global groundwater crisis. Nature Climate Change, 4(11), 945-948. http://aquadoc.typepad.com/files/jfam_global_gw_crisis.pdf Kantar, M. B. et al. 2016. Perennial grain...
Medium 771b812a588b95ea331b80e56b0f7c493fce7451
Flux : MinuteEarth
...formed at or near the surface of soil in semiarid regions by the evaporation of groundwater. Geomorphology: the study of the physical features of the surface of the earth and their...
Medium c2fa4c1c9f792e68335875956ad248eb9dd3621d
...for Gov. John Bel Edwards’ Climate Task Force as well as for the Capital Area Groundwater Conservation Commission. In addition, she’s working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on developing...
Medium 35ae5a882b6a252dc2414ab18e6fc093d4aee065
...information to travel the great distance between a witcher’s rods and a tiny vein of groundwater that runs hundreds of feet below the surface. Despite this, Brett keeps a pair of...
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a
Flux : In Our Time
...warrant. With David Forsyth Principal Curator, Scottish Medieval-Early Modern Collections at National Museums Scotland Anna Groundwater Teaching Fellow in Historical Skills and Methods at the University of Edinburgh And John Guy...
Medium 4d582a58cb5eba09b2ddd6e4cae0581df6fb9d3a
“We are like a bunch of dogs squirting on fire hydrants. We poison the groundwater with our toxic piss, marking everything MINE in a ridiculous attempt to survive our deaths....
Medium cb3c68be7f762c051c5be9457d85b676ea3b208a

Spineless swimmers and crawling crustaceans

Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Flux : Off Track
In the groundwater beneath the Nullabor, there are billions of tiny crustaceans crawling between the grains of sand.
Medium 405efd3aa89550d0e054894304e8e43dafc4a834

1,183 - Air and Water Pollution

Center for Educational Development
...far. Julia: No way! Did you know that runoff from the factory has tainted the groundwater? Did you know that workers and people in the community are breathing in dangerous particulate...
Medium 5edece07adafddb17b74e64bcf294b0bc36dc60d
Medium 39f2dec540947e2e8c3760fccc874433cf1bf4e5
In order to support their local farming community, an entire town drinks bottled water. Their groundwater is polluted by agricultural runoff, but the townspeople don't want to penalize their farmers by...
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