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Disciplina casi Ciencia
Podcast sobre aquellas disciplinas diferentes, poco comunes y casi ciencia para la cultura popular. Estas serían: lo Insólito, lo Enigmático, Esoterismo, Futurología, lo Místico, Mitología, Neo-antropología, Parapsicología, las Profecías, Sanación, Percepciones, y muchos artículos más…
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Medium a37a08941c9e6a6dc128f1db4b3da98504786eea
Medium b22e02ad8f0dd66b6fa967a46963e31d81eea143
Medium 9116cfb27fa0268305608ed3b5485ede84c5de28
  Scifi Diner Conversations 8 – Listeners discuss Stargate Universe , Caprica, Fringe, Walking Dead and More. In our listener feedback episode, discussion covers Caprica,...
Medium b59754430721645cbed22a2ed56865f095c66fc3
Scifi Diner Conversations 9 – Listeners discuss Harry Potter 7, Stargate Universe , Fringe’s Move, Big Bang Theory, and More. In this listener feedback episode, we discuss...
Medium d132f6a5e57f6a9d980f424dba74e0e5eeb3b0cf
...Miles share their Shore Leave 40 interview with Peter Kalamis, who played Dr. Adam Brody in Stargate Universe , Goku in Dragon Ball Z, Rolf from Ed, Edd n Eddy, My Little Pony,...
Medium 9116cfb27fa0268305608ed3b5485ede84c5de28
...Werewolf Hunter, The Event, The Caprica Cancellation, Smallville (Children of the Corn), Big Bang Theory, Stargate Universe , and more.
Medium 9116cfb27fa0268305608ed3b5485ede84c5de28
...EON by Greg Bear, ABC’s V, The Event, The Big Bang Theory, Chuck, Walking Dead, Stargate Universe , Fringe, the Caprica Cancellation and more. Download this episode (right click and save)
Medium bc9666fb5143c0611ce5224862f20ca0e835c2af
Flux : Retro Ramble
Medium 0677d19f574cb6b5b462f7213ea35b589fc67721
...to this Science Fiction Desert menu. Miles thanks everyone for their feedback. He talks about Stargate Universe and Smallville Series Finales. How do you feel about losing these series and they way...
Medium 9116cfb27fa0268305608ed3b5485ede84c5de28
Medium 635c48bb51a4cf32319ebff2eb727aa5b04faa84
Medium 47eb9237177e9bd39f2dc1bf65bf655f8345c355
Medium b59754430721645cbed22a2ed56865f095c66fc3
Medium 9116cfb27fa0268305608ed3b5485ede84c5de28
Medium 444ef39e0010ed95e3568f2c8ddf0eef781a9b82