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Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes

Noches Pesadas Tejano show podcast
Noches Pesadas Tejano show podcast
The only tejano podcast from Chicago, IL
Since 2013 Noches Pesadas is the only Tejano radio show podcast out of Chicago, IL. Having started in 2013 the founder (tv/radio and digital media veteran Carlos Mendez) thought if great bands like La Sombra, Grupo Oasis and more came from Chicago why is a show not produced here? He took his money and began the show on local radio station WCEV 1450AM. Months later the show moved to WRLL Radio Formula 1450AM where it stayed until January 2016. Carlos hosted, sold to sponsors and produced the show. During this time he also began distributing the program as a podcast and through the tune in app. Til this day it is still broadcast through both of those digital mediums where it averages tons of downloads from places all over the United States. If you want the show broadcast at your local station please call them and demand it. Let us know what you think at carlosradioarte@yahoo.com or instagram carlosmendezradio or twitter @djrocktonik or FB:http://facebook.com/djrocktonik
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Noches Pesadas Tejano show podcast
Choking On Cufflinks with Michael Goodstein | WFMU
Choking On Cufflinks with Michael Goodstein | WFMU
WFMU presents a weekly abbreviated dosage of DIY CRUD from all eras..
DIY pop, shitalo, & the other "fun" stuff from Brooklyn, Jersey City, Manchester circa 1980, and everywhere else the DIY impulse took root.
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Choking On Cufflinks with Michael Goodstein | WFMU
Maggot Brain Archives - Radio Campus Tours - 99.5 FM
Maggot Brain Archives - Radio Campus Tours - 99.5 FM
Actualités sociales, culturelles et universitaires locales, découvertes musicales, documentaires sonores et ateliers radio.
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Maggot Brain Archives - Radio Campus Tours - 99.5 FM
Mostly Harmless With Dammit Damian - Punk Rock Podcast
Mostly Harmless With Dammit Damian - Punk Rock Podcast
Mostly Harmless with Dammit Damian is a self-proclaimed “Punk Rock Talk Show,” that grew out of “Dammit” Damian Burford’s former music zine, Mostly Harmless (2002-2005). The goal of Mostly Harmless is to create a community of like minded individuals who love Punk Rock, Films, Comedy, Comic books, authors; while championing the DIY Spirit.
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Mostly Harmless With Dammit Damian - Punk Rock Podcast
Hard Rock podcast from Magnatune.com
Hard Rock podcast from Magnatune.com
60 minutes of Hard Rock, all commercial free, with no talking DJ between songs. All songs Creative Commons by-nc-sa 1.0 licensed from the record label that isn't evil: magnatune.com
60 minutes of Hard Rock, all commercial free, with no talking DJ between songs. All songs Creative Commons by-nc-sa 1.0 licensed from the record label that isn't evil: magnatune.com
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Hard Rock podcast from Magnatune.com
A podcast about rock and/or roll
A podcast about rock and/or roll. Part of Pantheon Podcasts
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