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How Good It Is

Claude Call
A show that dives into the story behind the song. Find me at www.howgooditis.com
Each episode, I choose a song from the 50s through the 80s and dive into its history, the story behind the song and other items of interest. Find more stuff at www.howgooditis.com
Medium ae284d15f65dbd7182e9f05706e4c36fa9a360cc

Hommage Collatéral

César Bastos | Bonus Tracks
Le podcast sur les génies de la pop culture, les œuvres marquantes de nos jeunes années et les icônes intemporelles.
- Hommage Collatéral -- Les rétrospectives des carrières des génies de la pop culture tels que Neil Gaiman, Alan Moore, ou Lana & Lilly Wachowski. -- PasTropVieux pour ces conneries -- Les œuvres marquantes de nos jeunes années, de Dragon Ball à Metal Gear Solid en passant par Rocky. -- Au Panthéon des Légendes -- Études sur les icônes intemporelles. (Coming soon.)
Medium 495486a38d417aea0627664ce26ec059dbf04389
Tous les jours à 7h10, retrouvez les fausses pubs complètement barges et décalées de Pierre-Do.
Tous les jours à 7h10, retrouvez les fausses pubs complètement barges et décalées de Pierre-Do.
Medium 8147026f5e3a445ba95994c2a5573b6ee288f178
Established in 2012 and broadcasting out of Jacks…
Established in 2012 and broadcasting out of Jacksonville Beach, Florida, Bird Attack Punk Rock Radio was founded by Garrett Wadford based on an absolute unwavering love for punk rock - Fast, Loud, Shredding, Melodic, Skate punk to be exact. "I consider the genre I love to be more of an underground group of bands that deserve to get more exposure. Now don’t get me wrong, I love Pennywise, Lagwagon, Strung Out (and other similar bands) with a passion, but the new music that really gets me fired up as of late, has a hint of metal to it, which brings an extra level of AMP! to the table." "I have always loved performing in some way shape or form, whether it has been on stage playing or behind the mic, focused on the voice only approach, so I decided to bring the music I was passionate about to the airwaves or internet-waves, as it has now morphed to a podcast." We are bringing new school punk mixed with the best older punk from as far back as 15 years, mixing it up with roughly 20 songs, throwing in a prank call, adding a dash of comedy and slamming the door shut with an insane interview from some of the best names in punk rock! These interviews range from different members of bands from across the spectrum; Pennywise to Lagwagon, Belvedere to Forus, Dutch Nuggets to Counterpunch. We are really turning up the quality this year. Finally, the podcast is professionally produced, so whether you are playing it in your headphones or cranking it at your house or in your car, you are going to love the quality!
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In May 2005 it started in French (reason why it called "Pom", like Apple in French). In August in German. November 2005 marks the start of the start of the english version of this Podcast for the mac community which is, in essence, a discussion between fr
In May 2005 it started in French (reason why it called "Pom", like Apple in French). In August in German. November 2005 marks the start of the start of the english version of this Podcast for the mac community which is, in essence, a discussion between friends over the mac combined with some news and some interviews.


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Flux : Le jour où
Medium d10f6c18722e505549a9fbe625af8371a40ebbf0
Medium 181d651df6a16d9f9dc870a35824ebf8ec976c48
Flux : Green IO
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Medium 181d651df6a16d9f9dc870a35824ebf8ec976c48
Flux : Green IO
Medium 3fa1ce60065ab0b71db8654f198845ab5b44836b

Claude au top ?

Guillaume Vendé
Flux : Tech Café
Medium 0cf99082040d0e5459bf4adece7836620d6a44c3

Ep443: Chester Thompson (Genesis, Zappa and more)

Nate Goyer, Record Collector, Music Fan, Vinyl Maniac
Medium 1ced553058c0c79e40ae468785083f89df3147d8
Medium 830ea13889bec5eaee680fefc221613290110fa9
...de amor de Pablo Neruda. Poemas con voz de Pablo Neruda. https://www.amorypoesia.es/poemasdeamordeneruda.htm Me gustas cuando callas porque estás como ausente, y me oyes desde lejos, y mi voz no te toca....
Medium 181d651df6a16d9f9dc870a35824ebf8ec976c48
Flux : Green IO
Medium 929cb8b32bdc364ce555836e9ae001e76619d8b0

BRB UK 576: Hibbses, Leave!

bigredbarrel@gmail.com (BigRedBarrel.com)
Medium 3b510f44c3605437ebdccf9c4642afa3b0f587f2
Flux : hOwCast
...Lévy prennent place sur Fun Radio tous les après-midi, c'est PlanetArthur. A leurs côtés, Myriam Callas, Jade ou Valérie Bénaïm selon la saison. La compile suivante a été extraite de sons...
Medium 3b510f44c3605437ebdccf9c4642afa3b0f587f2
Flux : hOwCast
...occupe les après-midi de Fun Radio. Autour de la table: Arthur, Manu Lévy et Myriam Callas ou Valérie Bénaïm, c'est selon. La compile suivante a été extraite de sons disponibles sur...
Medium dd5d3f76d3294193fb9c91f331631b260ee8dbcd
Flux : Podcast Lol@
Medium 5fbc01512b7af2f0279e4a18300d4459082ba8ec
...Grand Finale performed by Milan Symphony Orchestra; aria performed by Svetla Krasteva “Casta Diva” performed by Maria Callas and the Orchestra and Chorus of La Scala, led by Tulio Serafin Sleeping Beauty Waltz performed...