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Medium 603e138d166246d9e29353316b4b1b61e3f15f47
Flux : Up First
...Vladimir Putin heads to China for a two-day summit with Chinese leader Xi Jinping. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York says people under 30 and lower-income families are the most likely...
Medium cfdef89520e6a4bef9ad6d5194147b9ec9f2c4a2
Medium 9eea78589d1997e5ad8d3a12e7f644c6ad0de429
Flux : investir.ch
Medium cfdef89520e6a4bef9ad6d5194147b9ec9f2c4a2
Medium 9e53ec45ff11175aff6f38ed333bdc64355827eb
Medium 603e138d166246d9e29353316b4b1b61e3f15f47
Flux : Up First
Qatar's prime minister sounds a cautious note on the Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal. The Federal Reserve weighs when to cut interest rates. And electric vehicle sales slow. Want more comprehensive analysis...
Medium 771b812a588b95ea331b80e56b0f7c493fce7451
Flux : MinuteEarth
Medium 62488f69d2ab5831de599a7f889e0454f056337e
Medium 62488f69d2ab5831de599a7f889e0454f056337e
Medium 76a1267a3561f011db087942c9f1e548d33d5f87
Medium 405efd3aa89550d0e054894304e8e43dafc4a834

1,108 - Foreign Currency Exchange Rates

Center for Educational Development
...So you’re saying that you want us to make plans at the whim of the Federal Reserve and central banks. Isaac: Well, I wouldn’t go that far. I’m only saying that it...
Medium 405efd3aa89550d0e054894304e8e43dafc4a834

English Cafe #477

Center for Educational Development
Medium 9ae3f74b0b5d9f1a3a439e810b3df366e0795065
Medium 50facae53b23b953d33445bf173f1609e02b255d

Crise ou Chaos ?

Patrick Pehele
...planétaire. Il présente les politiques de « croissance artificielle par l’endettement », conduites selon lui par la Federal Reserve depuis une décennie, comme une « fuite en avant hors du réel », visant d’une part à...