

Medium 5256e57015358098253223d23c60fa3ff6ed1be5
If you like kick ass metal tunes of all kinds to mosh away with then tune in to this station every Sunday @6PM UK Time here you will find the newest and classic metal tunes being played to blast your eardrums away with your hosts Gorehound along with...
If you like kick ass metal tunes of all kinds to mosh away with then tune in to this station every Sunday @6PM UK Time here you will find the newest and classic metal tunes being played to blast your eardrums away with your hosts Gorehound along with Metal Ma Ma who co hosts with me the Sunday's after. you can also find us on our facebook page the link is provided in this description box https://www.facebook.com/GorehoundAndMetalMaMaMetalSessionOfficial/
Medium 6ad2143e56b129292a738f6529ac1b107068225d

The Emmaus Project Podcast

Emmaus Project Podcast
Two Brothers, one podcast and a whole bunch of th…
Two Brothers, one podcast and a whole bunch of theology. If you love theology, interviews and a few laughs here and there, this is the podcast for you. Welcome to the Emmaus Project podcast where we remind you that Jesus loves exposition. Here at the Emmaus Project podcast we are all about exposition. Our favorite preachers are expositors, we ourselves are expositors and we are convinced of the importance and need for exposition. Our name comes from Luke 24:13-33. In this passage, the two disciples were walking home after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. As they were traveling, Jesus approached them and they did not recognize Him. Jesus asked them what they were discussing and the disciple answered things about Jesus the Nazarene. The disciples failed to understand that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God. Jesus then began to explain the Scriptures to them. It is the Emmaus Project podcast’s firm conviction that the world has two fundamental problems, they do not understand the Scriptures and they misunderstand Jesus. It is our goal to explain the Scriptures and encourage our listeners to fall in love with the Word of God. It is our heartfelt desire to have God’s Word as the authority of the church. So join us for this Christ centered, biblical concentrated, and Gospel focused podcast. Caleb Hilbert- Pastor/Teacher at Little Salmon bible Church in Pollock, Idaho Ty Hilbert – Musician/Youth pastor at Grace Bible Church in Gillette, Wyoming Dustin Clay- Podcast Guest
Medium a1eabaa1f617d21eb23b4ac0756293723e57e178
In mid-1880s Brooklyn, New York, Cedric Errol lives with his Mother (never named, known only as Mrs Errol or “dearest”) in genteel poverty after his Father Captain Errol dies...
In mid-1880s Brooklyn, New York, Cedric Errol lives with his Mother (never named, known only as Mrs Errol or “dearest”) in genteel poverty after his Father Captain Errol dies. They receive a visit from Havisham, an English lawyer with a message from Cedric’s grandfather, Lord Dorincourt. Cedric is now Lord Fauntleroy and heir to the Earldom and a vast estate. The Earl wants Cedric to live with him and learn to be an English aristocrat. He offers Mrs Errol a house and income but refuses to meet or have anything to do with her. The crusty Earl is impressed by the appearance and intelligence of his young American grandson, and charmed by his innocent nature. He admits that Cedric, who has befriended and cared for the poor and needy on the Earl’s estate, will be a better Earl than he was. A pretender to Cedric’s inheritance appears, but the claim is investigated and disproved with the assistance of Cedric’s loyal American friends. The Earl is reconciled to his son’s American widow. The Earl had intended to teach his grandson how to be an aristocrat; however, Cedric inadvertently teaches his grand-father that an aristocrat should practice compassion and social justice towards persons who are dependent on him. The Earl becomes the kind and good man Cedric always innocently believed him to be. Cedric is reunited with his mother, who comes to live in the ancestral castle with them. “Little Lord Fauntleroy” is the first children’s novel written by English–American playwright and author Frances Hodgson Burnett.
Medium 42453d1ce3d1aabb13ed0d4e386a202b3bcbe78a
Illuminations include some autobiographical allusions to his voyant (visionary) period, which began in 1869; but Illuminations is neither a confession nor an apology. Its several...
Illuminations include some autobiographical allusions to his voyant (visionary) period, which began in 1869; but Illuminations is neither a confession nor an apology. Its several dozen short prose works and two free-verse poems transcend prose grammar by allowing their words to drift away from their dictionary definitions. Ever-elusive, relentless, overflowing with sinuous cadences, Illuminations transcends Une Saison en Enfer as it in turn had transcended Rimbaud’s early verses. Some scholars even propose that some of the Illuminations may have been written after Une Saison, which supposedly marked his farewell to literature.
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Richard Thompson

Jesse Thorn
Medium 3c1d85256523a14b3d6e37575c899c8bb2c64ce0

Episode 352: 'Furiosa' with Maria Lewis

shows@maximumfun.org (Maria Lewis, Marissa Flaxbart, Ify Nwadiwe, Alonso Duralde, Drea Clark)
Flux : Maximum Film!
Medium 8804890f43586833796b12f0c2ec8306ac8cc7db


info@earhustlesq.com (Ear Hustle & Radiotopia)
Flux : Ear Hustle
Medium 6b2ebc9a0d439421a9f118a63496da58b955a321

Gettin' the Wiggles Out

Agony Aunt Studios
Medium f49155cb9e7772c01c8afcd9855b0cd07a5a6a03
Medium 13615f866ef31f5f7091ce2cc61acdb30b7b8b07

Joni Mitchell's Blue

podcasts@chicagopublicradio.org (WBEZ Chicago)
Medium 13615f866ef31f5f7091ce2cc61acdb30b7b8b07

Joni Mitchell's Blue

Sound Opinions
Medium 824e3bc7e0e8a5a54422c2727c1f992f7132998a
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Ep. 398: Kings of the Ring

shows@maximumfun.org (Maximum Fun)
Medium f49155cb9e7772c01c8afcd9855b0cd07a5a6a03
Medium f49155cb9e7772c01c8afcd9855b0cd07a5a6a03
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583- The Lost Subways of North America

roman@99pi.org (jake berman)
Flux : 99% Invisible
Medium e3332e6a14e4c98af77b159357704a1381a1e592
Medium 562dd917ace257f456ddff8be2a934f312b14e3e