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Medium 19fabd959f65b4bd399d517f41beccc3b0c0dce8
...SAINT MAUD (sortie prévue en juin 2021) de Rose Glass, avec Morfydd Clark, Jennifer Ehle, Turlough Convery... 01:24:17 Epilogue J’ai dit en intro que c’était la dernière émission avant la réouverture...
Medium be864e81d5c8a68a0e34049fc6bb87d08646ff77
Medium f01ee8c6d75c8d5f286b216ffaca888390debdf4

The Harpers: Soul of a Harper, Arthur's Lullaby

Marc Gunn, Rie Sheridan Rose, Sharon Powers
...much finished them off. Of course the harp tradition didn't die out all at once. Turlough O'Carolan, the most famous of the Irish harpers we have on record lived from 1670-1738....
Medium b3b86c3e3fd4d8f698309a2c9a02de151ebaf85f
One of the better-known compositions of the great Turlough O'Carolan. Tony has set this arrangement in 4/4 rather than 2/2 or “cut” time, that...
Medium b3b86c3e3fd4d8f698309a2c9a02de151ebaf85f

Lesson 41 - Charles O'Conor

Tony O'Rourke, Gerry
This week we have another piece by the famous blind harper, Turlough O'Carolan.(Note that we've migrated the web content for the podcast to www.irishguitarpod.com; there you'll find...
Medium b3b86c3e3fd4d8f698309a2c9a02de151ebaf85f

Lesson 28 - Lord Inchiquin

Tony O'Rourke, Gerry
Another tune by the highly influential Turlough O'Carolan.Planxty Irwin (which we had in Lesson 14, in Book 1) was another O'Carolan tune.This...
Medium b3b86c3e3fd4d8f698309a2c9a02de151ebaf85f

Lesson 14. Planxty Irwin

Tony O'Rourke, Gerry
Medium 04f01753f4889f6c91be78bdb9fd9bed64630bde

Ep. 191: Let's get ready to furlough

shows@maximumfun.org (Maximum Fun)
Medium f1f1201a19f022bf7c2ac1dc2ef7f71778f7c8dd

The Latinx Advocate

Medium 787cc589024a1c039c44216380bc5e83dabe4268

The Dubs #403 - Sammi Cakes & Cookies Interview

The Dub Dee Dub Revue (Stacey Nyman and Chris Malek)
Medium 6448a649a346f94e64a81d43a9ca21bd95afea21
Medium 6979011f450a7f71f56846028d086c7df50b936f
Flux : Woman's Hour
Medium 6979011f450a7f71f56846028d086c7df50b936f
Flux : Woman's Hour
Medium 6979011f450a7f71f56846028d086c7df50b936f
Flux : Woman's Hour
Medium 6979011f450a7f71f56846028d086c7df50b936f
Flux : Woman's Hour