

Medium 92cc65f492a8ac1d9c8f7b95edd0dc39d9a03910
Radio Free Brooklyn
Http://radiofreebrooklyn.com On 50 Years Ago This Week, host Jim Melloan counts down the Top 40 from exactly 50 years ago. Jim gives some details about the background of each song as it debuts on the chart, and plays later covers (or earlier originals) of many of the featured hits. Radio Free Brooklyn is a non-commercial community freeform Internet radio station, streaming original content by artists and residents of NYC’s most populous borough 24/7. We live in an age in which the media is too often used as a means to constrain and restrict rather than express. Radio Free Brooklyn is building a communication infrastructure to strengthen the community of artists and residents of NYC’s most populous borough. Our Mission: We chose Internet radio not only because it is the most accessible medium for many, but because radio can be so many things: a subversive apparatus, a political cudgel, a prank, a ritual, a bond. We broadcast not the commercial dross that clogs the terrestrial airwaves, but original programming as diverse as the programmers themselves – stories, sound art, radical ideation, comedy, sex, and experimentation yet unheard. We are a community organization - all are welcome to participate.
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BBC Radio 4
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podcast@radiofrance.com (Radio France)
Medium 0b49de6f67c95aefb653fb12948c7ed9112173d5
Medium 2430b79574f7f2aaf17e65db2497633e1a23bd09
Medium 5a28950dbd7be201a25af18a13eeb2c69b9ba5b8

Contamination spatiale : le huitième passager

podcast@radiofrance.com (Radio France)
Medium 50d053ed714ca2bf64d11e1a2d06285bd3f7f19f
Medium 729f79fe40756fd7988b59deb1a5e5eb12845829
Medium aaa7a383e3a8f652455590010c6bf5d2e6c00c42
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