

Medium 6e3aaee817f967809dfc463a707b079d8ded9f2d

Turned Out A Punk

Turned Out A Punk
Damian Abraham has been many things... the singer of a critically acclaimed band, a failed VJ and food network host, one of the minds behind TV's "The Wrestlers", parent of 3... and undeniably, a punk music obsessive. Each week, he sits down and chats with an interesting person from various walks of life to find out how their world was influenced and changed by the discovery of a novelty genre that supposedly died out in 1978... PUNK!
Medium 86a70b43806ad83db204feca4900eb16faf0b0df

Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men

Jay Edidin & Miles Stokes
Because it's about time someone did
Daunted by complex continuity? Can’t tell a mutate from a warpie? We are here for you. We have trained for this responsibility for decades. We have the backissues, the calluses, and a really detailed map of the Summers family tree. We’ve been explaining the X-Men informally for years–to our friends and family, to the Internet, and, occasionally, to patient strangers on the street. Now, we’re making it official, with Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men: a weekly podcast dedicated to unpacking the weird, wonderful world of our favorite superhero soap opera for newcomers and die-hard fans alike.
Medium b2d803a26c997f20954a550199ed98e6c830ef64

Berlin de Toi

Faire vibrer l’extraordinaire en vous.
🇫🇷 S’intégrer dans une ville, agencer son quotidien, faire vivre ses ambitions, s’entourer de celles et ceux avec qui l’on partage des valeurs communes. Créer du lien. Berlin de Toi part à la rencontre de celles et ceux qui font vibrer la ville par leur passion, leur engagement et leur détermination. 🇩🇪 Sich integrieren, Alltag gestalten, Ambitionen verwirklichen, mit Menschen umgeben, mit denen man gemeinsame Werte teilt. Verbindungen schaffen. Berlin de Toi trifft diejenigen, die die Stadt mit Leidenschaft, Engagement und Entschlossenheit zum Leben erwecken. 🇬🇧 Integrating a new town, shaping your everyday, bringing ambitions to life, surrounding yourself with people with whom you share common values. Creating connections. Berlin de Toi sets out to meet the people who make the city tick with their passion, commitment and determination.
Medium 59e3f401194d5790fede913d0f8ee179d939f957
Where real entrepreneurs pitch to real investors—for real money.
Where real entrepreneurs pitch to real investors—for real money. The Pitch takes you behind closed doors and into the world of startups: how people sell their ideas, what makes investors tick, and how these initial conversations can bloom into business deals—or die on the vine. Hosted by Josh Muccio.All eight seasons are available for free on Spotify.
Medium c0a1a4c8406be65d5fddc3ecaa8b87d09314b71c

Gouinement Lundi

Gouinement Lundi
Gouinement Lundi est une émission de radio qui prend le haut des ondes féministes, portée par les paroles des concernéEs chaque 4ème du lundi du mois sur Fréquence Paris Plurielles (106.3 FM).

A chacune de nos émissions, des expe
Gouinement Lundi est une émission de radio qui prend le haut des ondes féministes, portée par les paroles des concernéEs chaque 4ème du lundi du mois sur Fréquence Paris Plurielles (106.3 FM). A chacune de nos émissions, des expertEs, des militantEs, des chercheusEs, des représentantEs d’associations discutent de thématiques actuelles et passées : société, sport, culture, politique, fête, histoire, médias…. Ces échanges sont ponctués de reportages, d’interviews, de chroniques et d’une sélection musicale pointue. Gouinement lundi apporte ainsi lumière et espérance dans un espace médiatique mainstream qui ne donne jamais à entendre les sujets, les enjeux, et les initiatives féministes et/ou portées par les lesbiennes, biEs et trans.


Medium 7957a82ac4a668e2c7fa968193d3c2c0acee1586
Flux : TechStuff
Medium 057247ddf6fbd271dfd031fe58a4b62441c86965
Medium bdaabbb261ca0bd94d0cfb8bba8b87f0b9705b28
Medium 47ad74dbcb4824acf76246ed28a6a82cb44ae211
Medium 6979011f450a7f71f56846028d086c7df50b936f
Flux : Woman's Hour
Medium 47ad74dbcb4824acf76246ed28a6a82cb44ae211
Medium 6979011f450a7f71f56846028d086c7df50b936f
Flux : Woman's Hour
Medium 95670760ea4f5aa746533d1b8f9d43ef740da31b
Medium be38ac3da0a2a264ae59230bdb30903d16bb40e0

Coverville 1493: Purple Rain 40th Anniversary

anklebone@mac.com (Brian Ibbott)
Medium e7ba7765d68086b26d5ce911664d351babc461f9

Road To Hellfest s07e29

Road To Hellfest
Medium a822a40fb4d4055ae487b529eed8c58233df0e54
Medium 562dd917ace257f456ddff8be2a934f312b14e3e
Medium 1ced553058c0c79e40ae468785083f89df3147d8
Medium 28a16556daed1d38ff424a371c9422ab4c8a6717

Resonance Works - La donna del lago

wqedpittsburgh@gmail.com (WQED Multimedia)
Medium 02b60b40a33ea8bd4b6dc610aaf2ed075c562b02
Flux : Berlin de Toi