

Medium dd90d34d12453fc23ddd4ccb2d56e1872bac8103
Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Other Weird and Interesting Ideas
Science fiction author David Barr Kirtley (Save Me Plz and Other Stories) talks geek culture with guests such as Neil Gaiman (#253), George R. R. Martin (#22), Richard Dawkins (#46), Simon Pegg (#39), Bill Nye (#273), Margaret Atwood (#94), Neil deGrasse Tyson (#32), and Ursula K. Le Guin (#65). Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy has appeared on recommended podcast lists from NPR, The Guardian, Wired, The A.V. Club, BBC America, CBC Radio, WVXU, io9, Omni, The Strand, Library Journal, and Popular Mechanics. CBC Radio writes, "You may not think a podcast about science fiction and fantasy would be the place to go for political insight, but -- it is. Geek's Guide to the Galaxy manages to be more insightful about politics than many pundits." Help crowdfund us at patreon.com/geeks
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CISM 89.3 : Bye Bye Mon Cowboy
Avec nos bottes ornées de bling et une bourbonade à la main, on met le cap sur la country féminine!
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Yes Music Podcast

Kevin Mulryne
Two fan's exploration of the world's greatest progressive rock band
A free, weekly show about the world's greatest progressive rock band, Yes. If you don't yet know the music, enjoy sharing your host's reflections as an introduction to the fascinating story of the band. If you are already a Yes fan, listen and join in the conversation at www.yesmusicpodcast.com So subscribe today for free and start exploring Yes Music every week!
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Invasion of the Remake

Shifty Eyes Media
They are in your theaters, they are in your neighbors homes, and even your own. They have come to destroy your childhood and ruin your future. Only one podcast can protect you from the Invasion of the Remake! Invasion of the Remake is a weekly podcast with hosts Jason, Trish and Sam exploring the cinematic remake. We discuss films that have been remade for better or worse. We will also find those films with a nugget of a good idea that may be worthy of an updating for a new audience with our own unique ideas and cast to throw into the mix.
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Le One Eye Club

La Voix des Bulles
Le podcast BD bimensuel
Le One Eye Club c'est une émission bimensuelle qui passent au crible entre 6 et 10 bandes dessinées, tous styles et genres confondus. Et tout cela dans la joie et la bonne humeur ! Ce qui n'empêche pas de dire des choses intelligentes. Ou pas.
