

Medium 1e252df173d9fd02573254826d79365e718efa70
Une série de Podcasts sur les héros de la résistance française
Pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, où l'armée française a capitulé en un temps record, et où le gouvernement s'est compromis dans la collaboration, certains individus d'un courage exceptionnel ont émergé, les Résistants. Ils n'hésiteront pas à sauver des vies, défendre leur patrie et finalement repousser l'envahisseur avec l'aide des alliés alors que leur espérance de vie dans la France occupée ne dépasse pas 6 mois. Alors non, les Français ne sont pas des lâches, bien au contraire, et cette série de podcasts a pour vocation de vous raconter, à chaque épisode, l'histoire d'un ou d'une résistante. www.lesfrancaissontdeslaches.com
Medium 39e99eb1895c04c7ca75720d017f2f760798069e
Sasuke Uchiha made many mistakes throughout Naruto. In his search for revenge, he opted to do anything that would give him more power. Sasuke walked down the road of darkness and became a villain in many ways. Despite that, by the end of Naruto Sasuke was ready to atone for all of his wrongdoings and was willing to sacrifice his life for the sake of the Leaf Village. One way he atoned was refusing the medical process that could restore his arm. He decided to let his physical loss remain as a reminder of his failures. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Medium 89e2231d3dda23ae347f688d06b5266f8dc0e3ea

If There Is Hell Below... Arkive

If There Is Hell Below
Two Best Friends Playing Their Favourite New Songs
Rob Morgan and Callum Eckersley present weekly new music podcast If There Is Hell Bellow... 'Two Best Friends Playing Their Favourite New Songs'. Established in 2010 ya boys have been bringing their own brand of badinage and deeply dug new music picks to the world of podcasting. ITHB is now exclusive to Spotify, so check out future episodes over on Spotify and on anchor.fm/ithbpodcast This feed will remain open, for a limited time, as an Arkive for you to delve back over the last few years of ITHB. 'On the Ark with…' is a brand new podcast from the boys who gave you the If There Is Hell Below. In each episode Rob and Callum invite one of their favourite artists onto their mythical ark; a huge vessel prepped for the end of the world and with your hosts as Co-Captains they welcome their new ship mates. Over drinks they ask the people who make the music what songs and albums have made them the musician, artist and person they are.
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Medium 168ccf49f1a6dd31fffce90ba88e4012d23662ea
Flux : Gbêkê FM
Medium 874a0cdf1dec63b99f8c20872896fabd49dc0ade

Episode from Apr 11, 2024

Kevin Nutt and WFMU
Medium 94b4e7141b07c01ae7396e1b196a4c3c75624489

Roman Mars Describes Athens GA As It Is

roman@99pi.org (roman mars)
Flux : 99% Invisible
Medium 06ec4cb84aee17b95f85fdf42044803d52abddbd
Medium ab3ece108995430dad047cf966196d993ebcece9
Medium 538319622424d481c21ec7bfd8eb2149c2ee4046

mahJ - Arche sainte

Ce Que Mes Yeux Ont Vu
Medium 51415fd1b9f5dfcd0acee7235664bea19cd5761c
Medium 1f42b35c7870a746b4851f162fe573e8c739a09a
Medium 1f42b35c7870a746b4851f162fe573e8c739a09a
Medium 20859dfacb5fc0191f0f3fb65e5f924027ad6b22
Medium 6f9001d79375c4fb40d258a17c8b407b51256240
Medium 642da41312c0e9f3e2d892fd1559866c696e0c5f
Medium b2ff1ca98b1968eeff1968c6a0ca0cfa2625b4dc
Medium c7e5119f155d978588fc500e6ae6227767c23741
Medium 607b3b6bb5493f650b1e417e61dfd4e1a9537c28