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Medium 6401b7908987a21d395369c17534d37053cb368a
Medium daebc2304c13cb8076ecc045368f6c88dcf22efd
Medium 17261f7a9202a83cd9f7cabe031dc9123d04e7c0
...: WiBing et al., “Stable isotopes reveal patterns of diet and mobility in the last Neandertals and first modern humans in Europe”, Nature, 2019. “First data of Neandertal bird and carnivore...
Medium 17261f7a9202a83cd9f7cabe031dc9123d04e7c0
...: WiBing et al., “Stable isotopes reveal patterns of diet and mobility in the last Neandertals and first modern humans in Europe”, Nature, 2019. “First data of Neandertal bird and carnivore...
Medium 77d6091b7915a5e4049264b82edfebee9d131cb0

L’Homme de Néandertal

Prehistory Travel
Flux : Prehistor'hic
...: WiBing et al., “Stable isotopes reveal patterns of diet and mobility in the last Neandertals and first modern humans in Europe”, Nature, 2019. “First data of Neandertal bird and carnivore...
Medium e3dd936713dcf15f1cd9514400e788f14dcbd8ac

Neandertal, une histoire belge ?

podcast@radiofrance.com (Radio France)
Medium 9407867d5cddeb1dfddb55eabcb289dbd4a87386
Medium cd9f81fdfc5b75d534f34cbc64508db9164afea4
Medium 23c900739ea209c2e28dec266ca041665b6cbf9d
...c'est à un voyage théâtral au coeur du vivant que nous convie David Geselson avec "Neandertal", pièce mêlant histoire des ancêtres et histoires intimes. De son côté, Mathieu Touzé revisite une...
Medium 94548b63ffc76a10e6b38b7c183ce271be7c4a12
...», Colloque Préhistoire Levant, Editions du CNRS, 1989 William Rendu, « Evidence supporting an intentional Neandertal burial at La Chapelle-aux-Saints, 2013, PNAS Francesco d’Errico, “Pigments, gravures, parures : les comportement symboliques...
Medium 94548b63ffc76a10e6b38b7c183ce271be7c4a12
...», Colloque Préhistoire Levant, Editions du CNRS, 1989 William Rendu, « Evidence supporting an intentional Neandertal burial at La Chapelle-aux-Saints, 2013, PNAS Francesco d’Errico, “Pigments, gravures, parures : les comportement symboliques...
Medium 4e9b1f8872496f4663d983ddcabefd2f02bf7b26
Flux : Prehistor'hic
...», Colloque Préhistoire Levant, Editions du CNRS, 1989 William Rendu, « Evidence supporting an intentional Neandertal burial at La Chapelle-aux-Saints, 2013, PNAS Francesco d’Errico, “Pigments, gravures, parures : les comportement symboliques...
Medium 465278b590dc599d8ddd794891a7289610cb65d4
Medium c7e9d83353308245ce6905535dc2baf4f05dbb56

CHRO19094 - L'homme De Néanderthal

En route vers les étoiles
Medium 465278b590dc599d8ddd794891a7289610cb65d4