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Ben Birchall & Emily Naismith
Weird and interesting food stories and facts.
Want to feast on funny food facts and fables? Or slurp up strange and spicy stories from supermarkets and society? Bite into Australia’s funnest food podcast, Ingredipedia.  Each episode, competitive hosts Emily Naismith (Broadsheet, frankie magazine) and Ben Birchall (3RRR FM’s Breakfasters, Smith Journal) try to serve the most interesting stories about a specific ingredient (say, Tim Tams or chillies) in a bid for your affection. You get to vote for who was the most interesting on Instagram! It’s fun! It’s lighthearted! It’s largely unhinged! It’s the McDonald’s Happy Meal of the podcast world (but back when you actually got a Cheeseburger and a toy inside).  Join us on social media for more weird and snacky food pursuits Instagram: @ingredipedia TikTok: @ingredipedia Credits Music: Jarrad Brown of Eagle and the Worm Artwork design: Jess Ramsey Photography: Phoebe Powell
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...sans passer devant plusieurs enseignes, pour la plupart venues des États-Unis. En France, le premier McDonald’s a ouvert ses portes en 1972. Les méfaits de cette nourriture industrielle sont étudiés depuis...
Medium 039e47671325eb22f99769151565be7bde566e35
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