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Serial Productions & The New York Times
Serial returns with a history of Guantánamo told by people who lived through key moments in Guantánamo’s evolution, who know things the rest of us don’t about what it’s like to be caught inside an improvised justice system. Serial Productions makes narrative podcasts whose quality and innovation transformed the medium. “Serial” began in 2014 as a spinoff of the public radio show “This American Life.” In 2020, we joined the New York Times Company. Our shows have reached many millions of listeners and have won nearly every major journalism award for audio, including the first-ever Peabody Award given to a podcast. Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest Serial Productions news: https://bit.ly/3FIOJj9 Have thoughts or feedback on our shows? Email us at serialshows@nytimes.com
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Your Pod Source for Music & Culture History, News, Conversations, Reviews, & More
Welcome Music fans! Find the amazing shows from the Pantheon Network in our main feed here: Rock N Roll Archaeology, Growin' Up Rock, Comes A Time, The Metallica Report, History in Five Songs with Martin Popoff, Decibel Geek, My Turning Ponit, Tunes & Tumblers, Crime in Music, Mistress Carrie Podcast, The Hook Rocks!, Rock n Roll Librarian, JBTV, Into the Banjoverse, Rock's Backpages, Goldmine, Pamela Des Barres' Pajama Party, Who Cares About the Rock Hall?, You're Not Listening, Stephanie & Stephanie Talk Tunes, the C.L.I.M.B., The Career Musician, Cobras & Fire, The Band: A History, No Filler, Shout it Out Loudcast, My Weekly Mixtape, Deeper Digs, Side Jams, I'm in Love with That Song, See Hear, Feels Like Weezer, Ditty TV, Strange Phenomena, The Devil's Music with Pleasant Gehman, Colorado Music Experience, Audio Judo, AllMusicPodcasts, ImmaLetYouFinish, What Difference Does It Make?, Songfacts, Story Song Podcast, The Age Old Question, There Can Be Only One, VRP Rocks, The Punk Tree, Long May You Young, Bob Dylan: About Man and God and Law, Music Buzzz, Ugly Things, Rock is Lit, Throughline, American Prankster, Banned Biographies, Only Three Lads, Glass Houses - A Billy Joel Podcast and more! Find all the great Pantheon Podcasts in their individual feeds wherever you listen to podcasts!
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A new podcast from Gimlet Media exploring the tangled web of crime and corruption in American cities. Hosted by Marc Smerling and Zac Stuart-Pontier.
Welcome to Crimetown, a series produced by Marc Smerling and Zac Stuart-Pontier in partnership with Gimlet Media. Each season, we investigate the culture of crime in a different city. In Season 2, Crimetown heads to the heart of the Rust Belt: Detroit, Michigan. From its heyday as Motor City to its rebirth as the Brooklyn of the Midwest, Detroit’s history reflects a series of issues that strike at the heart of American identity: race, poverty, policing, loss of industry, the war on drugs, and our universal desire for a savior. Detroit’s a tough town, and its residents are even tougher. They’ve weathered riots, a drug epidemic, political scandal, and innumerable other hardships, but they’re still here—and they have stories to tell.
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On Set Coffee

Wiliam Gras
Podcast qui parle de cinéma entre aphisionados du 7ème art
On Set Coffee s'apparente au premier abord, à une émission de cinéma qui aura ,pour singularité, d'être beaucoup plus léger sans pour autant s'éloigner des codes du podcast audio. Soyez témoin d'une conversation, d'un débat, d'un "café-philo" entre passionnés de cinéma, mais avant tout entre amis qui aiment converser et partager leur culture et leurs connaissances. Chaque émission traite d'un sujet plus ou moins large pour varier entre un sous-genre de cinéma, un style de films ou encore une série et tout ce qui peut se rattacher de près ou de loin au dit sujet traité. En bref, parler tout simplement du cinéma dans sa globalité sans prétendre d'être expert en la matière.
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Fast Life

Jean William
Podcast pour les amoureux de rap et hip hop
Dans ce podcast, on retrace à chaque épisode la trajectoire d'un artiste ou d'un groupe de rap hip hop. On est pas là pour le blabla (même s'il en faut bien un peu), mais surtout pour faire découvrir quelques pépites de la courte histoire de ce genre.
