Medium 54cd8e4ed9ae42bf896ad747915e28224298237c
...album Letter To Self on City Slang Dublin, Ireland-based garage rockers Sprints rage against the patriarchy on today's Song of the Day, as vocalist Karla Chubb explains on Bandcamp: “'Adore Adore...
Medium 54cd8e4ed9ae42bf896ad747915e28224298237c
...album Letter To Self on City Slang Dublin, Ireland-based garage rockers Sprints rage against the patriarchy on today's Song of the Day, as vocalist Karla Chubb explains on Bandcamp: “'Adore Adore...
Medium c0cd488e93aec3442b0315ee7f70c7808f076ef3
...sur la série 'Ça prend pas la tchas à Papineau', on définit ce qu'est une Patriarchy Princess et on parle de la possibilité d'être ami avec son ex. Enfin, Naïla nous...
Medium 43350b40da991d603f119a1ea6a1d45de66effd8
Medium 1063daed5fc3735c9bf177fab67ec2135abfdabf
Medium 590ac78d8164415e1eec71cf3dd82d2e39147922
...luttes des minorités de genre discussions entre membres du Collectif bordelais Fack'ap (Feministand Queers against patriarchy
Medium 92c1e2dacc7a06af51b8f9ddee5e12818e483f6d
Medium 75ca9d74fea89a49898837f11c554ff505783645


Frederic Koster
Medium 437592a4879df58ea70bce129b197ef2688d0511
Medium 755a20b31d6e4f6045ca50e020acf7daf1739e2c
...fought the external force of the Chinese occupation as well as the internal suppressor, the patriarchy, when she famously declared: "I will not resign myself to the lot of women who...
Medium e43f112d8dfbdb8544fdb334cfbf823b64a6f7bd
Flux : Cool Playlist
...bands and hanging with Joan Jett, and to make a 90s-heavy playlist for dismantling the patriarchy! Follow @CoolPlaylistPod and @ElizaSkinner on twitter! Check out coolplaylistpod.com to find today's playlist and more! Learn...
Medium 397775f26708d9eb581cd67436781fbff600d906
Medium 54cd8e4ed9ae42bf896ad747915e28224298237c
...of governance as a norm. Those tired models only reproduce the violences of colonization, genocide, patriarchy, capitalism, religious oppression, and state violence to privilege the corporations, militaries, banks of the rich....
Medium 54cd8e4ed9ae42bf896ad747915e28224298237c
...[sic]: “when I think about next level courage to ball your fist up & look Patriarchy, racist,sexism, homophobia & transphobia right in the eye & fight against it, I feel like...
Medium d7e1360b7b006d922761e5d49cc576acb8b14544
Flux : All The Best
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