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Medium d7dc258c9fef91aa610e31f5c39b9dfd5de6e625

Zadie Smith – L’imposture

Maison de la Poésie Paris
...Ainsworth, écrivain raté qui se rêve aussi célèbre que ses amis : Dickens, Forster, Kenealy. Abolitioniste, féministe, engagée pour toute cause qu’elle considère juste, Mrs Touchet, comme toute l’Angleterre des années...
Medium 50f74aaa0282fa32cc80c14367ffaf7a92aac982
Medium 82a6fc712e4da0c7238b6a276478caadbeac3406
Medium 89fb0bcf433fb364353befa10b4d86d563c8fc36
Medium 4bf51a445e2db13fe3c01172f8bd5ba69e5b0aea
Flux : The Gist
...owners in search of freedom. And in Philadelphia, secret allies came to their aid. Quaker abolitionists collaborated with free Black people to bring the freedom seekers to safety. It was the...
Medium c125996751a5121425bfa38d00a8c933bc5e98c5
...acclaimed ‘The Civil War’ which traced the course of the U.S. Civil War from the abolitionist movement through all the major battles to the death of President Lincoln and the beginnings...
Medium 8e48895c4a994db976683e11307c6bdf7a4a41e9
Medium 4417dba09755f6a59c25f81b013e2bc59ec51949
Medium 83e6c7adc7f3dc15813de657e3254704e00fe6c5


L'Europe à la Une - Daniel Cohn Bendit
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a
Flux : In Our Time
...to pay up as if the dead slaves were any other lost goods, not people. Abolitionists in Britain were scandalised: if courts treated mass murder in the slave trade as just...
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a
Flux : In Our Time
...Maryland in 1818 and, once he had escaped, became one of that century's most prominent abolitionists. He was such a good orator, his opponents doubted his story, but he told it...
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a


BBC Radio 4
Flux : In Our Time
...subjugated majority. Sparta and its cruelty was used as an argument against slavery by British Abolitionists in the early 1800s, before inspiring the Nazis in the 1930s and 1940s.Yet Sparta also...
Medium 6940a2f9c705875147ecaffd2ade124f47f55f4e
Flux : Histoires d'A
Medium 4574f0044408c7a03b0bdf2c3ec4145abdd01d74
Medium 0ae9ec79316b73da7e6a503b7ff319998a6db587
.../lie beg borrow and steal the real boys / outta place in the human race abolitionist /dogs / ugly feeling gino and the goon / lay with me the spoon dogs...