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Sound Opinions

WBEZ Chicago
A Production of WBEZ Chicago
Take two nationally respected rock critics, the latest music news, personal commentary, and exclusive interviews and performances, add a huge pile of records old and new, and the result is Sound Opinions, where people who love music can come together.
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Sound Opinions

Sound Opinions
Take two nationally respected rock critics, the latest music news, personal commentary, and exclusive interviews and performances, add a huge pile of records old and new, and the result is Sound Opinions, where people who love music can come together.
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The Tone Mob Podcast

Blake Wyland & Sound Talent Media
The Show About Guitar Tone and The People Behind It
The year was 2015. Show host Blake Wyland intended to start a podcast where he took a deep dive with his guests from the guitar world to explain their rigs. What happened was that, but also a whole lot more. The show quickly evolved into discussions about people's lives. Guitars, pedals, amps, etc. are the central hub of the show, but it really is more about the PEOPLE behind all of it. Both the musicians who use the gear, and the folks that create these magical tools of expression. You can expect chats about songwriting, favorite bands, family, loss, addiction, conspiracy theories, philosophy, and most of all....... food. This podcast goes all over the place. Come take a ride.
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AXE TO GRIND PODCAST & Sound Talent Media
THEE Hardcore Podcast
THEE Hardcore Podcast, hosted by Tom, Bob, and Patrick.
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The Sound of Music : "quand le silence devient musique et un son, un soupir"
🐂🌄Sound of Music S8EP10 par Pulse Code Modulation aka Benjamin Fouquoire The Sound of Music : "quand le silence devient musique et un son, un soupir". Ferme les yeux et laisse ton imagination faire le reste. 🎧Bonne écoute sur cavecarliradio.com🎧 #ambientmusic #idmmusic #experimentalmusic #dubtechno #deeptechno #cavecarliradio #soundofmusicbyccr #soundofmusicbypcm #webradio #provence
