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Reading Glasses

Brea Grant and Mallory O'Meara
Want to learn how to make the most of your reading life? Join Brea Grant and Mallory O’Meara every week as they discuss tips and tricks for reading better! Listeners will learn how to vanquish their To-Be-Read piles, get pointers on organizing their bookshelves and hear reviews on the newest reading gadgets. Brea and Mallory also offer advice on bookish problems. How do you climb out of a reading slump? How do you support authors while still getting books on the cheap? Where do you hide the bodies of the people who won’t stop talking while you’re trying to read? Mallory and Brea engage in a weekly discussion geared towards all kinds of book lovers -- no matter what you read or how you read it.
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Listen to the How To Save Your Marriage Podcast, a Relationship Podcast Show with Nicola Beer full of Marriage Advice Tips To Have More Happiness, Overcome Afffairs, Cheating and Stop Divorce... Each save my marriage podcasts offer practical...
Listen to the How To Save Your Marriage Podcast, a Relationship Podcast Show with Nicola Beer full of Marriage Advice Tips To Have More Happiness, Overcome Afffairs, Cheating and Stop Divorce... Each save my marriage podcasts offer practical strategies to repair, rebuild and strengthen your relationship. 7 SECRETS TO STRENGTHEN YOUR RELATIONSHIP Get my free e-book to fix your relationship today https://training.nicolabeer.com/7-secrets-marriage WATCH THE FREE RELATIONSHIP MASTERCLASS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwPWPaqPRG0&t=2303s P.S this masterclass has helped strengthen 1000'S and 1000'S of relationships worldwide. It has a 90% success rate in transforming relationships and igniting more passion, love and happiness. Watch it now, don't delay on something as important as your love life. Email Nicola for details on programs, working with her and her online courses www.nicolabeer.com
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Si King and Dave Myers, aka The Hairy Bikers, present The Hairy Rock Show on Planet Rock! Classic Rock and cooking collide in this seven-part series hosted by two of the UK's most popular cookery book writers. Each week, the loveable hairy pair treat listeners to features like The Nosh Pit, where they create special recipes on the radio inspired by classic rock songs to get those taste-buds and eardrums tingling simultaneously (think Led Zeppelin’s Custard Pie, or Poundcake by Van Halen). You can even see the recipes on planetrock.com (http://planetrock.com/) every Sunday so you can have a go yourself! Si and Dave also invite you to get in touch with your cookery issues in their Sunday Roast Amnesty. Tell the lads about your problem and they will do their best to fix it! From rubbish roasts to soggy sprouts, whatever the cooking trauma, you'll have the chance to get first hand advice from the experts. Check out the podcast now for the best bits of the show! Get involved at http://www.planetrock.com/thehairyrockshow
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WHY BUTTS? ft. Dr. Evan Goldstein

Corinne Fisher and Krystyna Hutchinson
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Flux : Green IO
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Ep 360 - Overcoming Content Warnings and Crappy Stickers

shows@maximumfun.org (Mallory O'Meara, Brea Grant)
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Flux : Woman's Hour
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The Shadows Over Men's Hearts and How to Fight Them

contact@artofmanliness.com (The Art of Manliness)
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Embracing the Strive State

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How to Get Better at Anything

contact@artofmanliness.com (The Art of Manliness)
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Flux : The WAN Show
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