

Medium 5c01a0d037cebaa5eae780065438c9232c3e5023
La vérité finit toujours par se savoir.
  🇫🇷La Chaine du savoir Ce que  les médias vous cachent !! La chaine vous le dit !! " La vérité finit toujours par se savoir "  🇦🇽The Knowledge Channel What the media hides! The channel tells you! The truth always comes out in the end. 🇪🇸El Canal del Conocimiento Lo que los medios de comunicación ocultan El canal te lo dice. La verdad siempre sale a la luz al final. A Cadeia do O que os meios de comunicação social escondem! O canal diz-lhe! A verdade vem sempre ao de cima no final. 🇷🇺Канал знаний Что скрывают СМИ! Канал говорит вам! В конце концов, правда всегда выходит наружу. 知识频道 媒体所隐藏的东西! 频道告诉你! 真相最终总会大白于天下。 SUR YouTube Plus de 22 500 vues : https://vu.fr/UFql  Podcastics.com Plus de 12 500 vues : https://www.podcastics.com/podcast/la-chaine-du-savoir/ Telegram : https://t.me/lachainedusavoir  WhatsApp :  https://chat.whatsapp.com/BExiZIJLaU31hjkARbvqMq     Facebook :   https://bit.ly/3zwVIbn BessBuzz :  https://beesbuzz.com/symbad08 137 épisodes, plus de 25 heures de récits Diffusés dans 118 pays   Diffuser vos podcasts avec PodcastIcs.com  https://bit.ly/3BhcXi7
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Medium 4bf51a445e2db13fe3c01172f8bd5ba69e5b0aea
Flux : The Gist
...misinformation flooding into my consciousness, which doesn't originate in Russia or from Trump's statements on Truth Social , but sews doubt just the same. Produced by Joel Patterson and Corey Wara Email...
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Flux : Green IO
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...the courtroom, and Washington Post reporter Derek Hawkins helps us understand Trump's mindset from his Truth Social account. This show was produced by Haleema Shah with help from Avishay Artsy and Denise...
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453 - Ban the Shogun

@bcurdy, @syde et @bfreydt
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453 - Ban the Shogun

@bcurdy, @syde et @bfreydt
Flux : Niptech
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Flux : The WAN Show
...Showcasing comparison charts & color edits 2:24:06 Testing out comparison bin 2:26:38 Topic #9 - Truth Social is now public, initial value of $8b 2:29:48 Linus suggests against investing, compares revenue with...
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...of his bond in the NY civil fraud case and the greatly inflated value of Truth Social , Trump is coming up with all sorts of schemes to pay his dues. Allison...
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Flux : Up First
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