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Tout Droit Tout Simple

Delphine Bordier
Les métiers du droit et les innovations juridiques vous sourient
Bienvenue sur le podcast Tout Droit Tout Simple, le rdv des métiers du droit , leurs évolutions et les innovations juridiques 👩‍⚖️ 💡 J'interviewe des professionnels du droit de tous horizons qui dévoilent leur parcours, leur métier, leurs réussites et leurs défis. Avec toujours à l'appui de nombreux conseils à mettre en pratique. 🚀 Ancienne avocate et Directrice juridique depuis plus de 20 ans, j'ai fait évoluer mes fonctions vers les Legal Operations. J'aide les Directions Juridiques à gagner du temps, à améliorer leur productivité pour contribuer davantage à la croissance de l'entreprise. Installez -vous confortablement, car ce podcast est bien plus qu'une simple émission : il est votre porte d'entrée vers un univers juridique innovant et plein d’avenir ! Bonne écoute ! 🎧 Contact : delphine@toutdroittoutsimple.com Musique Dolling / Auteur: CyberSDF
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Our weekly Canadian Paws-cast for kids!
Welcome to Wildwood! The folks here live just like you and me. They love fun and adventure, enjoy their work and family, and try to learn each day what it means to be like Christ. Share a laugh with C.J., Ned, Staci, and all their friends in The Club. Sit down and hear Captain Gus tell you a story from his days sailing the high seas. Visit Paw Paw Chuck at his fix-it shop. You might even run into Hugh McClaw and his cronies, Mange and Molty. Whether you're six or 60, when you listen to Paws & Tales you'll always find something to laugh about, something to sing about, and something new to discover about our great and loving God.
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A podcast covering all of British science fiction including but not limited to Doctor Who, Blake's 7, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures, UFO, Thunderbirds, Space: 1999, War of the Worlds, The Tripods, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, etc. ENHANCED
From the creators of Doctor Who: Podshock, a podcast covering all of British science fiction including but not limited to Doctor Who, Blake's 7, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures, UFO, Thunderbirds, Space: 1999, War of the Worlds, The Tripods, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and more. Hosted by Louis Trapani and friends. ENHANCED Podcast (AAC). A production of Art Trap Productions. See other podcasts at arttrap.com.
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Musiques de Jeux vidéos diverses, je vous explique en quoi elles m'ont marqué
Je vous fait écouter 15 titres de musiques de jeux vidéos. Elles m'ont toutes marqués, pour une raison que je vous explique.
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Mike Rugel and the Delta Blues Museum take a raw look at the early history of blues music. Each show includes a series of pre-war blues tracks along with context and exposition. Visit www.deltabluesmuseum.org or Uncensored History of the Blues blog at www
Mike Rugel and the Delta Blues Museum take a raw look at the early history of blues music. Each show includes a series of pre-war blues tracks along with context and exposition. Visit www.deltabluesmuseum.org or Uncensored History of the Blues blog at www.purplebeech.com/blues.


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God With The Wind

eministries@insightforliving.ca (Insight for Living Canada)
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Flux : TechStuff
Medium 0763ef4739b467fc76a1bb974f3bbb63670fb4f4

Mother's Day, In Praise of Women #606

Marc Gunn, Logical Fleadh, Hanneke Cassel, Clare Sands, Boxing Robin, Karan Casey, The Bow Tides, Alli Johnson, Eliza Carthy
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Ep. 300: Spotlight on the Boss

shows@maximumfun.org (WWE, AEW, NXT 2.0, RAW, Smackdown, Hal Lublin, Danielle Radford, Lindsey Kelk, Tights and Fights)
Medium 04f01753f4889f6c91be78bdb9fd9bed64630bde

Ep. 284: The Women of the Rumble

shows@maximumfun.org (WWE, RAW, Smackdown, Hal Lublin, Danielle Radford, Lindsey Kelk, Tights and Fights, Royal Rumble, AEW)