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La Collection Georges Lang
Les soirs du week-end, Georges Lang vous propose une programmation très éclectique. Le vendredi, c’est sur les bords de la West Coast que « The last DJ » comme on le surnomme vous fait revivre le son de la Californie des années 60. Le samedi soir, les incontournables, les essentiels du rock des Seventies à aujourd’hui s’enchainent pour cette soirée de sortie pour les uns et de détente à la maison, seul ou entre amis, pour les autres. Quant au dimanche, La Collection vous propose un programme musical plus soft pour terminer en douceur votre week-end en écoutant la voix chaude de Georges Lang.
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Crank up that Volume - Join Dickie Lee and The Iceman for a Magic Carpet Ride!
60's - 70's Garage Rock from California" is a weekly one hour show that features "California Nuggets: Fuzz, Mod Rock, and R & B Unknowns (1960 -1970) from the West coast. 
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West Coast Fog

West Coast Fog radio
A weekly audio tour of the forgotten West, visiting obscure moments in musical and cultural history along the way. Host Erik Bluhm was the editor of Great God Pan magazine (“the Champion of Californiana”) through the ‘90s and West Coast Fog may be seen as an aural extension of that venture.
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CiTR -- Canada Post Rock

CiTR & Discorder Magazine
Formerly on CKXU for years, Canada Post-Rock now resides on the west coast but is still committed to the best in post-rock, drone, ambient, experimental, noise and basically anything your host Pbone can put the word "post" in front of. Stay up, tune...
Formerly on CKXU for years, Canada Post-Rock now resides on the west coast but is still committed to the best in post-rock, drone, ambient, experimental, noise and basically anything your host Pbone can put the word "post" in front of. Stay up, tune in, zone out. I mean if you had a radio show pbone would probably listen to your show.
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Soopafresh Radio Show (Westcoast Rap, G-Funk, Chicano and Gangsta Rap)
Westcoast Rap, G-Funk, Chicano and Gangsta Rap Radio Show on www.soopafresh.net
