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Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men

Jay Edidin & Miles Stokes
Because it's about time someone did
Daunted by complex continuity? Can’t tell a mutate from a warpie? We are here for you. We have trained for this responsibility for decades. We have the backissues, the calluses, and a really detailed map of the Summers family tree. We’ve been explaining the X-Men informally for years–to our friends and family, to the Internet, and, occasionally, to patient strangers on the street. Now, we’re making it official, with Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men: a weekly podcast dedicated to unpacking the weird, wonderful world of our favorite superhero soap opera for newcomers and die-hard fans alike.
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Flux : Deuxième Vie
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Medium 2c39b3d4dd70742562c6a7af92ee64e26117b16d
Flux : En 5 minutes
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Flux : A Voix Haute